by Daniel Druva on March 2nd, 2014, 7:14 pm
First Impressions
If you were to happen upon Daniel during the day, you would more than likely see just a small, if scruffy child. Daniel wears a loose fitting woolen tunic, he is small and slender and often quiet (he finds it difficult to pronounce a lot of words). His sandy blonde hair is cut into a bowl cut that drape over his powder blue eyes. His face is a still a little plump with baby fat and he has a wide, trusting smile.
Now if you were a special sort of individual, the kind of spends time observing and listening rather than just speaking and doing... you would notice that Daniel walks strangely, with a certain of lumbering reckless grace that seems to imply that he's uncomfortable moving on his own two feet. You might even see the way he watches food with glassy eyes and the way he licks his teeth and stretches like a boy barely aware of his own body. You might think of him as a wild child... and you wouldn't be wrong.
When Daniel is alone, or uncomfortable, he slips into a more casual skin. Short golden fur replaces pale skin and the muzzle of a lion cub appears in place of his face. Daniel prefers to sleep in this form and when given the chance, he'll switch in an instant if the opportunity were given to him.
Should you talk to the lad, slowly get to know him and listen to his words, you would see that he is a shy child, awkward in his own skin. He likes to raise his fingers to his mouth when he's talking and doesn't like to be in crowds. He likes to eat and if allowed he would gorge himself on food until his belly hurt and if given the opportunity, would spend the entire day in bed, lying in blissful sleep. Like a dog with its tail pulled, Daniel will snap when threatened, but in a direct confrontation he prefers to run away and hide rather than face a larger foe.
Last edited by
Daniel Druva on March 4th, 2015, 10:30 pm, edited 10 times in total.