"You are a poisoner, yes? I-..." Inoadar cut in, completing the sentence with impatience, "...thought we'd established that I am a poisoner several chimes ago, yes?" he mocked the questioning "yes?" at the end as well. He folded his arms and cocked his head matter-of-factly, "Look, if you're waiting for some sort of apology from me for my failure to extend trust to someone that LOOKS like someone I've only recently come to trust, to some degree...But is NOT, in fact, that person; well, you'll have to wait a while longer, I'm afraid. Now I will confess to the belief that your presence here may not be as sinister a thing as I first took it to be. But trusting a stranger, regardless of who they LOOK like, is a recipe for disaster." The man did not really seem to care much what Inoadar said, waiting rather for him to simply be finished speaking. He then began to broach a new subject. Inoadar did not much care for the man's comment about how the crafting of poisons was only a skill he 'laid claim to', but allowed it to pass in the interest of hearing him out. There really was no more need for verbal sparring. It was obvious neither of them would be backing down. 'Unnecessary' was as good a word as any. In truth, he already had a pretty good idea what the man was leading up to. He even knew what 'craft' this Venser was talking about. Some time ago, a man named Wrenmae had spent time in Ravok. Inoadar would not necessarily call the time spent with him 'productive'. There HAD been considerable setbacks and problems which had stemmed from the man's presence. But Inoadar had learned somewhat about 'Malediction'. And the notion this man Venser appeared to be in the process of putting forward was one Inoadar had bandied about a number of times as well. Any time he was in his shop, and had cause to think of Wrenmae, and his rudimentary description of the craft of 'Malediction', his thoughts also strayed to the Balicani wings he had mounted to his wall. He'd been out in the wild and the beast had attacked. Inoadar had been unable to save his horse, but had used the animal's corpse, and his supply of poison, to bring the monster down. Now, when he thought of the craft Wrenmae had spoken of, he wondered what could be made from the creature's wings. Such a project was at the top of a very short list of reasons why he wouldn't mind seeing Wrenmae again. Now perhaps he wouldn't have to... He slowly allowed a grin to form. Then embellished it with a mild look of contrition. "Mr. Rush, I would like to extend my sincere apology for my prior rudeness. I believe I now have all the reason I need to trust you: the fact that we can be useful to each other." |