[Flashback] Learning The Bitter Truth

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Stretching northward along the coastline of the Suvan Sea, the Cobalt Mountains are the home of the Bronze Wood, numerous ruins, and creatures both strange and fantastical.

[Flashback] Learning The Bitter Truth

Postby Nya Winters on September 15th, 2009, 9:14 pm

Timestamp: Summer, 506 AV
Location: Lormar Tower - Northern Cobalts
Purpose: Marcus Kelvic & Kelvic Lore Acquisition

Nya wandered into her mother's library, if it could truly be called that. The library was more accurately described as a converted section of the tower that was waterproof, windproof and housed the large collection of books her mother routinely scrounged, bought or wrote herself. Zilvia had given her permission to use the space if she felt curiosity, and practice her reading. Long since, Zilvia had tried to encourage the girl to more scholarly pursuits but she'd always had a hard time getting Nya to focus. The only reason she'd managed to teach the girl to read at all was because the girl had an avid curiosity that often ran rampant. When Zilvia had started refusing to answer her questions, Nya had turned to books and with her mother's help, she'd eventually grasped the rudimentary of language and reading. And while she'd never be a great writer or perhaps even a passable one, Nya did slowly start to enjoy escaping into books to learn new and unusual things.

Fortunately, due to the relationship with Nya's father, Zilvia had begun to amass a rather significant journal full of notes and information about kelvics. Surprising to Nya was that she also had managed to come up with a plausible explanation for their origin. The notes themselves were taken from other literature, some examined from texts ranging from Zeltiva's great university, to Ravok's influential overreaching histories, and surprisingly from Mura's healers library. Nya was a little surprised to learn how well traveled her mother was, but she suspected it was because of her father's bond with Zilvia, that she did so successfully. Opening the first page of the journel she'd discovered in the 'library' Nya began to read.



The first true mention of the word Kelvic was not of the actual race itself, but of a man from Taldera called Marcus Kelvic. Pre-Valterrian, this mage was noted as being extremely skilled in the magic of Morphing. And while suspected to have perished in the Valterrian, Marcus Kelvic lived in a fortress called Ironrock in the northwestern reaches of Taldera on the Kalea boarder. Reclusive and isolated from society, Marcus Kelvic was said to transform animals into humans and give them the ability to think like humans so they could serve him. While not human, these creatures were in fact very much the animals that Marcus elevated to sentience with his manipulations. So regardless of how human their appearence is, their first and foremost instinct is that of their base animal. They will think like them, act like them, and make judgments as if they were them.

Authors Note

This means my lover is in essence a horse. I can see this in his trust of me. If I do not display leadership to him constantly, he often looks for leadership elsewhere. This also means my daughter is a large man-eating forest cat. She does not respect leadership nor look for it, instead seeking it for herself. I suspect this is the difference between a herd animal and a predator. Ulvik is far more honest in his dealings with me. When it comes to Nya, I am never certain if her wants are because they are indeed her wants, or if her wants have a secondary purpose - to please me, to please herself, or a larger competition to see if I will indeed fill them. Their origin explains so much, though I do wonder what Marcus Kelvic was thinking in giving sentience to large predators and the ability to walk amongst humans undetected. Nya is dangerous, whereas Ulvik is simply useful and social.

Origins Continued

Marcus Kelvic was said to have different animal types for different tasks. He used mice to clean and do is information gathering. He made dogs to protect and guard. He even made horses to carry him around. That makes sense. But why big cats? They seem far too independent and prideful to make good housepets.


He did cull a multitude of failures. Since no graves were ever found, I suspect he used the big predators to dispose of his failed experiments. He also seemed to have sired a multitude of normal children on his Kelvic servants, and those ended up fostered in a nearby village or if they were not of his own direct blood, sold as slaves.


The literature suggests that a mating of a kelvic to a kelvic always produces a kelvic. I found heavy evidence of this in Ravok while I was visiting. They were housing kelvics and keeping them for breeding purposes. The more aggressive types were used in pit and cage fights there. I witnessed a few myself, and have come to the conclusion that Nya would be an extremely valuable possession to someone involved in that business. I would not do that to her, however, but I suspect she would enjoy the fights. I cannot find any direct evidence that kelvics breed true to their types, so there is no reason for me to suspect my daughter would produce more predator types. Ulvik has offered to find Nya another kelvic for when she is mature so I can surround our home with shifters that will protect me. However, I simply cannot bring myself to allow my daughter to bond with me. Nor, being her mother, could I condone her being bred as if she is an animal. It is unthinkable. What I have done is warn her away from Ravok and explain to her exactly what would be done with her if she was caught within the city.

Nya closed the book on this, a bit surprised and a little confused. Her mother was a practical woman, both out of necessity and personality. But the fact that she was curious enough to take the time to look up and actively search for information on the kelvics was a surprise to Nya. The information and thoughts she had about it was even more surprising.
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Re: [Flashback] Learning The Bitter Truth

Postby Nya Winters on September 16th, 2009, 8:02 pm

Nya took the journal and walked from the room. It was forbidden for her to take books from the library, but in this instant, she needed some air and to read out in the light of day, even if it was on the steps of the tower or in the grassy clearing before it. The girl didn't know how truly disturbing some of these things were. Nya's mind was like a sponge. All kelvics were, in fact. She needed to learn and had only a very small amount of time to do so. The breed so often played 'catch up' to their fully human counterparts. And like humans, some where more scholarly, others prone to trouble. Nya had the benefit have having an incredibly talented and intelligent woman for a mother and a carefree adventureous man for a father. And while her wilder form was a predator, her mind worked like an intellect. So, she often withdrew, claimed a space, and thought things through. There was time then, for reading.

Nya found herself in the grass before the tower, under the sky, sprawled out on her stomach with the journal carefully held in her hands. Her mother, knowing she was up to something, checked on her periodically, but never quite approached. Perhaps she knew this was something important Nya herself needed to learn. It certainly wasn't something the woman could tell her daughter. Zilvia was reserved, quiet, and about as social as a python. Her mind wrapped around puzzles of the past, and rarely looked for situations that were occurring in the present. The truth was, she hadn't expected to be a mother, nor had she anticipated a daughter like Nya. But in the end, Nya had always assumed Zulrav planned her birth to the type of woman Zilvia was. Zilvia didn't need to cling to Nya, nor would she accept a child who needed to cling. Instead, the woman almost required a baby that would grow up fast and be independent because the truth was though she loved Nya, she wasn't the best parent material. Ulvik wasn't much better, though he did love and protect his daughter fiercely.


The Kelvic Bond and Bonding

From what I can discern, there are several forms of Kelvic bonds and those bonds vary from their depth and degree. In Ravok, I saw people purchasing young kelvics as guardians to their children. Those children then bonded to those kelvics fairly easily. The key to this seems to be getting a hold of the kelvic at an extremely young age before their personality has fully formed. The resulting bond then seems to be light. The Kelvics are protective, but not deeply choosy and demanding. These kelvic also do not develop well after bonding. Their minds seem to freeze in a state of servitude that does not allow them to develop cognitive skills like a normal young adult would. In other words, a very young bonded kelvic halts somewhat in their development and stays very simplistic if they bond too young. They also recover very well if their bondmates die or otherwise reject them. They can be bought and sold, and though their ties with their previous owners are severed, they can rebond easily to other owners. These are the types of Kelvic they are encouraging in Ravok. It is also apparent that these kelvics can share their bondmates with other kelvics who are equally bonded.

In Avanthal, I learned of yet another type. The Kelvics that are allowed to age slowly, especially those long-lived breeds tend to develop more human qualities and a deeper depth of character that indicates more complex thinking and reasoning. In general they are smarter and can puzzle out problems. These kelvic do not bond easily, and if they are held back to mature until they are several years old, they will find it almost impossible to form a bond unless just the right individual comes along. Kelvics who have been withheld from bonding are more human, less animalistic overall. They develop complex personalities with their own set of dislikes and likes, rather than becoming mirrors that reflect the likes and dislikes of their owners. However, the danger in holding a kelvic back from their maturity is the depth of the bond. Older kelvics who are unbonded well into their second year often form very complex tightly woven bonds and are unable to bond again if something happens to their bondmates. These ties are highly emotional and of a nature that merits more study. In Avanthal, polar bear kelvics form an elite guard to the Queen of Avanthal, Morwen. They all have late bonds, and to speak with them means one notices their humanity immediately. In fact, it is hard to even remotely tell they are kelvic unless they are studied more intently. These types of kelvic find it incredibly hard to get over the severing of their bond. If a bondmate happens to die, they often mourn so intensely they themselves loose their own life. And rarely, these bonds can result in love and a sense of family, even in the non-traditional sense. However, I have personally witnessed deeply bonded kelvics sharing their bondmates with a wife, husband, and children with little aggression or jealousy. So that leads me to believe that these bonds can be complex and unique from kelvic to kelvic and person to person - most likely defined by the human involved in the bond rather than the kelvic. I have a feeling the sex of both the kelvic and human involved plays a heavy role as well.

The Nature of the Bond

I believe it is somehow partially magic and partially nature that binds the two together. I have often studied my own bond with Ulvik and know specific things about it. I know, through it, how he is feeling and what he is doing. He can hide very little of his emotions from me, and I assume that by the way he responds to mine, he understands my own. As time passes, the bond strengthens and there are times I know where he is, and sometimes even what he is doing. I once thought the bond was injecting artificial feelings of love and passion between us, but after studying quite a few kelvics and all their various bonds, I understand more now. I think that while a bond can link a kelvic and a human and lead them to intimate feelings, I would have loved Ulvik just as much as a man, without the added Kelvic burden. Kelvics are extraordinary creatures though. They are hard not to find fascination with. I do believe my life is better with my bondmate than it ever could have been without. I think Eyris every day for his presence, though often I question her on Nya's appearance. But I know, inherently, that Nya was not Eyris' fault. Zulrav's mark on her proves that, as too does her stormy moods. I do pray, however, that she can find someone to serve. I do know he or she needs to be older, with some measure of their own sense of self already in place. I do hope she can find someone who has already experienced hardship and a solitary lifestyle so that they can truly appreciate her when she comes along like I do my Ulvik. With Nya, I do not think sex matters. I would hope, if only for myself, that she would find a man with the courage to love a beast as I have come to do so. But I know my daughter. And if she did bond with a male, she'd most likely set out to find him a wife immediately (If he didn't already have one) before she'd ever coming to the realization that he has already decided on her.

Authors Note

I will hold Nya back from either leaving or bonding until she is well past two. I do not want her becoming a mindless servant. If after that age, she still wants to bond with me, I will allow it in good conscious. I have a feeling though, that after that time she will simply leave. Nya is growing daily, and with her development, it is clear she will need a very mentally strong individual to control her. I know I am that, but I just feel like the fit is all wrong. I am more afraid of my daughter than I like her to know, and that fear stems from her lack of control which time itself should remedy. The girl had absolutely no sense of what is right and what is wrong, so bonding young would have turned her into a mirror of my ethics as a plus, but would have left her with little else. But my hope is, if she can find someone suitable, with internal willpower and discipline, Nya will even out on her own and find herself. But as Ulvik says, we cannot force it. I am surprised, at times, how much he understands. I was his first bondmate, and he was well into his second year when we met. If our situation is any indication, it is the desirable one for our daughter as well.

Nya closed the book once more and looked up to see her mother standing once more in the tower's all but hidden entry. She was curiously watching the girl. Nya knew she must have been standing there a long while, because Nya was a slow reader and there was a great deal of material in Zilvia's notes. The forest cat hiding in the human's body studied her mother and started to speak. Zilvia held up her hand and shook her head. "Read the whole journal, Nya, then ask me questions." Her mother said, turning and slipping back into the tower.
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Re: [Flashback] Learning The Bitter Truth

Postby Nya Winters on September 18th, 2009, 6:52 pm

Nya watched Zilvia retreat back into the tower. That was typical of her mother, wanting Nya to draw her own conclusions and answer her own questions as much as possible. The truth was, Nya wasn't sure she wanted to read more in the book. Some of the truths she'd already discovered were painful things - things that made her wince in ways she hadn't anticipated. Nya flipped through the pages of the journal, picking out one section or another, reading bits here and there. It wasn't until she found one page mostly talking about her father that Nya lingered to read.



Mirroring is a very real quality when it comes to a Kelvic. Those that bond connect to their bondmates in a whole myriad of ways that manifest in strange and unusual behaviors that are outside the normal kelvic parameters. It seems that when a kelvic bonds, especially an older one who's development has not halted abruptly, they start to take an interest in what their bondmate likes. I've noted in Ulvik that he completely disliked study and reading before bonding with me. Now I find him invaluable as a research assistant. His reading comprehension has improved dramatically, and he seems to enjoy studying with me and often makes insights I would not have guessed to see from him. As time goes on, this tends to occur more and more. He claims that I have changed somewhat as well, allowing my emotions to run more freely and express themselves in ways I never would have before. I am more restless and travel far more frequently since Ulvik has come into my life. I claim that is because I now have reliable transportation. He says it is because it is in his nature so I mirror it. I suspect his insights are true, but I can detect no measurable change within myself. That could be because I'm too close to the subject I study. Regardless, I saw it in Ravok and in Avanthal as well. In Ravok, the kelvics became more bloodthirsty, prone to want to make a profit, and pleased their masters by fighting well in the pits. Even gentle souled Kevlics could be twisted. In Avanthal, a sense of duty and protection of the city infused the polar bear kelvics there. I met other types, but the polar bears really stood out to me. Their bondmates rode them on patrol, and found them having no trouble at all traversing the heavy snows where no horses in their right mind should go.

Kelvics are notoriously hard to train unbonded. They simply learn things at their own pace and do not truly develop a personal sense of ethics until they get older. Kelvics run on instinct which can cause a problem with prey species, and indeed an equally large problem in predator species. Birds are flightly, and mice are nervous. Truth be told, they have invented all sorts of means to control them, but nothing works as well as a good bond. Tight leather or metal collars can be placed around the neck of shifters who move between forms that are larger than their human form, and just as easily such bands can be applied to birds or smaller species while they are in their animal forms to keep them from becoming human.

Make no mistake though. Kelvics are not human. They mimic humanity with an ease in which some snakes who are non-venomous mimic highly venomous versions. I do believe, however, that once bonded, they discover a humanity that they borrow through those they are bonded with. That is why it is so important that they pair up appropriately. I think if a gentle kelvic bonds with an aggressive or abusive human, they themselves turn that way as well, loosing their qualities. Ulvic isn't human. I think it shocks me daily, sometimes, how well they mimic the rest of us, but they are not us. Living with him is, however, a joy in my life. It has made me examine my own humanity and on a daily basis, I questioned myself because of him and his questions. I wonder now, after having a kelvic bond to me, what Marcus Kelvic was really after in creating these amazing creatures. That's why I call this trait mirroring. These creatures seem to take what is inside ourselves as humans and mirror it back at us which allows to examine it almost as a separate outside source - as a god might. Was Marcus Kelvic striving for immortality or a way around a narrow view in life? He achieved it, I think, after staring at my beloved steed.


Though they are somewhat secretive about it, anyone having witnessed a kelvic shapeshift has to ascribe some of their abilities to the influence of magical tampering. One would assume that their bonds and flesh contorted, forming the shapes they move between - but that is not simply true. The change most often starts in their eyes. I can tell when my daughter is thinking more cat-like thoughts because her pupils split vertically. This is a precursor to a change, but it can also be an indication of strong emotions or lack of control. A horse has very similar eyes to a human, so there is little physical warning when Ulvik is on the edge of control, but he does behaviorally change - tossing his head, snorting, voicing his displeasure with a squeal. Stallions snort and squeal a great deal, and I find the trait more than a little unnerving. He dislikes bugs, especially spiders, and will often in human form squeal, toss his head, right before he stomps one to its death under his feet. Nya gives no such warnings. She's quiet - too quiet - and her change is smoother than Ulviks. I decided it was due to their natures. He's vocal, she's almost sneaky.

Anyhow, the change itself is beautiful. No bones contort, no skin stretches... instead, their forms tend to dissolve in a multitude of tiny little pinpoints of light such as you'd see refracted through a gemstone. Then they swirl around and come together in the new form. Light might not be exactly the way to describe it, but I feel it is a bright manifestation of djed. The change is beautiful to behold, and the pinpoints of light often multiply or dissolve according to how much body mass needs to be utilized. But they speak of something alien, definitely magical in origins. Witnessing this change has lead me to learn more about their maker

Nya was left wanting too. Who was the maker? This Marcus Kelvic? Was her entire race named after someone's last name? She closed the journal for while, and turned to stare up at the tower. Did she really want to know? Nya did. She wondered where the hunger for knowledge came from. Was it all linked together? Marcus Kelvic...
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Re: [Flashback] Learning The Bitter Truth

Postby Nya Winters on September 27th, 2009, 9:07 am

Nya waited a whole day, which was about the extent of her patience, to read further about Marcus Kelvic. There was so much to take in, to understand, to filter through in her mind that she had to rest and relax - even hunt - before she could continue. But when she did, the day found her on the ramparts of the tower, sitting in the sun, back against warm brick in a lazy feline pose... where she began to read.


Marcus Kelvic

Although somewhat reclusive and aloof, there are quite a few facts floating around about Marcus Kelvic. Being the curious sort, I didn't feel the need to listen to rumor. Instead I decided to travel to where I could actually learn some facts. Avanthal, with Queen Morwen, seemed the most likely candidate since rumor had placed her elite Icewatch as some of the oldest known Kelvic battle pairs... men and women bonded to giant polar bears that turned into men and women themselves. These giant bears were said to be able to carry their riders deep into the bitter snows and back out unscathed. And the oddest part of the stories were that the first bear that appeared in Avanthal came as a gift - a cub - from none other than an eccentric yet powerful morphing wizard in Kalea. Rumor had it the two were acquaintances, even friends.

The story itself is even more bizarre. Ulvik carried me deep into the forest of Taldera and northward out onto the steppes. We left as the snows around Lormar Tower broke up and followed their retreat northward into the wilds. The deep woods weren't so bad, but the mud of the transition from mountains to steppes was dangerous. Once it was navigated however, we managed to make the trip upwards onto the steppes were spring was in full bloom. Ulvik loved the long hard gallops as we made time northward. The steppes themselves were in full bloom and truthfully I'd never seen a more intense riot of color and bounty. But they were high and wild, filled with creatures I've never even dreamed of. We ran among massive herds of migrating beasts of all shapes and sizes. The deer with heavy antlers that I later learned were called caribou, while the larger still white lumbering beasts were called mammoths. My fiery mount was more terrified of them than anything else but his hooves were as swift as they always were and he carried us practically to the gates of Avanthal. We weren't unescorted though. I met with the people I'd only heard of in legends before we crossed the crystal threshold. At the snowline that created an almost tangible barrier to the pass to Avanthal, riders on their great bears met us. We were treated cordually and escorted the rest of the way inland because of a change of guard. It was fascinating to watch, truthfully, the way the riders and their mounts acted together. I saw a reflection of my own relationship with Ulvik within their own behaviors. It must have been unusual to them to see a lone sorceress riding a horse without anything but the briefest of saddles. And yet, they were outfitted the same way, though their saddles were manufactured for war with high cantals and pommels.

We rode down the wide avenue of snows together and they left me at the gates of Morwen's palace as their reliefs rode back out. I was greeted peacefully by a page who did not at all offer to take Ulvik to a stables, but instead held a fur cloak and warm fur-lined slip on boots for him. How they knew I was riding a kelvic rather than a true horse to this day has me puzzled. And then we were escorted inward and I got to see first hand the grand palace of ice. It was elegant, cold, and the most stunning sight I'd ever experienced. We were served tea and warm bread in a fancy parlor when a young woman with long white hair joined us. Her mannerisms were friendly if a bit cool, and she sat down to converse. It took me a full quarter mark to realize that the woman was Morwen herself... and that she knew Marcus Kelvic personally.

The story she ended up telling us was even stranger. As she served us first lunch, then later dinner, the course of the tale unfolded. Marcus Kelvic was no recluse. He was instead a man driven by a passion to find someone long lost to him. His twin sister Azala - and as Morwen described it the other half of his soul - had been missing from his life, lost in her early adult years of study as a summoner in Alahea's employ. After multiple investigations, Marcus had found answers, but only a few. He was convinced she'd been involved in a reverse summoning - either voluntarily or involuntarily, which Morwen described as common in the years before the Valterrian.

Marcus' love of his sister drove him to look relentlessly for her. But he was only one man. And after attempting to hire others to also help, he discovered trusting them was a whole different realm. They fed him enough hope in exchange for coin that something inside him snapped and he turned his eyes from humanity altogether. He was a morpher of some renown, and according to Morwen his search absolutely consumed him. He didn't believe his sister was dead, not once, but his desire to find her fueled his search. And because he was only one man, he needed help. Rather than continuing to hire untrustworthy sorts, he began creating his own help. Morwen herself gave him assistance in the early days, and after my talk with her, I could tell she had some feeling for him, for no one could tell this man's epic tale like she did. There was contained emotion, carefully suppressed.... but she knew the man too well... knew the whole story tell well. And I could tell, in some regards, it was a relief to her to speak of it, as if she had been holding most of it in for too long of a time.

Marcus, as I've said, was a powerful morpher. And in his otherworldly search, he came across creatures that had the absolute ability to mimic any life form they chose too. Morwen did not know how he did it, but he was able to bring one or more to Mizahar to work his djed upon. And through the blood of these creatures and the djed he used for morphing, he was able to take animals of all varieties and create an alternative life for them, one partially made possible by the blood of the Shinia... the mimics. Morwen, as she told us of this, paced to Ulviks' side and stroked his long copper hair, picking up a strand of it. She smiled at me, a smile so soft and so understanding I felt the chill of winter penetrate my very soul. And then she said something very carefully to me. Her words still echo in my mind sometimes, especially when I am curled up with Ulvik and he is having a very human conversation with me, unwinding from his day, planning for the next. I am conscious of it as we lay down to sleep, as we eat together, even as we love. I remember, even to this day, Morwen's words which rang in my ears the very instant I gave birth to my daughter sired by the stallion who's hair the Goddess of Winter is affectionately stroking.

"They are not human. They only look so. They are fully what they become, though some of them are smarter than others. And they will only ever be as smart as the ones they bond with. If those they bond with can think for themselves, so will the kelvics. If they are mindless brutes, so too will the kelvic fall into mindlessness. If you are capable of great and profound feeling, so too will your kelvic. It is the nature of their creation. Marcus wanted - no demanded - his creations be at least as intelligent as he was. I can tell from this kelvic, how he behaves and watches me, that you are incredibly smart, Zilvia. He is magnificent." Ulvik blew a soft breath out, snorted, and tossed his hair like a horse would pulling it from Morwen's hands. And suddenly, I was sad for him, and for all that he wouldn't know... or that he'd realize he didn't know as he grew.

And then she continued. "But as smart as you are, Zilvia, Marcus Kelvic was enough to even eclipse you. He frightened me even, sometimes, in his thinking. The Kelvics of today are just pale shadows of what they once were. Bred too frequently, bonded too young, they are but shadows of what their maker meant them to be. The Kelvic he created and later bonded with were brilliant. There were no courts in either Suva or Alahea that didn't know their touch when he was done. You see, he used them to murder, to steal, and to scout. He sent them across the barriers to other worlds to search for Azala. He sent them to courts and palaces far and wide to see if anyone had the information he sought; his sisters wereabouts. And he killed for coordinates - or his kelvic did." She went on to tell me how towards the end, he had built his fortress high in the mountains of Kalea and named it Ironrock not after the stone it was built with, but after his commitment to finding his lost sister. During the Valterrian, Morwen had... been involved in the struggle and lost track of Marcus. Later, she said she visited the site of Ironrock and found it missing. There was never any other sign of Marcus Kelvic, who was only twenty seven years of age when the world was torn apart.

If nothing else, the trip to Avanthal was worth it to hear that story alone. It was worth it to understand my bondmate more, and to realize what my daughter could become. I met the great white bears first hand and dined with them and their riders. They were a breed unto themselves by then, with sharp minds and incredible whit. I did not leave Avanthal untouched... nor did Ulvik. With a heavy heart and many questions in my mind, I returned to Lormar Tower. My own studies took a turn at that point, and I realized there was yet one more magic I had not learned. And as I sat down to begin my studies, I found that my bondmate had joined me, with more questions on his lips than he'd ever asked me before.

It was then that she stood and whispered into the wind... sending her prayer out with the the gentle breeze that was her friend.... "Bring someone to me... someone like him... so that I can better serve you... more fully understand... " Nya asked, no pleaded, as her hands traced Marcus Kelvics name in the journal, then closed it holding it up to her heart. She was unsure of what to feel, what to take away from what she had read, but she did understand its profoundness. Things were not as they seemed.

And before she returned the book, Nya went to her mother and carefully asked her for her own journal - blank - and the use of ink and sharp quills. Then she carefully sat down and worked for the better part of that season on copying the contents of her mother's notes into a book all her own. It would be something she would cherish and keep with her carefully wrapped in oilskin against the elements for the whole of her life. It was her hope that someday she would have a bondmate worthy enough to gift her with the ability to think even clearer for herself, so that she too could add to her book as her mind sharpened - if it did - perhaps having the ability to pass it on to her own offspring or other young kelvics just coming into their own. Marcus Kelvics legacy was a something she just barely understood, but after reading the journal she realized as time passed and if she was lucky enough, she'd gain a deeper understanding.

noteI can deduct the cost of the journal from my funding, no worries.
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Re: [Flashback] Learning The Bitter Truth

Postby Tarot on September 27th, 2009, 9:37 am

Lore: Kelvic, Marcus Kelvic
Experience: +2 Anthropology
Additional notes: This should be a short story of its own!
Tarot's thread tickets: sold out. Not accepting any more threads for the time being unless I promised you one. Sorry for the inconvenience!
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