62nd Day of Fall, 509 A.V.
The days were growing colder and shorter still, with snow threatening to fall during some of the nights. Fall was in the last third of it’s time before the waters would begin to freeze and the winds would carry a bit of cold to them. Time passed fluidly, however, during his stay there, teaching Hex and learning from her as well. His shoulder, on top of that, was quickly healing. Between Hex’s normal healing abilities and the divine ability granted by her Goddess, Hatot now had more normal range of motion. He still had to keep his movements somewhat slower and soft, but it wouldn’t be long before he was back to full strength.
Hatot had practiced his morning ritual already, haven woken up well before the grace of Syna’s light had began ticking the land, lending way to more vibrant color and thinning shadows. He stood beside the practice doll Hex had been beating on for the time he had brought it, examining the strike points, the wear and tear that was building up. She advanced quickly, as quickly as any student Hatot had studied beside. Soon, she wouldn’t need him instructing her any longer. Still, practicing against a motionless doll and fighting a living opponent were two different things.
She would need an opponent. Someone to spar against. It couldn’t be Hatot, however. Despite the fact that he had issues with his own strikes right now, in the fact that they often became involuntary, if she did manage to land a hit on him, her skill and strength were enough that it would cause pain. Possibly pain enough that Radris would have finally found a way to slip out and take control. If that were to happen, it wouldn’t matter how skilled or strong Hex was, her only hope would have been to run, as far and as fast as she could, without looking back, and hope that the devil chasing her wouldn’t come within arm’s length.
Of course, they could have always went out and stalked the grasslands in search of something for her to practice on. A Glassbeak would pose to great of a risk for her, even with Hatot standing beside her. The last one they encountered was a young adolescent, and it still managed to significantly injure Hatot before it was brought down. Bandits or Slavers were a possibility, but even a small few of them still managed to hold some skill, and Hatot wanted to be sure of her reaction time.
In the end, Hatot decided to keep her against the practice doll for now, but with a slight modification as he crouched down, attaching one end a long pole to the wrist joint of the doll tightly. This poles extended out past the doll itself by about three feet. Once both of them were attached, it would allow someone from behind to grasp the poles themselves and manipulate the movement of the practice doll’s arms to a certain extent. It was still stationary, and wouldn’t provide the full experience, but it would put her a step further in the right direction when it came to facing a live opponent. Especially one that was intent on doing her harm.