Vice's Lair!
Hello and welcome to Kenash! I look forward to meeting and getting to know all of you in one capacity or the other. But, before the pleasantries are to be had, there's some law to lay down.
Kenash is a wonderful, lively place to be, but there are also rules to be followed. Feel free to come to me with requests, but before you do, please read the Codex carefully, because it has information in it that is absolutely essential to having a pleasant time in Kenash.
Next point!
This office is NOT for Grading requests. There's a lovely little page over which way in the Kenash forum that's used for that purpose.
Third point!
Moderation requests can go in PM's and the grading thread. Really, the only things that belong in my office are special requests and things that I need for my own bookkeeping.
And finally!
Have fun! I'm very flexible and open to ideas, so please DO feed them to me and we'll see how it works in ^.^
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Moderated threads!
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