67th of Spring, 514 AV
The Kelp Bar, Zeltiva
The Kelp Bar, Zeltiva
Roane had literally no reason to be at the Kelp Bar. So why was she there? The horse Kelvic asked herself this many times before deciding that she just wanted to see what everyone was like when they were dead drunk. Or close to it. Maybe she was just bored. Either way, she found herself at the entrance to a run-down tavern.
The girl wrinkled her nose at the smell of dead fish. It wasn't unlike what she smelled down by the docks, except it was older and a little more than mildly unpleasant. And it wasn't only the smell that made her slightly uncomfortable -- Roane felt like all eyes were on her the moment she entered it. The Kelvic slowly made her way to a woman who looked like she ran the establishment.
It was quite dim, the room, so she almost slipped on a pungent liquid that had been spilled on the floor. It could've been beer or vomit, or even piss. Who knew how many people drowned their sorrows here and didn't give a shyke as to what happened.
She managed to get to the bar without any embarassing incidents, and apparently judged to be alright. Heads finally turned around and conversations started back up. Roane stopped in front of the woman and clearned her throat nervously. "Could I have, um..."
Her eyes scanned the sign behind the counter before the middle-aged bartender cut in. "We only have kelp beer. It's that or nothing."
"I'll have kelp beer then, ma'am. Please." Although she came off a bit hostile and crude, the Syliran was polite since the owner had the authority to kick her out. She didn't want to start a fight in the 'fine establishment.'
A mug of flat, green liquid proved to be the source of the dead fish-smell that seemed to stick to her skin. Roane took it, paid for the concoction, and looked around the room for a seat. There was one, next to a lanky blonde man missing a couple fingers. She sat down, staring at what could maybe pass for a drink.
"Why don't they sell anything other than kelp beer? Some people don't drink... I suppose you'd just go to the World's End Grotto, then." Roane muttered to herself.
Common - Equus