A Meeting Between Snakes (Sasin)

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

A Meeting Between Snakes (Sasin)

Postby Sahsvin Isilla on September 12th, 2010, 3:04 am

Isilla exited the Syliran gates and proceeded into the grasslands and continued walking until she couldn't see the guards. She the quickly transformed into dhani, nothing fell behind because she was wearing a dress, the dress was now, elevated a few feet above her serpentine lower body..

"This must look really bad.. But I am NOT walking around naked.." she thought to herself. She was hungry, not really hungry, just slightly hungry. She'd have a wolf maybe, or a large deer, or maybe even a delicious human, just the thought made her mouth water. She checked her mirror, and remembering that she didn't have any hair, brought out the purple wig that she kept in her pack behind her, she repositioned the wig and let out a sigh.

" One day, I'm going to have to learn how to morph hair, then i won't have to take this thing around me when i get out.." she thought. There were a few large trees that formed a mini-forest nearby. Isilla quickly slithered in, there was a sense of danger here, something not quite right. It was completely silent, there was nothing around here. She turned back to exit, before seeing a huge mound of earth on the other side. The mound itself was not so impressive but the small lump of light refracting from it was, she squinted, it was a cluster of raw jewels!

Isilla would be rich! She'd take them and go back to the city where she could then purchase some clothes, a new mirror, maybe even a gold armlet, even in her Dhani form she wore her bracelets and earrings, she was vain, incredibly vain, to even care about her appearance as a half snake half woman being. People would probably care more about the fact that she had a huge club on her tail, or maybe the fact that her teeth stretched out a few inches down. She started slithering near it at top speed. As soon as she got near it, she examined them more closely, 2 emeralds and a small 1 carat diamond, she knew this because one was green, the other one was green and the last one had a bit of light shining out of it.

But it seemed like something wasn't right, it was silent before, and now as she got nearer to the mound of earth, a loud sound was heard, it had a sort of rhythm to it, like.. snoring... But Isilla didn't care, and she didn't hear it either, all she cared about were the gems. She put her hand around them, in an almost loving manner, and then she yanked them with all her might all three instantly shot out and Isilla landed on her bottom, right after that a loud screech resonated around the woods, the mound of earth shook and turned around, and stood up... It was a 7 foot Yukman and it was NOT happy...

"HELP!" she screamed "ANYONE?!"
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A Meeting Between Snakes (Sasin)

Postby Nyahna Sasin on September 12th, 2010, 4:26 am

Ah, fall. That wonderful time of year when it began to grow cold, and he began to freeze. Ugh. Summer should last forever, then Syliras would have vaguely bearable weather. He had made the mistake of staying for the winter last year, an experience he wasn't keen to repeat. He was going to have to move to warmer climates before winter really set in.

As it was, he was having trouble finding game. He had decided to try and see if he could actually manage to use the bow and arrows he had bought a couple seasons back, that he had always failed at using. The bracer strapped to his arm felt awkward, but it was better than loosing all the skin off his arm. That really hurt when he shifted. Spying a small bird on the trees, he stopped, raised his bow, nocked an arrow to the bow, drew, shot, and missed completely, both he and the bird having been startled by a scream.

Swearing, Sasin turned in the general direction of the scream, swishing his tail to the side as the arrow that had gone straight up into the air landed on the ground right by the tip of his tail. He pulled the arrow out of the ground, straightened up the feather, and headed towards the scream.

He slithered into the clearing in time to see the biggest yukman he'd ever seen beginning to lumber towards a purple Dhani. Swearing in snake, he drew his bow, and shot at it. Too late, he realized that that had been the arrow he'd just shot, which still had a somewhat crooked feather. He cringed as it smacked into the creatures leg. He had been aiming for the head, damnit!

He darted over to the other Dhani, grabbed her arm, and began to run at top speed. He had assumed that she, too was a Viper, and was expecting her to keep up. He planned on getting far enough that he could use his bow and arrows more effeciently.
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A Meeting Between Snakes (Sasin)

Postby Sahsvin Isilla on September 12th, 2010, 5:36 am

Isilla was on the ground, shortly after she screamed and then an arrow shot by narrowly missing her head before embedding itself into the Yukman's foot, the Yukman just tore the arrow out and threw it to the ground before issuing another ear-splitting shriek. Anther Dhani passed by and grabbed her arm.

Isilla almost passed out from the Yukman's sudden appearance, now she was going to pass out from the pain of having her arm ripped out of its socket. The other Dhani was moving at a speed impossible for a rattler and her arm was so close to dislocation that she could feel it.

"OI! Stop that!" she said weakly. When the other Dhani didn't reply she started getting angry, adrenaline suddenly shot through her veins and she brought up her free hand and in one swift motion slapped the latter so hard, that the silver bracelets on her arms almost jangled off. She knew that this Dhani was no Rattler nor was he a constrictor, leaving only one choice left.

"Stupid vipers.." she whispered. She was ready to throw a rock at him. And she would've if the Yukman hadn't pursued them, the yukman gained so much ground in a short time because of it's huge size and it had thrown a huge boulder at her, the boulder missed, thankfully, but the impact of the boulder hitting the earth knocked Isilla off her tail.

"I don't need no help from a viper like you." she said coolly. She planned on melting the Yukman with water and turning it into a lump of mud with Reimancy. "Just you watch.." she said. And she started issuing a large amount of purple Res out of her body. She then shot it at the Yukman, now only a few feet away, the Purple res was coating it's body and it was completely oblivious. For a bit more finesse she snapped her fingers, then transmuted the Res, but in her panic, for she was genuinely afraid because of her near death situation, she lost her concentration and in losing her concentration, she thought of the Yukman, who was made of Earth. The Yukman was now almost 9 feet and it's girth was nearly doubled... The large transmutation got her tired and she sank down into the ground, this mild overgiving combined with her earlier hunger had her drained, she wasn't going to move for at least a few minutes.
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Sahsvin Isilla
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A Meeting Between Snakes (Sasin)

Postby Nyahna Sasin on September 12th, 2010, 12:55 pm

He had barely started running when he realized two things. First, she was far too slow to keep up with him. Second, there was a club on her tail. However, he also realized that he had to keep dragging her. If he stopped, they would undoubtedly have a few awkward moments of hostility, which, with the yukman this close, could cost them their lives. So he kept running, even as he felt her arm give, ever so slightly. Still, better her arm be dislocated than death.

He was starting to slow down, as they were far enough from the creature that a moment of awkward was acceptable, when she slapped him. He immediately let out a yelp of pain, and released her, his hand going up to his burning cheek. He clenched his teeth, then relaxed a little, relieved that she hadn't dislocated his jaw.

He was turning to her to speak when a boulder flew between the two of them. He darted to the side, the boulder missing his midsection by inches.

"I don't need no help from a viper like you."

He scowled, about to make a smart comment, when a purple goo started oozing from her. He could only gape, open mouthed, as she threw the goo at the yukman, and snapped her fingers. Was she a reimancer? The goo that was coming out of her was vastly different than the "smoke" Gareth had shown him, but it really wouldn't be to far fetched to imagine that it differed from person to person.

Turning back to the yukman, he just managed to catch sight of the purple goo turning into earth. Now, he was gaping for a different reason. "Oh, yes. I'm sure you're doing absolutely wonderful without my help. Tell me, would you enjoy being a pancake?" He hissed in snake.

When he received no response, he glanced back at her, and grimaced as he saw her sink down to the ground, clearly exhausted.

Somehow, he decided, drawing his bow, he had a feeling that, at the end of the day, she wouldn't be the only one.

His shot this time was not much better than the first. He had, yet again been aiming for the head, and had, yet again, misfired, this time into the chest. The creature roared, and swung a fist at him. He ducked under it, and darted around the back of the creature. Dropping his bow to the side, he grabbed his assassins dagger from his belt, and slashed at the creatures back.

He was much better with his daggers than he was with his bow and arrows, and the dagger slashed deep into the creatures back. Not bothering to wait for the creature to take another swing at him, he slithered back, waiting for another opportunity to strike.

This was going to be a long day.
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A Meeting Between Snakes (Sasin)

Postby Sahsvin Isilla on September 13th, 2010, 1:36 pm

She had fainted, briefly, for about 30 seconds maybe, the sudden drop in strength was shocking. She opened her eyes, and found her vision to be slightly blurry. She took out her mirror quickly checking her appearance, and then she drew out a huge iron fan that was slung around her body, she opened it and revealed its true splendor, the pink and white paper outside concealed a dozen of thin, sharp and serrated blades on the inside.

She then watched as the other Dhani, whose name she had yet to find out tried shooting another arrow, he didn't do it any better than the first time. He then drew out a dagger slick with poison and then quickly backstabbed the Yukman. "Seems like this guys some sort of assassin or something.." she thought to herself "What a low-calibre job..." she sighed. She wasn't going to use anymore magic for a few minutes, she needed to recover but in battle, there was no recovery, she cautiously approached the Yukman, who had hardly been diminished from the small dagger, which was, but a pinprick of pain to its abnormally huge body.

"Time to get those fan skills in action." she whispered to herself, she ran as fast as she could, which was, no where near as fast as the other Dhani but still fast enough and she leaped, up, coiling her tail and the springing up just as the Yukman reached for her, it would have gotten her too, if she hadn't jumped high enough. Straight after she slashed downwards with the over-sized fan, and she watched as each of the dozen serrated blades cut into the Yukman's arm. It screamed obviously calling for other Yukman in the area, "Shut it, ugly!" she yelled, before smashing its head viciously with the club on her tail, still airborne, she noticed that the ground was getting surprisingly close, and of course, with no experience in Acrobatics she landed painfully on the ground. The Yukman however, was still up and running, even though its head was slightly squished and its mouth was smashed, and a huge opening was on its arm, it seemed to feel no pain, Isilla wondered what it would take to kill it.

Suddenly it dawned on her, she'd have to work together with the male-Dhani to take it down, she didn't have a plan but she knew that she'd have to work together, or both of them would be vanquished by this huge lump of Earth. The Yukman threw a huge, solid lump of soil at her and this time it hit. The piece of soil was actually quite soft and it didn't kill her, but it did knock the wind out of Isilla and she could already feel a bruise welling up where it hit her chest.

"OI YOU!!" she yelled at Sasin who was watching, "HOW ABOUT GETTING YOUR ARSE OVER HERE AND HELPING ME KILL THIS THING!". Not really the best way to get someone's willing help..
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A Meeting Between Snakes (Sasin)

Postby Nyahna Sasin on September 14th, 2010, 11:48 am

As expected, the yukman did not react favorably to his attack. It did not, however, appear to have any effect except to enrage the creature. He was about to attack again when he noticed the rattler was up on her tail, and was pulling out a fan. He was about to make a sarcastic comment when he noticed the gleam of iron on the fan.

He smirked. He didn't envy the creature right now. He knew that these things hurt. Massively. He watched as she leaped up, slashing the creatures arm, before smashing his head in with her tail club. The stupid monster didn't seem to realize that it was being hurt, and threw a ball of mud at the rattler. For siku's sake, what was wrong with this creature?! Didn't it know that it was supposed to be easy to defeat? Stupid useless anomaly.


He sneered at her contemptuously. She would have been in big trouble if it wasn't for him, but she didn't seem to appreciate that. Still, she did have a point. He would have to team up with her to kill this (rattler enhanced) freakishly large creature. Speeding around the creature, he was by her side in a second. He didn't offer to help her up, and didn't even look at her, instead focusing on the Yukman. "What else can you do, apart from help it?" He asked, his tail already curling, preparing to leap.

He didn't wait for an answer, instead springing towards the creature, his dagger slashing across it's face. His tail curled around the creatures arm, and he maneuvered onto the creatures back, his tail wrapped around the monsters arm. He slashed his dagger against the creatures neck once before he was thrown off. He landed awkwardly, narrowly avoiding rolling on his dagger.

"For Siku's sake, just die already!!" He hissed
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A Meeting Between Snakes (Sasin)

Postby Sahsvin Isilla on September 16th, 2010, 10:00 am

"What else can you do, apart from help it?"

"Uh... Yes! I know, besides from making it into an element, Res can attract them just as easily!" she thought for a moment, then started running. "DISTRACT HIM!" She before running to her first check point, 2 meters away from the Yukman, she dropped a ball of Res the size of a tennis ball there and proceeded to the next, which was again, 2 meters away from the Yukman.

The Yukman threw a large chunk of soil against her. This time, she was prepared, and the huge fan came out again and she flung it against the large chunk of soil without opening it. The piece of soil, harder than the one that hit her, didn't shatter or stick to the Fan, instead it bounced back and hit the Yukman squarely in the chest and stayed lodged in its chest, and it shrieked again. If this was Earth then that would've been an impressive home run.

Isilla smiled, before again running top speed to the next place where she was going to plant the Res. "HURRY AND DISTRACT HIM.. I CAN'T STOP EVERY FIVE SECONDS TO DEFLECT THOSE HUGE CHUNKS OF MUD HE'S LOBBING AT ME CAN I?! she cried. So far 2 watery balls of green Res had been planted, and Isilla was now almost into medium overgiving, her mouth was dry and her eyes were tinged with red.

She was very very close... "I'm going to overgive if I plant the rest of those... she thought grimly to herself. She put that thought out and quickly took her comb out, combing her hair and producing Res like a factory as she ran to her next point. Suddenly a small wound opened up on her arms and she shrieked as intense pain suddenly shot up her body. She was planning to create a pentagon that was going to attract Earth, the Yukman, which was made of Earth should either come out in great chunks, or it would just be rendered unable to move, both situations were desirable and unobtainable without her overgiving further...
"Oh ya.. she said loudly "My name's Isilla! What's yours, and while you tell me, get that thing away from me!!!?"
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A Meeting Between Snakes (Sasin)

Postby Nyahna Sasin on September 21st, 2010, 6:55 am

He started as she spoke again. Attract elements? What world was he living in? How had he never know about this before? And what was she trying to do? Attract a ball of mud to throw at it? Unless..... nah. She couldn't be that powerful. Could she?

Didn't matter right now. He didn't have a plan to destroy the creature by himself. As much as he hated it, he needed her help. And she needed his. They could kill each other after this had been dealt with.

He rolled his eyes at her demented shriek of "DISTRACT HIM!" He didn't tell her how to do her thing, he'd appreciate it if she didn't tell him what to do either. She didn't look that old to him. Maybe about his age. It was hard to tell with these Rattlers.

Grabbing his bow and arrow, he aimed high on purpose, figuring that if he was going to miss his target, he might as well aim at the sky and hope for the best. Unfortunately for him, he had gotten lucky, and the arrow flew straight.

It barely skimmed the top of the creatures head, and thudded into a tree behind it. Growling in frustration, he aimed again, this time successfully burying it into the yukman's neck. Dropping the bow and quiver, he retrieved his knife from the ground.

Glancing at Isilla, he noticed how she was dropping res around the creature. So, he had been right. She was going to try and rip it to pieces. Well then, she could probably use a hand. Or at least some lacerations to rip open.

Getting around the monster, he dragged his knife down the yukman's back, one directly down, then one horizontally. It roared, and, turning, swung a huge fist at his head. He turned just enough to avoid getting his face smashed in, but when it connected with the side of his head, he hissed in pain, his head jarring. His left hand came up, and, as the creature swung at him again, he blocked it, wincing at the pain in his arm. His right arm, dagger held downwards, came down, and then the creature drew back the stump where his hand had once been, roaring in pain.
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A Meeting Between Snakes (Sasin)

Postby Sahsvin Isilla on September 22nd, 2010, 12:16 am

Isilla got up, shortly after telling the Viper, Sasin to guard her as she planted Res onto the ground. There were 3 purple orbs of Res that were emitting a slight glow around the Yukman. "2 more to go..." she said to Sasin, who had now taken a different approach and approached the Yukman, carving a cross shape into the Yukmans back before it slammed its huge earthen fist into the side of his head.

She winced, as the viper recovered from the hit. She quickly slithered to her next point, where she then emitted a globe of Res and then set it into the ground. The Yukman seemed to be winning the fight, Sasin was doing no further damage and the Yukman seemed prepared to smack him around. She ran with all her strength, ignoring the pain that was constantly crashing into her like waves on a beach. She was going to plant the last ball of Res when a shriek startled her. Sasin had lopped of the Yukmans hand and had moved away. Its hand landed in the ground nearby and it shrieked again as it waved its useless stump around.

She smiled and with that she put the last piece of Res to the ground, then, she transmuted the outer layer into earth while the Res inside attracted Earth. The five purple pieces of Res had turned into 5 glowing stones that were now emitting a magnetic aura. Isilla collapsed with painful convulsions and her eyes, which were starting to blur saw the Yukman, it seemed to act like nothing had happened at first. Then the effect of the five magnetic pieces of Earth took effect and the Yukman burst into an impressive display of rocks and soil. She smiled as the Res was used up and the pentagon of glowing rocks lost their shine and their magnetic power. The painful convulsions had now caused her to faint and the world was suddenly lost in swarming colors of black and red. Small but deep wounds were littering her body. "I guess this is overgiving..." she thought painfully..

OOCThis is the part where Sasin takes her to his wonderful lakeside villa ;) but seeing as he doesn't have one.... :D
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A Meeting Between Snakes (Sasin)

Postby Nyahna Sasin on September 22nd, 2010, 3:54 am

He winced as the yukman shrieked. Oh Siku, he was going deaf. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the rattler drop the last ball of goo. Realizing she was done with her circle, he backpedaled, getting away from the yukman before it exploded.

And explode it did. For a single second, it just stood there, clutching it's stump. Then it just disintegrated into a cloud of earth and rock. He made it behind a tree just in time. A number of boulder flew everywhere, and, for a few seconds, he just stayed there. After a few seconds, he peeked out from behind the tree, to find the yukman completely gone.

Coming out, he winced as he slithered over a green emerald. Glancing down, he thought for a split second, then picked it up. Slithering over to the rattler, he saw that she appeared to be unconscious. He hesitated, wondering just what he was going to do. On one hand, she was a rattler. On the other hand, she had technically saved his life. Besides, he wanted to know what a rattler even younger than he was doing here.

His mind made up, he picked up his weapons and her pack, slid her fan into his belt, and, grunting, slung her over his shoulder. Siku, she was heavy. He slithered away from the explosion, pausing once to retrieve his clothing and pack from underneath the bush he had hidden them.

Once he was close enough to the city, he stopped. Letting the Rattler slide off his shoulder, he grimaced, and glanced down to see if she was conscious yet.
Last edited by Nyahna Sasin on September 27th, 2010, 10:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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