Spring 26th, 514 AV – The Pig’s Foot Tavern
The smoke form her pipe coiled around her face, shrouding it intermittently from the other patrons of what she was now beginning to call the Trotter Trough – a small piece of slang that the denizens of Sunberth had used for time immemorial but she was only now becoming reacquainted with. There was an almost poetic justice to it, the name matched the location so aptly. Everyone sauntered into the Pig’s Foot eventually, it was a hub of rumour and intrigue that got all the more rowdy as the Bells grew later and the twilight converted itself fully to the watchful nature of Leth. She liked it, it allowed her to practise her art without moving and often with little effort at all. She remembered a time when it had been hard, how times had changed it seemed.
How long have I been away? A year? More? How quickly one can learn when motivated she mused as she continued to draw upon the sweet tobacco and inhale it deeply, letting it out in drawn out breaths – she had come to enjoy her new vice, it was so much simpler than murder.
“The Hound? Oh he’s long gone lad. Crawled away with his tail between his legs as I ehar it?” a brute mercenary all but shouted, deep in his cups. She listened to the ensuing conversation with interest.
“Sure, like they say Robern is really still alive and it’s all lies. Don’t be a fool!” came the verbal riposte.
“What and he’s just alying low eh? No more dead Daggerhands I notice. Nah. Dead and buried more like it”
“Cos it’s so hard to lose yourself in this city?”
And the conversation went onwards, rumour and gossip filling the air with its throbbing tendrils. It amused her how people viewed such things as static and pointless. They couldn’t have been more wrong – it was alive. A great, roaring beast that changed and morphed constantly. It was a story really, the storyof an entire people. What they believed, what they feared and suspected. If you could read it correctly it could even be a potent weapon. How easily could one manipulate with it! And they called it simple. Simple!
At any rate she was more interested with the reactions than the philosophical leanings of her mind. She smiled slightly as she noted that many agreed that the Hound was long gone. For all she knew that was the case but she knew two of his scars whom had hoved into the city with intent clear within their mind.
No, the idea still breathes and as long as it does there will be more dead Daggerhands. Of that I will make sure she vowed to herself, her promise to Bitzer more binding than many in her lifetime that she had made.
She drank her cheap ale, pouring another tankard from the wooden flagon before her. She had bought it perhaps two Bells ago and it was still half-full. She was merely keeping up appearances and Merv sensed it, his gaze frequently slipping back to her with a frown she saw. She was wearing her mercenary garb, passing for a brawler for hire perhaps – tonfa upon the table before her neatly stacked on upon the other. Truly she did not need them to see off an unwanted advances but it paid to advertise one’s skills to give other pause for thought. She watched the newcomers, ankles crossed and resting upon a chair opposite her under the rough wooden table top.
So the Scars are no more in people’s minds it seems. Or rather they hope. That is good, we can operate quickly and with enough luck launch a surprise upon the enemies we have chosen. Garret and Markus will suffer, they will die soon. But Bitzer…she could be a future as my past is crumpled she told herself, working through the rest of the gossip she had learnt that day and wondering if she could use any of it for her own ends.