Adalia Sae'elp Basic Info PC Name’s: Adalia Sae'elp Race: Konti Birthday & Age: 23rd of Winter, 479 AV (Thirty One years old) Gender: Female Physical Description Adalia stands at about 5'2, weighing in at one hundred and fifteen pounds. She has a healthily proportionated form, a smile decorating her face almost constantly. Her joviality shows on her face, even when she attempts to keep a neutral expression. A set of light blue eyes decorates her almost ivory white, and her head is topped off with pale blond, almost white, hair that falls below her shoulder blades, often tied up in some form of... well, anything to keep it out of her eyes. The scales, like any other Konti's, begin at her feet, claiming the tops of her feet. They then run up past the ankle, and then the true show begins. Adalia's scales run up her legs in a spiraling pattern, decorating her shins and calves in a surprisingly beautiful manner. They then climb up her back, ending at the back of her neck. However, encroaching from her hairline is a line of white, iridescent scales, streaking along her cheek bones, below her eyes. The scales also cover the backs of her shoulder blades, and then from the end of her shoulder, spiral down in a complex pattern to her hands, where they spread in thin lines towards her fingers, ending at the base of the finger nail. On her right hand, Rak'keli's mark is situated, over both scale and flesh. Running down the free skin on her arms, a series of black tattoos compliment the scales, spiraling down her arms in graceful, vine-like patterns until they reach her wrists, where they abruptly stop. Webbing decorates the spaces between her fingers and her toes. Personality Adalia is a very confident individual. She has to be, it's part of her job. She is almost always smiling about something, finding the world a happy place, even when upsetting sights stare her in the face. She is fanatically devoted to what she believes in, willing to defend it in both heated debates, and if it had to come to it, her life... although she would probably fail at the latter. She never fails to express the way she feels, even if it means she'll stand out in a crowd or be shunned by close companions. However, she is surprisingly quiet, preferring to transfer the same meaning in fewer words, save for when she is arguing or angry. When she does become angry or otherwise upset, however, it is a frightening sight indeed. She loses a lot of her self control, succumbing to lower feelings and compulsions. Character History Adalia was born on Mura, like so many other Konti. Her mother raised her alongside her grandmother and her two other siblings, both of which are much older than her, and have gone on to do their own things in the world. Adalia never had a personal relationship with her father, like most Konti. All she knows about him comes from her sisters and mother, all of which have met him. He was a proud member of the Icewatch in Avanthal, who loved her mother dearly, despite the fact that he knew the child would, without a doubt, be a Konti. When Adalia was conceived, he asked leave from Morwen, and was granted it, but he was only allowed to go as far as the borders of Taldera. Once there, they were forced to part ways, and Adalia's mother continued back to Mura with Adalia's sisters. After her birth, Adalia developed quickly, and was absolutely adorable, you know, with the cute cheeks, and the high pitch voice... Anyway! From the moment she was born, though, she was marked, chosen for a higher cause, as she likes to put it. She was designated to serve a higher purpose than most people in their life ever would, as even when she was a child, the Goddess Rak'keli had marked her, the backs of her hands forever marked in Opal. She remained in Mura for a surprising amount of time, perfecting her complementing arts. She recently left, bidding her family farewell. Her travels brought her to Denval, where she now resides. Sitkanis is Adalia's sole lover and confidante in Denval. Despite having met less than a season ago, the poor girl is absolutely smitten by him. Anyone glancing upon them together would instantly assume they'd been together for years, by the sheer completeness of their affections for each other. The Konti herself attributes Lhex and her Mistress for their meeting, considering that her lover fell from the Heavens and she traveled across the known world for them to meet at this point. Skills 30 Medicine (10 Racial Bonus, 20 Starting Package) 10 Massage (10 Starting Package) 10 Herbalism (10 Starting Package) 5 Poison (5 Starting Package) 5 Riding (5 Starting Package) 3 Storytelling 2 Philosophy 1 Meditation 1 Seduction 1 Animal Husbandry Earned Skill Points :
(Sunsets and Memories)
+3 Storytelling +2 Philosophy +1 Seduction ------ (Some Interesting People) +1 Meditation +1 Animal Husbandry Lores :
Lore of Human Anatomy (Starting Package)
Lore of Konti Anatomy (Starting Package) Ethaefal Shifting Ethaefal Lore (basic) Sitkanis’ Insecurities Ledger and Equipment Lists One Opal Cloak One Black Bodysuit One set of leather boots One 4 person tent One Flint and Steel A gold necklace, a wooden, carved polar bear and rider attached to the chain (Heirloom) Gnosis- Healing (Rank 1) Ledger 100 Mizas (Starting package) +500 Mizas (House cash in) -10 GM: 4 Person Tent (Starting Package) -1 GM: Flint and steel (Starting Package) -55 GM: Field Healer's Kit (Starting Package) Total: 534 Gold Mizas Thread List Sunsets and Memories 22nd of Fall, 510 AV |
Credit for!
Sarah, for putting to all together!
Elenadudina from Photobucket, for the lovely "Frozen Diamonds" picture!