by Aidara on November 7th, 2010, 5:07 pm
Best Fantasy Book: Harry Potter (Thats right. I said it)
Best Epic Quest Fantasy Book: David Eddings' Belgarid and the Mallorean
Best Fantasy Politically Based-Backstabbing-Deceit-and-Lies Book: Song of Ice and Fire series by GRR Martin, or the Ruins of Ambrai by Melanie Rawn
Best Game: World of Warcraft
Best TV Series: Supernatural (I would put The Office, but it doesn't work here)
Best Cheesy Fantasy TV Show: BBC's Merlin
Best Movie: Starwars (Mostly The Return of the Jedi....But more mostly R2D2, cause he's my obsession)
Last edited by
Aidara on November 8th, 2010, 3:39 am, edited 1 time in total.