16th of Spring, 506
How far away was the city filled with lovely ladies? The Svefra child cast his gaze about excitedly in his search for the land, chuckling as he heard the stories regarding the women with blonde hair and pale white skin. He wasn't sure what they were called, or who they were, or why there was no mention of men, but the Svefra didn't care. He walked along the sloop, his height allowing him just enough of a vantage point to witness the open sea to the starboard side of the ship. He turned his head in search of land, but there was little else to see for several chimes.
Instead of focusing towards the sea, the young Svefra recalled a shanty that he had heard several days before, grinning as he cast his gaze about the sloop, instead. It was not an extremely large ship, no more than 120 feet from the tip of the bowsprit to the stern, but it was glorious. The hull was wider than most, allowing the crew an amount of freedom of movement utterly unknown on ships as small as Palivar or cataraman. The Svefra loved it, being able to walk along the deck and sing aloud for the crew. He was by no means a good singer, but most appreciated the gesture,
"Now we are ready to head for the Horn,
Way, ay, roll an' go!
Our boots an' our clothes boys are all in the pawn,
Timme rollickin' randy dandy O!
Heave a pawl, oh, heave away,
Way, ay, roll an' go!
The anchor's on board an' the cable's all stored,
Timme rollickin' randy dandy O!
Soon we'll be warping her out through the locks,
Way, ay, roll an' go!
Where the pretty young gals all come down in their flocks,
Timme rollickin' randy dandy O!
Heave a pawl, oh, heave away,
Way, ay, roll an' go!
The anchor's on board an' the cable's all stored,
Timme rollickin' randy dandy O!
Come breast the bars, bullies, an' heave her away,
Soon we'll be rollin' her 'way down the Bay,
Heave a pawl, oh, heave away,
Way, ay, roll an' go!
The anchor's on board an' the cable's all stored,
Timme rollickin' randy dandy O!"
Bright laughter escaped his lips as he sang loudly enough for all to hear, the crew joining him after the first five lines. Tydus moved to return to the living quarters of the ship before he heard the eye in the sky, a Svefra lad about his age yell out, "Ship, HO!" Tydus looked up immediately, noting that the lad's fingers were pointed out towards the portside, the Svefra turning his head, a grin materializing upon his lips as he noted an unfamiliar, but undeniably Svefra-in-nature flag settled about the mast of a Palivar. Lia Tatianna laughed as she turned the wheel of the ship, the boom kicking across as the Sloop turned, a tight motion that caused Tydus to force himself to grip the bulwark to keep from flying backwards. Chuckling at the motion, he grinned over at the Lia, who's gaze eventually landed upon the lad, the woman smirking before she returned her attention to the ship's steering.
The Svefra boy allowed curiosity to spill into Laviku's blessed eyes as the eye in the sky raised the flag of the Fist. As the ships approached one another, the Svefra could see individual faces form, noting the eye colours, each and every one identical to the last, of the Svefra aboard the ship, a small crew in number, but all the same, a party would ensue.
"Brothers! Sisters!" she began, calling from behind the Sloop's wheel, a heart laugh escaping her lips as she stepped forward to greet the Palivar's crew, "Join us for the night! Celebrate another day upon Laviku's blood with us! And celebrate a meeting with your brothers and sisters under Laviku's embrace!"
Tydus nodded resolutely to the Lia, grinning at the woman he admired so much as she ordered a sailor to put down the plank so that the sailors upon the Palivar could board their sloop. "And someone get the ale! Ale for us all!" At this order, every single Svefra on the Fist cheered loudly, a hearty laugh escaping their lips in unison as two of the Tempests went to follow the order, entering the lower deck to approach the storage room.