Closed Trekking through the fog of moodiness (Vinn)

About temper, bathing time, sketching, walkways, insomniacs and drunk people

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

Trekking through the fog of moodiness (Vinn)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on April 27th, 2014, 1:48 pm

OOCLooks good with pants on too :lol: This template is to convince you of that fact :p

In the corner of his eye Brandon could see the woman stiffening up when she took note of his inquiry. Why? Was she embarrassed or something? Or was she drawing something embarrassing that could lead to being labeled as someone she didn’t want to be? Either way, she shrugged it off swiftly, offering the bat a response in a cool tone, one that was quite haughty as well. Much like …

An image floated into his mind, a memory to be exact. The young boy sat behind the counter, hidden from the sight of the customers coming in, but not of his stepfather’s. Yet, the mustached man let him be, he knew that the boy was bored and was eavesdropping on the patrons with no other intent than to relieve his boredom. Gallan was conversing with the only customer they had welcomed this morning, a Symenestra of course. What the discussion was about Brandon could not remember, yet he did know that tone the customer used. At first the bat had thought the Sym to be a nobility, however, Gallan had later told him he was but a normal citizen like the bat and himself. Yet, the tone of voice the Sym had donned was one of someone who deemed themselves better than others, haughty and … commanding.

Yes, much like the Symenestra, the spider folk from the cave city she sounded, but in another way she didn’t. Strange. There was a layer of ‘I am better than you’ present in her speech patterns, something that the bat had found terribly annoying, but had failed to notice, though now he had remembered. The oh so annoying, frustrating spiders that lived in their underground city spoke like that too, however worse than what she had displayed. She didn’t quite look like one, so he guessed that was why it did not bother him as much as the wiry Symenestra.

“Hahahaha!” he laughed in reply to the comment she’d made, amusing it was indeed. “Well, thank you.” His grip on the boulder weakened for a brief moment, but then he regained his more serious complexion, though that wasn’t that serious, a grin lingering on his lips. However, the fact did not escape him that she did not show her work, which somewhat surprised the bat. Did people not show their drawings to underline the words they had spoken when telling others what they were drawing? Not that it mattered, she was allowed to draw just about anything, himself included.

Syna’s rays touched his skin, the warmth spreading through him immediately, a bliss that he wanted to last forever, he closed his dark orbs. Then the girl made a comment about his nudity, subtly ordering him to put his clothes back on. What was up with that? Didn’t she just say that she had no problem with it? It seemed like that had been a lie, a small one perhaps, but it was still a lie. She also appeared to attempt to convince herself that she had no issues with him being naked … He didn’t say anything about it though, it was tempting however.

“I forgot to bring a towel”, he spoke as if that explained it all “So I am drying myself in the sun, I don’t want to soak my clothes, you know.” Drying would take a while though, the droplets had almost all vanished, but his skin was still wet, Syna wasn’t doing her best. “Different? Perhaps, but isn’t everyone? You are not the run-in-the-mill gal yourself, are you now?” A skilled dodge of the question, an art he had picked up from someone else.

Credit goes to Nyxie Nadira Draer
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Credit for this awesome sig goes to Estrellir Konrath
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Brandon Blackwing
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Trekking through the fog of moodiness (Vinn)

Postby Vinn on April 30th, 2014, 10:55 pm

56th of Spring, 514 AV
The Misty Peaks

She took an advantage, grasping the clouds, the fog that latently surrounded her. She pushed it forward and reunited it with the sky above. It was fair and beautiful and something she hadn’t seen so clear and wonderful in such a long time.

She couldn’t recall her time spent in the woods, travelling with people she didn’t completely trust, yet knew either way. They were considered friends although they weren’t people she would rely on with her life. She had been hanging on a thread, one that had been snipped by the sheers of the gods above. She was struggling, boredom increasing the layers of displeasure and disinterest.

Eventually, she couldn’t take it anymore. She had merged with the crowd of people before passing them entirely, running away from the terrors of a secluded fever. It was the repetition that had driven her insane. In the wilderness all she had seen was the trees, their leaves had they any during the winter days. She had become paranoid as well. Every sound that reached her ears made her jump a few feet off the ground.

She couldn’t reminisce the terrible encounters she had faced, but now, as she was in the forest again, it was hard to avoid. This, however, was a better situation. The woods were silent, ethereal and serene with safety and without danger.

She had erased those emotions, those hasty sensations that had snapped relatively quickly when she was with those friends of travel. She could faintly recall harming on of them, the paranoia settling in until she began to misconceive the aid everyone was attempting to give her.

She glanced up at the sky and watched the clouds swiftly pass by overhead. She wished she could run right then and there; try to chase them to wherever it was they were heading. A destination wasn’t needed. All she desired was the journey.

A bird had landed on a branch of a tree to her left. Its head pivoted, snapped to one side and twisted to the other. It cocked to the left and pin wheeled to the right as it examined the hybrid. Vinn did the same back to the flying creature until it fly away.

The man laughed in response to her comment. She felt no embarrassment to her words, her compliment toward his nude figure. She hadn’t seen many naked males in her time, but those she did weren’t nearly as beautiful as he.

“Dryin’ by sunlight,” she murmured.

As soon as she said those words under her breath, a ray of the flaming orb peered through a shroud of leaves from above. It grazed her cheek and began to caress her upper arm. She felt the warmth and closed her eyes, enjoying the heat as well as the comfort.

“Different? Perhaps, but isn’t everyone? You are not the run-in-the-mill gal yourself, are you now?” he said, glancing in her direction.

“I’ve known many people t’be different where I come from, but they’ll seem to be fakin’, ya know? I ended up not believin’ anythin’. Everythin’ kept on changin’. Here, you, yer different, but in a g’d way. Yer not traditional- I like that.”

The latter of his questions stunned her for a moment- caught her off guard, but only for a while. She clarified his inquiry, the turnaround of the conversation he crafted. He was good. Obviously, not a novice, she thought to herself.

It was her time to change the conversation, shift it on its axis and revert it back his way. She predicted he would ask her where she was from and why she was remembering the issues she had escaped from.

“How long ‘ave ya been ‘ere?” and she even added, “What d’ya do?”

oocYou definitely have my attention now! :P

Sorry to everyone I happen to be threading with at the moment, but I will be inactive for a week or two due to school work and soccer tournaments.
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Trekking through the fog of moodiness (Vinn)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on May 1st, 2014, 9:56 pm


OOCHeh, starting to ask hard to answer questions now are you? Honestly, everyone wants to know Brandon’s profession.

Oh, as for the 5th paragraph, Bran’s thoughts and the comments in between his speech don’t take time at all, they are actually thought while he is speaking, hence why they are in between two halves of a sentence most of the time.

Her answer was … not what he had expected, not at all. She claimed to have known people that faked their differentness, and the tone of voice she used was one of bitterness and disgust, no happy memories they were. Well, it wasn’t like he had asked her to tell about her past, so he figured words of comfort were not necessary, besides, she looked strong, not of body but of mind. A couple of unpleasant memories would not hold her down, at last that was the image she gave off. Could be just something he imagined though, yet her attitude suggested she would not let herself drown in the past so easily.

It was confirmed by the change of subject she forced, the bat being the target of questions once more, and one of them was an annoying one he did not like to hear. The former was an easy one though, unlike his profession the timespan of his stay was not something he hid, he’d tell just about anyone, there was no reason not to. After all, no-one would ever believe he had been in the celestial city for longer than … three seasons? Wow, had it really been three seasons already? Summer, Fall, Winter and the first half of Spring … three seasons and a half. Tanroa certainly made haste, passing people by before they had even noticed … He shook his head slightly in disbelieve.

“Truth to be told, I have not been here for long, I arrived in Summer 513. The first few days of it to be precise, yet the exact date I do not remember.” A casual shrug made it clear he didn’t care about it, the point was that he had been here since Summer.

The problematic one of the two queries was the one he had to handle now, one he still did not know very well how to talk himself out of it, even though he had been asked the same questions many times. The truth was, unlike the other reply, out of the question, there were only few people who had no qualms with thieves, and those people were usually bent in the mind, strange. Different in a way, the thief thought with a wry smile. Then what, lie, be vague about it or just refuse to answer? The latter made him look really suspicious, he had experienced that with the Southwind pod a while ago, he wouldn’t ever forget the glares he had been rewarded with that time. The only option was to lie, something he would rather not do, but the other choices were bad ones.

Slowly he began to speak, words forming and spilling out of his mouth automatically, no thought was done in advance, and even though it was a lie, most of it was the truth … but the truth was a bad choice was it not?! There was no way back though. “I … er … how do I put it? … Basically, I go to peoples’ houses … and I … er …” Steal their money. “Take their money.” Agh! That was not what he should have said! That wasn’t even partly a lie, it wasn’t a lie at all! Quick, fix it! “But well, even though I enter through the front door” What was he saying? That wasn’t an improvement, he just made things worse! Now he was even telling her his methods, if he wasn’t trying to look and sound normal, he would have smashed his head into the rock he was sitting on. ”people don’t really like to give me their precious Kina…” Of course not you fool!“ They don’t really like to see me come. I’m a … tax …collector…?”

That was actually a genius answer! Not only were tax collectors thieves in their own way, they were treated like them behind their backs, and were less then just unpopular, what would explain the bat’s reluctance and trouble to formulate the reply. An imaginary pat on the head was his reward for this absolute super genius reply. And now it was his turn to ask a question, or more, that was one of the rules of the game of questions he liked to play, but others usually asked another one immediately after they had received the answer, interested or just being polite, he wouldn’t let that happen right now however. “So what about you? Where do you come from exactly? And what brought you to this magnificent piece of skyglass architecture?” Not that Lhavit was entirely constructed from the divine crystal substance, but still, she’d get the point.


Credit goes to Ollic
Fighting Style and Techniques

Credit for this awesome sig goes to Estrellir Konrath
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Brandon Blackwing
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Trekking through the fog of moodiness (Vinn)

Postby Vinn on May 21st, 2014, 6:39 am

56th of Spring, 514 AV
The Misty Peaks

She envisioned everything. She could recall certain events from her past in Alvadas and the every changing, never staying city of disguise and lies. She hated it there. She despised everyone she met including that of her mother. Here, in Lhavit, everything was true and pure, that of which she had been exposed to that was.

She looked overhead again and noticed that the bird wasn’t there any longer. When had it flown away again? She looked down at her artwork and proceeded to continue sketching.

This man- he was mysterious, ominous, but in a good way. He looked like a man with the need for thrill. He looked like he loathed simplicity, like he was one who wanted to go out of his way to accomplish something or to learn something he desired to know with such intensity.

He was a wonderful object to draw and so Vinn continued to do so. She took out her drawing utensil again and continued to outline his body, contouring his essence with the essential visual aid.

She went for the eyes, scanning him before moving her hand over the page to draw the shape of an oval. She sent her wrist up, adding a flourish to what would be the tear duct. She drew another circle in the middle. This was where the iris would lie. And then she added another, smaller circle in the middle of the previous one. This, so she claimed, would be the pupil.

She was getting better at this and although she bore no coloured tools, she continued to add shading to make the picture more of what needed to be represented.

She shaded the outside of the eye, to where the shadows of his opened eye would give off. She darkened the pupil and drew scraggly lines in the iris to make it seem as if they had colour with flecks of shades of the colour of the jungle whether his eyes were charcoal black or not.

“You’ve been’ere somewhat then,” she announced subtly before waiting as he continued on with his explanation. She predicted that in the end he would only come to ask her what she did if she did anything among other inquisitions.

He was stuttering, she noticed. The first thought that came to her mind was that he might not have admired his profession. Could he be embarrassed by what he did and was trying to put it in better terms?

The second thought that came to her was that he was lying. He was bluntly unaware that he was trying to sum up some sort of tale to weave that he was hesitant on saying what he wished to say. He was a bad liar if that was the truth.

The final thing that came to cross her mind was that he was think her stupid. He was trying to find out the easiest way to explain what he did to her- as if she was a child and he was the fatherly teacher.

She growled inwardly at the last idea, but pushed it aside as she struggled to come to accept either the first of the second conclusions. Her deductions had the potential to be extremely off, but as he continued, she mustered up the confidence to assume she wasn’t necessarily all that bad as she supposed she was.

Was he trying to give her a riddle or something? The way he latently described what he did was of most irritation. Most people didn’t like when he came to take their money? Was that a hint or something? Suddenly clarity bloomed on the dismal subject.

“Ya take people’s m’ney,” she repeated, raising her eyebrow at the slight suspicion he had. She shrugged it off, not really caring what he did or didn’t do, just as long as he didn’t murder her where she stood everything was fine and dandy with her.

“A tax c’llector, eh? Fun,” she added with sincere sarcasm. She smiled when she said it, though, as not to mean any disrespect. Everyone had their battles and their professions they didn’t like. Whether he admired what he did or not was up to him entirely. She was merely the one being told.

As what was initially anticipated, the man questioned her about what she did, where she came from and all that jazz. She was planning to be blunt and straight forward given that everything remained public and not personal.

The first question was rather easy, so she answered it openheartedly. She didn’t know if he meant what she did for a living or if it was a simple opening paragraph to a greater plot of queries.

“I’m hopin’ to be a tattooist, but ‘s a hard job ta get inta, ya know?”

She cleared her throat and adjusted her position on the rock, preforming more indignant posture as to prove to herself rather than anyone else that she remained in control of what she said and no one else.

The second question was a little harder, but she decided to push through, adding a plausibly inconspicuous lie here or there in the process of telling the truth.

“I come fr’a city of ‘lusions. Everythin’s fake, unreal. I dunno the name ‘nymore-“ that might have been a lie- “but I do know that I’m not gonna go back there never ‘gain.”

The third question remained just as difficult as the second. She mustered up the strength to refrain from spilling out the entirety as to why she had emerged from the wreckage of her past and into the tranquility of her future.

“I came ta start a new life, but doesn’t e’ryone?”

What was there to speak about now? Their conversation was drawing to a close, an awkward turnout creeping up on them like a hungry snake seeking its prey and stalking through the night to get to it. She was saved by the sound of her stomach growling, and she couldn’t have asked for anything less than that.

“D’ya know of any place good ‘nuff to eat ‘round ‘ere?” she asked.

oocOh my, I'm terribly sorry for the wait! It won't happen again, I promise!

Sorry to everyone I happen to be threading with at the moment, but I will be inactive for a week or two due to school work and soccer tournaments.
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Trekking through the fog of moodiness (Vinn)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on June 6th, 2014, 1:58 pm


OOCI am as well. So, no need to apologize, we are even ;)

Seated on the rock of his own, the bat ran a finger down his arm, testing the humidity of his skin. Much to his liking he found that it was almost dry, here and there still a drop or two left, but those dissolved quickly in Syna’s light and her pleasant warmth. What pleased him even more was that the girl did not seem to be on to him, she had not seen through his lies, but she could just be acting. However, the way she continued talking, answering the questions the thief had thrown at her, told him he was safe.

However, Brandon did not feel the need to stay much longer, maybe more annoying questions would follow if he stayed, another dimension of his relief laid bare: the sooner the water dried up, the sooner he could leave, excusing himself and leaving her by herself. Self-preservation was important, and someone in the criminal business couldn’t let his guard down when in the company of strangers, or even trusted ones. Though, Brandon could never keep that up, naïve as he was, he let his guard down around his loved ones, which was not the best idea for a thief. Also, his curiosity could have become his demise many times, yet he’d never realized. Nor did he acknowledged his quick to trust attitude, which was quite the problem for one who had to be careful all the time. Maybe he wasn’t cut out to live a life as a criminal after all… A legal job was not exciting enough for the Kelvic though.

“A city of illusions, you say? That sounds rather interesting…” the thief mused, mumbling to himself. That might be a place worthy of his visit, too bad she did not remember the name … or rather did not want to share it with him. Suspecting she was not entirely telling the truth, the bat narrowed his eyes –who did not remember the name of the city they came from, one which revives strong negative emotions? There was no way she did not know the name, however, she might not have wanted to hear the name ever again, thus not saying it herself either. The thief could understand that, besides if he just asked some scholar character about a ‘city of illusions’ they might just know what he was talking about. No problem.

Indeed, it seemed that the girl – whose name he still did not know, but did not bother to ask- had no intentions whatsoever to go back, as she said that herself. Well, something bad must have happened to her there, and even though the bat wanted to ask what, he managed not to. Even though he was a nosy one, he did respect the feelings of others, and would not trample on their emotions by making them dig up what had to be kept buried underground. Unless it was necessary, of course.

“A new life, huh? Aye, many come to Lhavit for that. That or magic, but I came for neither.” A shrug pulled his shoulders up and let them come down again, together with an escaping sigh, reminded of times long past. “Someone just told me it was a beautiful place, a nice spot to start my journey, yet, I don’t really get to journey much.” A mocking laughter rolled off his tongue, as he realized that this was indeed the case. “The city is too magnificent to leave, I fear that I might never find a place like this one ever again… One day though, one day….” his voice faded as he trailed off, staring into space, not seeing anything but memories and fantasies.

A silence that was a bit awkward covered the duo like a veil, though an even more awkward noise tore it apart. A chuckle and a smile were hidden away behind a fist hovering in front of his lips, but he was a bit too late, she’d heard no doubt.

“As a matter of fact I do,” Brandon stated as he slid down from his rock and walked toward his clothes, “The Shooting Star Inn has delicious meals to serve, for a small price by the way. A bargain I would say. It’s located at Surya Plaza, …. the Zintia peak? It’s the biggest square of the biggest peak, you’ll find it without any problem.”

By that time, only the bat’s vest and bandolier were still on the trail of waterfalls, but with a quick sweep of his hands the bandolier with his daggers sheathed within was lifted and buckled on his torso. The vest followed soon after. “And should you get lost,” he grinned while pulling one of his daggers –a bluish blade- out of its sheath and threw it in the air, watching it make a slow spin before he caught it again, hand grabbing the hilt and putting it back under his vest, “Just go left, then right and ask there for directions once more!” A playful wink and a brief laugh were sent at the girl, one hand up in greeting. “Well then, see you around.” And with that, Brandon headed onwards, planning to follow the path until the end.


Credit goes to Ollic
Fighting Style and Techniques

Credit for this awesome sig goes to Estrellir Konrath
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Brandon Blackwing
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Trekking through the fog of moodiness (Vinn)

Postby Estrellir Konrath on July 14th, 2014, 7:39 pm


Brandon Blackwing

Observation +2
Acrobatics +1
Intimidation +1
Socialization +2
Rhetoric +1

The Trail of Waterfalls
The art of hiding under a walkway
Uninspired curses
Vinn: Immune to cursing
Vinn: Unusual artist
Thieves are tax collectors too
City of illusions?


Withheld due to retirement

Withheld due to retirement


This was a fun read! I enjoyed how the hostility slowly turned into friendly conversation. The small oddities of both PCs add a lot of excitement and sometimes amusement. It was also well written by both of you! If you’ve any questions or concerns, feel free to PM me!

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