[Southeast of Mura] Guests on the Fist (Naia)

Two pods meet at sea, festivities ensue (Flashback)

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The vast, beautiful oceans encircling Mizahar. The Eastern Ocean to the east and the Western Ocean to the west.

[Southeast of Mura] Guests on the Fist (Naia)

Postby Tydus Tempest on March 8th, 2014, 9:36 am

16th of Spring, 506

How far away was the city filled with lovely ladies? The Svefra child cast his gaze about excitedly in his search for the land, chuckling as he heard the stories regarding the women with blonde hair and pale white skin. He wasn't sure what they were called, or who they were, or why there was no mention of men, but the Svefra didn't care. He walked along the sloop, his height allowing him just enough of a vantage point to witness the open sea to the starboard side of the ship. He turned his head in search of land, but there was little else to see for several chimes.

Instead of focusing towards the sea, the young Svefra recalled a shanty that he had heard several days before, grinning as he cast his gaze about the sloop, instead. It was not an extremely large ship, no more than 120 feet from the tip of the bowsprit to the stern, but it was glorious. The hull was wider than most, allowing the crew an amount of freedom of movement utterly unknown on ships as small as Palivar or cataraman. The Svefra loved it, being able to walk along the deck and sing aloud for the crew. He was by no means a good singer, but most appreciated the gesture,

"Now we are ready to head for the Horn,
Way, ay, roll an' go!
Our boots an' our clothes boys are all in the pawn,
Timme rollickin' randy dandy O!

Heave a pawl, oh, heave away,
Way, ay, roll an' go!
The anchor's on board an' the cable's all stored,
Timme rollickin' randy dandy O!

Soon we'll be warping her out through the locks,
Way, ay, roll an' go!
Where the pretty young gals all come down in their flocks,
Timme rollickin' randy dandy O!

Heave a pawl, oh, heave away,
Way, ay, roll an' go!
The anchor's on board an' the cable's all stored,
Timme rollickin' randy dandy O!

Come breast the bars, bullies, an' heave her away,
Soon we'll be rollin' her 'way down the Bay,

Heave a pawl, oh, heave away,
Way, ay, roll an' go!
The anchor's on board an' the cable's all stored,
Timme rollickin' randy dandy O!

Bright laughter escaped his lips as he sang loudly enough for all to hear, the crew joining him after the first five lines. Tydus moved to return to the living quarters of the ship before he heard the eye in the sky, a Svefra lad about his age yell out, "Ship, HO!" Tydus looked up immediately, noting that the lad's fingers were pointed out towards the portside, the Svefra turning his head, a grin materializing upon his lips as he noted an unfamiliar, but undeniably Svefra-in-nature flag settled about the mast of a Palivar. Lia Tatianna laughed as she turned the wheel of the ship, the boom kicking across as the Sloop turned, a tight motion that caused Tydus to force himself to grip the bulwark to keep from flying backwards. Chuckling at the motion, he grinned over at the Lia, who's gaze eventually landed upon the lad, the woman smirking before she returned her attention to the ship's steering.

The Svefra boy allowed curiosity to spill into Laviku's blessed eyes as the eye in the sky raised the flag of the Fist. As the ships approached one another, the Svefra could see individual faces form, noting the eye colours, each and every one identical to the last, of the Svefra aboard the ship, a small crew in number, but all the same, a party would ensue.

"Brothers! Sisters!" she began, calling from behind the Sloop's wheel, a heart laugh escaping her lips as she stepped forward to greet the Palivar's crew, "Join us for the night! Celebrate another day upon Laviku's blood with us! And celebrate a meeting with your brothers and sisters under Laviku's embrace!"

Tydus nodded resolutely to the Lia, grinning at the woman he admired so much as she ordered a sailor to put down the plank so that the sailors upon the Palivar could board their sloop. "And someone get the ale! Ale for us all!" At this order, every single Svefra on the Fist cheered loudly, a hearty laugh escaping their lips in unison as two of the Tempests went to follow the order, entering the lower deck to approach the storage room.
Last edited by Tydus Tempest on May 30th, 2014, 10:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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[Southeast of Mura] Guests on the Fist (Naia)

Postby Naia Whitewater on March 9th, 2014, 1:48 am

Naia's Speech | Thoughts
Naia paced the Palivar with a quick breaths and hurried steps. The Whitewater Pod was known for being among the smallest that roamed the Northern Oceans, every ounce of coin put to buying materials for maintenance of the Ice Breaker; strengthening her hulls and masts, repairing her sails and replacing water damaged gear, only the smallest of extensions added to aid the crew in their battles in the far North.

They couldn't afford to take on a vast crew, Rylan having done the calculations a dozen times over, and making claim that they'd need to sell the Palivar and build a new, or come across some great wealth if they wished to expand numbers and do so safely, the level of modification to the Breaker meaning that any further additions needed to be carefully weighted and planned. Under Talassa's reign, the notion was shot down before the words had finished being spoken - she'd rather spend her life less North than preferred than sell the ship that the pod had put so much blood, sweat, and tears into.

Mila, on the other hand, who was still in the first half year of taking over as the ruling Lia, had aspirations far higher. It was looming sights like the Sloop before them - tall, broad, and commanding of respect - that drove her in her endeavours to 'return the Whitewater Pod to where they belong.' Naia wasn’t so inclined, liking the close knit dynamic that had thus far been established, knowing her brothers and sisters better than they even knew themselves, yet still drawn to the thought of a life where there was a new discovery each passing day.

"Tryn!" the young Svefra called, half her body hanging overboard as they neared the hulking ship, her eyes hard on the sea as she sought the sight of her Tavan, nothing more than rolling waves ringing back with crashes and salt sprays. She rocked on the balls of her feet as she gave a huff of displeasure, the white whale far out of sight, likely some miles north, where the water was cooler and disruption less.

She returned her attention to the commotion on deck with a sigh, the rather small size of the ship meaning that there were only few hands needed to be put to work, Naia herself more or less a nuisance as she darted about the place aimlessly. She didn't know what was setting inside her, the strange longing an emotion she couldn't quite place. Was it a swim that she desired, or exploration? Was it Gwyn's absence that set her at unease, or was it growing excitement for the party that would no doubt ensue?

She soon enough found herself once more at the side of the Breaker, hands running over the splintering that came from ice and battering, effectively glaring at the wall as she tried to figure out what she wanted to do, only noting the dropping of the planks when she felt the Lia deliver her a rough jab to the rib cage."Your Tavan is around, you worry too much. Come, look at her-No wonder she is their pride and joy," Mila was brimming with joy, her gesture towards the sloop exaggerated, with the majority of the crew in the process of tying down the ship and setting it in place, the only one who seemed to have rushed aboard being a remarkably-sober-as-of-late Seger.

"Go, beat your brothers and sisters to the party, lest they drink our hosts dry before you get there." The Lia gave Naia a hard push in the right direction, pressing her blood daughter towards the vessel before making for her captain's quarters, no doubt planning to bring out the best of her 'secret' liquor stash.

Naia stumbled and giggled, catching her balance quick enough to continue on with a run, making haste for the plank before seeing one of her older brothers set down a bottle of liquor, and making a beeline for the item while the man's back was turned, picking it up with a clutter and a laugh, a good four ticks head start before her brother realised his loss.

The Svefra turned and saluted when her brother’s bewildered look was sent her way, grin wicked before she slipped in front of one her sisters, darting up the plank so quick that she almost lost her footing, stalling for a moment when she finally found herself abroad the ship.

She was faced with a sea of unknown faces, and it took a short moment before she remembered how to use her body, throwing a wave and a childish grin to the crew as she considered taking a swig of the ale she’d taken hostage, a mock threat from the brother who she’d swiped it from making the decision for her.

Instinct hit her before reason, and in response she jolted and made a break for it, slipping into the crowd before she could gather her bearings, out of depth on a deck with so much room spare. Her brother was yet to cross the plank when she’d taken off, but there was no telling how quick he’d run if he truly wished the ale back.

Naia wove between her Svefra brothers and sisters with stifled laughter, freezing in place when she caught sight of Seger. ‘Perfect,’ she skidded across to the man with a cheeky look, blatantly open in her actions as she tossed the bottle his way, the nod of her head telling the him that he was welcome to drink the contents in its whole, before slipping passed and taking seat on the railing of the ship, gaze flitting about the scene as she waited to see how things played out, excitement riling in gut as she noted her dear Svefra brother catch sight of Seger drinking his precious brew.

Her chest and back were beginning to ache from the hardness of her laughter, deepening even more so as she noted that she’d settled herself right beside an unknown brother, throwing him a look wild with pleasure before she shuffled right to the edge, gauging how high she was perched above the sea. "How high?" She asked, posing the question as care free as she could manage, struggling with her short breath and heaving heart.

She returned her gaze to the scene, just in time to catch her two brothers make eye contact, Seger throwing a look to her and giving away her position. She stalled for the briefest of moments before taking a hard look at the boy beside her, gesturing to the rolling oceans below. "Wanna jump?" The question rang hollow for a moment, Naia not wasting a moment more before she swung herself over the edge and jumped.

She felt the rush of fear jolt through, plummeting in free fall to the water below, a familiar white shadow lurking some dozen meters off, the Svefra tucking herself in close before she made contact with the rolling waters.

Her knees and shins stung at the contact, her body jolting and shuddering as water rushed over her, keeping her breath held and eyes scrunched shut until she was able to take in scope that her gnosis allowed, almost forgetting the necessity of breath as she floated in Laviku's embrace.

With several strong kicks and an awkward push to the surface, Naia broke to air and gaze a heavy breath, the grin taking to her features wide set and delighted.
Liar Naia
OOC Note: Decided to kick into gear and bring Naia back, but it might take a month or so until I'm happy that I've cleared everything.
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Naia Whitewater
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[Southeast of Mura] Guests on the Fist (Naia)

Postby Tydus Tempest on March 10th, 2014, 10:19 pm

The booming laughter of the Pods enmeshed together as the smaller Whitewater Pod, as he heard them addressed as, boarded the Sloop. Ale and rum was passed in merriment, certain Svefra taking the opportunity to sink into the debauchery that was common in their merriment. He could hear the crashing against walls as women and men alike were pushed into it, smell the scents of tobacco smoke and alcohol, strong as bottles were opened and barrels were poured for the festivities.

In a space of less than five chimes, the Sloop had turned from focused pirate crew to a gathering of laughing bastards chugging their way into intoxicated oblivion. And Tydus wouldn't have it any other way. He chuckled at his Podmates as they began taking bets with one another and the welcomed Pod, mugs slapped against the table and filled. He was then passed by one of the adult Svefra in his pod, the man turning to see Tydus, passing him a mug of his own,

"Lad, you're old enough to try some. You're 15, right?" The Svefra lad shrugged noncommittally. In just about a season, he'd be 15. Why not try it now? He tilted his head back, pouring several sips of ale down his throat, a 'hm' escaping him at the flavour before he decided that he had other things to focus on. He placed the mug against a nearby barrel before he climbed atop of the Sloop's bulwark, looking down at about twenty feet of open air before it met with the salty depths of the ocean. The Svefra grinned brightly as he looked down, his feet pushing off of the side of the ship as he dove into the water head first.

Immediately, a new world opened up to the young man, his eyes utterly closed to prevent the salt from invading his eyes, his mind becoming overwhelmed as his body was bombarded by the brisk ocean water. He felt... thousands of presences, the sea around him coming to life with the boy's arcane connection fostered by the All-Father of the Seas, Laviku. Bubbles of air escaped the boy's lips as his lungs began to strain from lack of oxygen, the boy compressing his abdomen, allowing him to spring from his headfirst position to an upright posture in the water, though the surface was still out of reach.

Tydus took several pulls, his legs kicking gently as the last of his air shifted to carbon-dioxide, the boy's head breaking the surface as pleased gasps escaped his lips. Laughter bubbled from his throat as the exchange of air was had, his lungs filling, then contracting twice over with laughter before he focused. The boy fell under water again, pushing water with an upwards movement of his hands and arms to sink as he searched the presences bought by his gnosis for a suitable creature.

He narrowed his attention from schools of smaller fish, their light fading from his oceans sense as he caught upon larger forms, one of his approximate size. A hammerhead shark! and a little 'un, at that! Ha! How wonderful. Come here, buddy. Come here, I want to play! Obedient to his command, he felt the shark move through the water before him, stopping just in front of the lad, who was beginning to run out of air once again. Tydus opened his eyes to see the shark in front of him, the creature waiting for his commands to obey.

He flipped over the shark's body, almost entirely out of air as he grabbed onto the shark's head, fingers holding to the middle of the front of its head. The shark's rough skin would tear at the material of his gloves, but he didn't care. He could always get another pair. He carefully avoided its eyes as he said to it in his mind, "Up! Out of the water. I need to breathe! Don't worry if you can't see. You'll be the fins, and I'll be the face, okay?" He grinned as the shark obeyed his instructions, quickly moving its body, sliding through the water with ease and sailing along the surface, allowing Tydus to take a deep breath as it continued to swim forward, Tydus struggling to keep hold of the shark's head in the water.

He was successful, the shark pulling him through the waters as the boy opened his lips to allow a gleeful yell to escape his lips, "Hahahahahahaha! This is awesoooooome!" he yelled aloud, sailing through the water with the shark until he ultimately lost grip of it, splashing and tumbling through the water as he continued to accelerate, the boy chuckling all the while.

Hey, buddy! You forgot me over here, come back! I'm having a blast! In the distance, the Svefra could see the shape of a younger girl, probably about his age, but he would wait for his shark friend to return before approaching her.

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[Southeast of Mura] Guests on the Fist (Naia)

Postby Naia Whitewater on March 15th, 2014, 2:58 am

It was a rush of adrenaline that shook her, Naia's gaze skyward as she felt the presence of everything that surrounded her; from the fish, to the sharks, to the animals far and large in-between. Even with the limitations of a single mark, the world beneath the waters teemed with more life than she felt the land or skies ever could.

Swimming was on the lesser of her stronger suits, the weight of her clothes doing to aid her as she tread water, kicking her legs at a mediocre pace, chin constantly slapped with water. She gulped a breath and pushed herself downwards, working to remove the loose over shirt that pulled and weighed her down, leaving the article of clothing as an offering for Laviku, her breath coming easier and movements freer.

Bouts of laughter, hoots and coos went off like canons on the ship above, the Svefra turning on her back as she sent a grin to the figures above, almost shouting a joke and playful slur of her own as she noted her Svefra brother had not joined her in the jump, though more than pleased to see that neither Seger nor her Whitewater brother had jumped in his steed.

Another having intake of breath, and she delved deeper into the waters, a few large kicks downward before she lent herself to the natural flow of the water for a moment, attempting to push herself as far away from the hulking vessel as she sought a swimming companion.

Sharks were the most common sighting below, she found, though more so in the deeper of the waters, where the party that raged on the ship above made less of an impact on the skittish fish they preyed on. She could scarcely help but seek the company of a shark of smaller size, young in years and no doubt as bold as herself. ‘Hey, sharky sharky,’ just as she threw the greeting, the little predator slipped just out of range, Naia cursing under her breath at her own poor luck.

She broke the surface abruptly, wet hair plastering her face, the young Svefra flailing for a moment as she rushed to clear the mass from her nose and mouth, an awkward wipe of her eyes as her vision hazed and eyes stung, the taste of salt in her mouth and a slight burn to her lungs invigorating her senses. She gave two strong kicks as she centred herself and gathered her bearings, several soft kicks in the opposite direction of the ship as she sought another playmate, trying to recall all the little hints and tips that Mila had duly given her.

Hands cupped, strokes full, don’t try to kick or push too fast or too slow. She slipped under the water once more, taking in the flourishes of fish and their schools, along with the other inhabitants, and a hand of animals that she could only assume to be the Tavan of the hosting Pod’s, paying perhaps too much mind in immersing herself in Laviku’s world, when focus on swimming itself was needed. ‘If only Tryn was nearer by.’

She let her mind and body set adrift, forcing herself pay more mind to the figures that danced in the distance, blinking away the sting of salt water before she threw up a hand in salutation, grin wild and hair a mess, giggling as her attempt to breach the distance between them ended in little more than excessive splashing, and a practical example as to how right her Lia was when it came to the art of swimming. “Oi, Tempest!” She shouted, “You’re missing out on the party!”
Liar Naia
OOC Note: Decided to kick into gear and bring Naia back, but it might take a month or so until I'm happy that I've cleared everything.
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[Southeast of Mura] Guests on the Fist (Naia)

Postby Tydus Tempest on March 15th, 2014, 3:55 am

The Tempest youngling waded in the water,his gaze cast about as he tread the water, feeling the presence of the shark growing closer as Tydus' grip on it remained strong. His physical grip, however, could use a lesson in how to remain so powerful. He praised Laviku for the power he was given, splashing the water about him with a laugh, a mouthful of the liquid gurgling in his mouth. Tydus focused upon the water, feeling the saline taste fade on his tongue as it was converted to fresh water, the taste of which was sweet, almost nectarine in comparison to the flavour that washed out just a moment ago.

He joyfully swallowed the water, praising his All-Father all the more as the shark swam over to him once again, flipping over onto its belly before spinning around twice, its fin propelling it in a clock-wise motion. It began its third turn, though it ceased the motion half-way through as Tydus heard the voice of a young Svefra in the distance. A grin materialized upon his features as he commanded the shark to turn onto its back, Tydus taking three pulls forward so that his body slid over the surface of the shark's rough skin, his shirt tearing in places as a result, but, as with the gloves, he was undeterred. The Tempest gripped at the shark's 'hammer', holding on tightly and making sure not to grip at its eyes as he commanded the shark to move forward.

He willed the sea predator to move slower than before, trying to see if he could perform the task without being thrown off and tumbling through the water, something he'd surely have bruises for later. The shark propelled him forward so that he was no less than twenty feet from the Svefra lass in the water, grinning at her as he replied, "Missing the fun? What's drinking when I have all the fun in the world in the ocean? Hahaha! This is great!" He held the shark in place with his mind before flipping off of its body. It followed him, pressing the flat end of its head to his feet, as if nudging the Tempest forward as he took several pulls with each arm.

The feeling of swimming was magnificent, though the Svefra was far from the best of swimmers. He had always wanted to learn, but either the Pod was on the move, or the time wasn't right, or the water was too cold. Too many excuses! Now... with all of the adults having their party, the young Tempest was free to do as he pleased. "You're missing the party, too, it seems. Struck the same idea as me, Whitewater?" He called her by her pod's name, but in truth, it felt odd. She was Svefra, he'd call her by her first name, for there was a friendliness in such a thing. New friends were always nice. After all, the Svefra lad was just beginning to gain acceptance in his pod. Surely other people would accept him, as well?

The Tempest youngling commanded the shark to swim underneath him, Tydus sitting on its back, keeping balance with his feet, the skin of which clung to the rough skin of the shark. It would likely cause an abrasion if the Svefra separated without care, but now wasn't the time to care about that. He didn't even realize that it was a possibility.

"I'm Tydus. What's your name?"

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[Southeast of Mura] Guests on the Fist (Naia)

Postby Naia Whitewater on April 12th, 2014, 9:19 am

He was loud, that was sure enough, his enthusiasm for the surging ocean rivalling even the most seasoned of Svefra, the quirk to his grin and the very sound of his voice a welcome relief form those that she was used to.

Just as the currents shifted and changed, Naia found herself sick and tired of the same routine - the same patterns and actions and movements. Every month she'd change her task, her chores were not set in stone, nor where her lessons or what she was taught. She couldn't stand stagnation.

Her thoughts had taken her, and by the time the boy was on his way towards her, with shark in toe, her mind had to reel and recoil on the movement of the world around her, the awkwardness to her tread of water faltering as she slipped beneath the water’s surface. She knew that she should have felt a seedling of worry, some form of fear of failing to swim and winding up drowning, but the sea welcomed her with a cool embrace, a splash from above reminding her of her Sevfra brother before she kicked two firm strokes and broke the surface, sight and hearing returning in a rush.

“Yes and no- I needed a place to run to, and the ocean always welcomes us with open arms,” she gave him an odd look before wiping the water from her face and eyes and pressing forward, another short sip of water as her breathing heavied and chest slightly burned. She could get a better view of him, then, his gold hair sodden and wet, bright blue eyes in preface place with the rippling waters beneath him and wide expanse of sky above, the formation of his face and form tell tale signs enough that she was correct about his age, though she found him still in the process of still filling out.

When a name was sung at her she gladly resounded with her own, “Naia, pleased to meet ya,’ Tydus.” she gave a toothy grin as she let his name roll off her tongue. It was a good name, she thought – strong and steadfast, fitting fellow child of the seas.

A note of childishness hit her, and her grin twisted to a playful smirk as she swam forwards as well as she could, trying to see how well she could tempt the shark that carried Tydus to falter in devotion. She felt the need to focus hard, her brow furrowing as she tried to tug and pull the shark to do her will above her kin's, giggling as she found him a rather obstinate little being.

“He your Tavan?”
Liar Naia
OOC Note: Decided to kick into gear and bring Naia back, but it might take a month or so until I'm happy that I've cleared everything.
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[Southeast of Mura] Guests on the Fist (Naia)

Postby Tydus Tempest on May 29th, 2014, 6:13 am

The question nearly caught the Svefra off guard, asking if the shark he had just met moments ago was a tavan. Tydus shook his head, commanding the shark beneath him to remain with him, though the beast seemed conflicted. Tydus, however, pushed once again, his grip upon the shark's thoughts persistent and actively so. The girl before him, who looked to be approximately his age, if younger, seemed to be preoccupied, acting older than her years and speaking of needing a place to hide.

She definitely chose the right place, then. We could just... disappear in the oceans.

The Svefra's gloved fingers moved about the rough skin that adorned the shark's body. Tydus' feet were scraping against the shark's flesh nearing the fin, though it did not tear just yet as he adjusted his position on the shark's body. He felt a grin materializing upon his features as his thoughts whirled, though her question, resurfacing in his thoughts, needed an answer.

"Me tavan? No no, Jaws here is just a lil guy I met on me dive in. Seems like a good sort. Fast n' strong. A good friend if I wanted one. Speaking of! Aren't there like two more in the area? You should grab 'un! A shark race! Good idea, right? Righ-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Tydus had already commanded the shark to swim forward, Tydus doing his utmost to keep his grip upon the beast. Gloved hands wore even harder against the gravely skin of the shark's body, Tydus' shirtless and hairless torso pressed to it in his riding posture. Of course he was going to end up with injuries, but again, the thought didn't even cross his mind. Far be it from him to care about injuries. He was Svefra, and he was enjoying himself.

A gleeful laugh burst from his lips as he commanded the shark to whirl about, plunging Ty underneath the water for a total of two complete spins while making forward progress before Tydus was thrown from the shark from the force of the spin. Again the Svefra was sent flying into the water, his body ridden with scrapes, both small and large from the contact with the shark, but the injuries neither bled nor truly hurt, the salt water cleansing them, the cool expanse of Laviku's blood ensuring that swelling did not occur.

Tydus took several strokes forward, intent on reaching the shark once again, his arms thrown forward in an unpracticed, but relatively efficient form of swimming, exertion wearing on Tydus before he was compelled to simply call the shark towards him. The Tempest straddled the shark this time, merely his gloves and the thick ramie fabric of his pants actually touching the beast as he looked back to the Whitewater Svefra,

"Are ye still o'er there? I can't wait forever, you know! Let's race! Or are you gonna be a minnow about it?"

The taunt was thrown about with a smirk upon the Tempest's features, a laugh bursting from his tongue as he commanded the shark to swim forward, then turn for a slow U-turn so that he was properly facing the Whitewater. He wanted to challenge her, have her play his game. It was all in good fun, after all! What was association with other Svefra supposed to be other than pure fun and endless hilarity? That was, after all, the life of the Svefra.

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[Southeast of Mura] Guests on the Fist (Naia)

Postby Naia Whitewater on June 26th, 2014, 2:43 am

Speech | Thoughts
Her Svefra brother's head shook several times, sodden hair flicking water all about, and bright blue eyes throwing a look of winsome look her way. 'Perfect.' Mischief and mayhem flooded her thoughts and feelings, a sheepish little grin settling to the curve of her lips and her gaze slipping to the shark that tread beneath the waters. Naia had always wondered the limits to the gift of Laviku she and her many siblings were born with- she knew size restrictions but few other limitations. Could she attempt to snag control of an aquatic beast already under the power of a brother?- Or was that something that could not be done?

Thoughts and wonders of such were soon disturbed, Tydus' lending an explanation and further words to affirm his prior gesture. A crease to her brow soon enough set and deepened as a race was put forward, the mention of more sharks taking home in the area and the quickness of his shift having Naia herself jolt and her head slip under the water.

Tydus was already started off in some absurd direction, and Naia found herself plunging deeper for a moment more, allowing herself a glorious second to take in the salt water and the life of Laviku, before snagging a shark and beckoning the beast closer. She kept herself below the waters for a moment further, but her breath burned in her chest and her heart beat in rapid fire, and her head broke in time enough to witness a taunt a she then swore she'd not forget.

"Bring it on, brother." she sung the taught with a rasping voice and heaving breath, her breath not yet caught and mind a whirl- but eagerness to rise to the challenge much too fierce for reason to have her hold her tongue.

"Here, boy," she then beckoned, outstretching her hand as she brought the looming shark in for a nuzzle. A certain slither of her being called her actions ridiculous, a bubble of laughter akin to Tydus’ as she fought the urge to imitate those those that so foolishly lived their lives by land. "Let’s give him Hai."

She slid a hand over the shark’s smooth skim, before hooking her hand about his dorsal fin and anchoring herself to him, her own feet kicking in tandem as she bode the shark to lurch forward and meet her Svefra brother. "On yer own count- good luck. You’ll need it."
Liar Naia
OOC Note: Decided to kick into gear and bring Naia back, but it might take a month or so until I'm happy that I've cleared everything.
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Naia Whitewater
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[Southeast of Mura] Guests on the Fist (Naia)

Postby Tydus Tempest on June 26th, 2014, 6:56 pm

To control the shark was a simple task. The connection to Laviku's domain, the pure, uninhibited, exhilarated rush of controlling such a beast streaming through his senses. He breathed in unison with the fish's intake of water. He felt it twitch under his slight weight, though the power he felt from its fin, the strength he sensed in its body utterly mindboggling in his eyes. Oceanus allowed him communion with the beast, the request to ride it paired with an olive branch of peace, the beast beneath him had easily succumb to the influence and was, for the time being, an extension of Tydus' very being.

Born with the mark of Oceanus and raised with it, brought into the culture and understanding of the Svefra under the dominion of Laviku, Tydus felt an inexorable, unrelenting and immortalized connection to the sea, broadened by travel and encounters with creatures, but primarily, it was because: he belonged there. Tydus embraced the shark's streamlined form, holding himself close, knees tucked into its form. The ramie fabric continued to wear against his legs, scraping against it as he looked towards the other Svefra.

For the moment, she was nothing more or less than an opponent, a person to be conquered in a skill of fair game. Control of one's gnosis and the ability to keep balance. No unfair advantages, no word games, no physical contact. Pure, exhilaration turned upon one another. It was, in essence, the deepest meaning of being Svefra. The Tempest teenager winked over at the Whitewater before he called out,

"Let's do this, then! On your mark. Get set!"

Before the Tempest announced to go, he had already commanded the shark to spur forward, the fin waving powerfully from side to side as the Tempest called out,


Whoops! I meant it to be no unfair advantages, huh? Oh well! She'll catch up...

Tydus spurred the beast to accelerate, the Tempest's gloved hands holding tightly onto the surface of the shark's toughened skin.

Or maybe not!

Fratava | Hypnotic Fratava | Common | Hypnotic Common | Vani

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Tydus Tempest
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[Southeast of Mura] Guests on the Fist (Naia)

Postby Traverse on September 18th, 2014, 7:14 pm



Naia, if you end up returning to the game and are seeking a grade, once your ledger is updated PM me and I'll have one out for you in no time. :)



  • Acrobatics 2
  • Drinking 1
  • Observation 3
  • Riding (shark) 3
  • Singing 1
  • Socialization 2
  • Swimming 4


  • Swimming With a Shark
  • Acquaintance: Naia Whitewater
  • Racing: With Sharks

Additional Notes :
A shame this thread wasn't completed it was shaping up for a fun ride in the ocean with these two, I look forward to any other fun Tydus Flashbacks in the area, and if you felt I missed anything or were searching for a particular lore lemme know :)
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