Location The Stewart's Office

Office of Ser Tristan Whitevine in the Mithryn Outpost

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

The Stewart's Office

Postby Radiant on April 13th, 2014, 3:50 pm

The Stewart's Office


Inside the Mithryn Outpost lies the center of government called "The Garrison" and within this garrison, lies the office of Stewart Knight Tristan Whitevine, the one in charge of managing the Mithryn. The office lacks gaudy aesthetics and is focused on utilities. Wooden tables and chairs adorned the stone-walled room, complete with bookshelves filled with parchments and official documents. There is also a fireplace, a hearth, and some decorations in the forms of swords and weapons. A few scribes work and maintain the office along with Ser Tristan Whitevine. Wall torches and candles placed in chandeliers lit the room along with windows for air circulation.

The Office is freely accessible by members of the Order, those who aren't must make an arrangement beforehand.

ImageName: Tristan Whitevine
Race: Human, Vantha
Date of Birth: 31st of Summer, 462 AV
Place of Birth: Avanthal
Location: Mithryn Outpost, Syliran Fields
Title: Stewart Knight of the Grey Company, 4th Regiment, Gold Quadron

Skills: Leadership: (75pts), Longsword: (70pts), Shield: (65pts), Short Bow: (60pts), Riding(Horse): (55pts), Tactics: (50pts), Organization: (45pts), Politics: (40pts)

Gnosis: 2 Sylir, 1 Ice Reaving

Bio: Tristan Whitevine is a model Knight of Syliras. He has served as the leader of the Mithryn Outpost for nearly two decades since ascending to the position after the retirement of his predecessor. He is quite happy to serve as the leader of the defenders of the Syliran Fields and has no aspirations for anything greater than what he does every day. Fond of stories and the occasional practical joke he is nevertheless a man who takes his job very seriously but he sees no problem with upholding the peace with a good natured attitude.

He was born in Whitevine Hold in Avanthal and while he loved his Hold and his people he was never quite satisfied living day in and day out amongst the frozen tundra of Morwen's garden. When he was old enough he brokered passage to Wind Reach and from Wind Reach to Denval. From Denval he learned a little bit about the lands that lay to the East where it was warmer and filled with stories of Knights, dark gods, adventurers facing down terrible beasts and conquering the mysteries of the Suvan Sea. To him the cities that lay in the eastern regions of Mizahar seemed teeming with life and adventure. It wasn't that the northern regions weren't filled with their own wonders he simply wanted to "different".

He found that difference when he arrived in Syliras at the age of twenty-two. He saw the Knights, he had heard tales of how they stood as fierce protectors of the people, upholder of Justice and defenders of Peace. He knew immediately that the life of Knight was the life that he wanted to live. He sought out the recruitment office and from then on the rest as they say is history. His life in the Knighthood hasn't been easy. He has suffered the same trials as any knight but as he grew older he learned how to approach sticky situations wiser.

One such sticky situation led him to meet the woman who would become his wife. He had been hunting in the Bronze Woods doing his best to refine his skills in archery when he was attacked by a cougar. He barely managed to escape the encounter with his life. The attack left him with many a scar upon his upper and lower body and a healthy respect for the creatures that dwelt within the woods. He remembered managing to wade through the woods stumbling as he bled out collapsing until he passed unconscious. The next thing he knew he was waking up in a comfortable bed with a young woman staring down at him. The whole time he had been unconscious though it seemed that a woman's voice had been calling him. He recalled her telling him stories, he could hear her laughter, he could remember her whispers to him and when it had felt like the darkness of the dreams that haunted him during the worst of his bout were nearly crushing him, her voice had led him back into the light.

Tristan had resolved to find this woman when he awoke and low and behold she ended up being right in front of him the moment he opened his eyes. As he spent more and more time with the woman whose name he learned was Cecelia he only grew to love her more. The two were eventually wed and he has only been the better for it with two sons to call his own and a loving family to come home to when the days are long.

Role In Syliras: Tristan is the Stewart Knight of the Grey Company of the Gold Quadron's 4th Regiment. As such he is the representation of the knightly authority of Syliras in the Mithryn Outpost, while working in tandemn with Stewart Knight Harris Frist in managing the Syliran Fields. He is a fair man who believes strongly in the tenants of the Knighthood and though he can seem a bit stern to look at he is a very good natured man that is compassionate and approachable.

NPC Credits goes to Perplexity

Moderation Note :
For non-Order PCs, ask for permission from the local ST.

Feel free to self-moderate for Knight/Squire PCs.

Location credits to Radiant
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