Season: Spring/Day: 5th/Year: 514/Time: Noon The bare gnarled feet of the shut-in mage marched back and forth the floorboards of his apartment, as his wrinkled hands gripped against his long dark gray and brown mane of hair, pulling tight at it’s length, as he screamed out, “Just leave me alone, won’t you!” As he turned his head, he still saw the imagine of the strangled prostitute he had killed oh so many years ago, and though at this point, he hoped that this figure was a ghost, he knew that was not the answer. His dementia had only grown worse, and it was beginning to completely envelop his everyday life. Every waking moment was miserable, and no longer could he become the man that he envisioned. He reached forward, spreading his old fingers, as he used his inner djed to rip open a tiny hole in the surrounding space, slowly pulling this entrance wider… He began to lean forward, wanting nothing more than to just push his head inside. He knew that the unbearable cold would cause him to lose the focus, and the void would shut, leaving his head inside, and his body dismembered and bloody on these cursed floorboards. “No…” He said with a great defiance in his tone, as he began to enlarge the hole even further. He knew he had far too much to accomplish to let these delusions interfere. He could see from the corner of his eyes, the prostitute slowly moving in closer, holding the kris that she had dropped into the puddle of wizard’s blood more than fifty years ago. He could pay her no mind, as he continued to stare at the ripping chasm. He would not, and he simply could not let this weakness hold him back. He had to be stronger than that, and he had to push himself further. He opened the void even wider now, it’s diameter nearly spanning the length of his forearm, but second by second, he could see in his peripheral vision that she was now less than a couple yards from him. Almost instinctually, he quickly projected the void in her direction, but just as he did, the apparition was gone. “Oh, what is the matter, old man? Don’t you want to give me another big sloppy kiss for old time’s sake?” came out her haunting tone, filled with anguish and destane. “You can practice your silly magic all you like, but you will never be anything more than a gutter rat, scrounging for food. It doesn’t matter how powerful, or how wealthy you may become, you will never be anything beyond that.” The old wizard refused to lose his focus, as he was bombarded with supreme criticism, insults, and just a general mockery. “Look at me, you pathetic withered thing, you! You took my life, just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time! Who do you think you are?” The voice said, as he could see the figure, now on his other side. “I am Huskabar Skorn, and you are nothing more than a product of aging, illness, and an overactive imagination!” He called out, before using his projection once more, to shoot the void in that direction, all while trying to keep absolute focus on the gateway to blackness. Oh, how he loathed the costs of aging, and the trials it seemed to constantly put him through. If only he had learned magic at a younger age, he would not have to conflict his own ailments while struggling to grow stronger every passing day, but no matter the obstacles he knew that he had to overcome them. He could not give in to this illness, and spend his remaining days as an age-beaten lunatic. He would not allow himself to travel down that road, straight for a casket that no one would ever visit, making him nothing more than a forgotten memory. No, that was not an option! |