[Verified by Radiant] Markus K. Andres

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Markus K. Andres

Postby Markus Andres on September 18th, 2010, 3:47 am

Markus Kvist Andres
Sergeant Knight
Stationed: Return to Syliras late Spring 515.
Under Stewart Knight: Shassimurisu (Urisu)

'Duty before honour'

327 Shield Points


Basic Information

Name: Markus K. Andres
Race: Human
Birthday & Age : 492 - Fall: 13th / 22 years old.
Gender: Male.
Occupation: Syliran Knight.
Birthplace: Zeltiva.
Hair Colour: Dark blonde, though with several streaks with a lighter blonde colour.
Eyes: Dark emerald with a bronze border between the iris and the center.

Physical Description Six feet and a pair of inches tall, Markus is a tall fellow and with his almost 230 pounds of nakedness he is also, by a large margin, heavier than most ordinary humans. This naked frame of his has been shaped by years of toiling in the Syliran Order, giving him what he considers the perfect shape for a knight. His shoulders are broad and his arms long and strong. His rigorous training has left some, though not much in terms of excess fat on his body, which leaves his stomach with cleanly cut abs. But no body is without its blemishes, Markus years as a squire and knight has left his body with its marks.

His right shoulder carries the mark of Sylir in the shape of a Windoak leaf. Most of his upper body is well-tanned. Usually pale features have been licked by Syna enough to darken his skin considerably. During the summer of 514 Markus began to grow a moustache. It is a darker shade of blonde than his hair.

Character Concept

Markus is quick to emotions. Trust, love, friendship comes very quickly when meeting strangers. After his first ten years he was raised in a city built on honour, justice, faithfulness. It was only naturally that these attributes rubbed off on him and he began to emulate these characteristics the best he could. Formerly an idealist who believes everyone has the good of others in heart, that they are inherently good, has eroded to a point where he was a hard time clinging on to this belief about strangers - seems that everyone outside of Syliras has some foul ego-centric ambition at the expense of everyone else. His quick adaptation of emotions also leave him with sudden and unpredictable mood swings.

He remains friendly and talkative around strangers and friends alike, the warm smile on his lips always genuine and has an easy way of appearing on his lips. The knight loves the knights of all his heart, but he is growing bored of them of late, thinking his life would be more adventurous and not restricted to patrolling the bronze woods day after day. Still, he soldiers on because it is his duty. The knight has found that he only ever feels alive when Dira is breathing down his neck - when his body is weary from combat and he is inches away from death. That is the moments where he feels truly alive.

Markus has over the years done or witnessed horrible things that he has trouble escaping when thinking about it, thus, he does not think about the incidents. His mind rarely to never ponders on things he does not wish to confront or put to rest. His mother's death, The Bronze woods, Nyka, Sahova, most of his life pre-Syliras. Though these often come to haunt him in his sleep which leaves him prone to waking up in the middle of the night reluctant to go back to bed again. After the Sahovan campaign and the battle against the lagool, Markus has become afraid of swimming in places he can't see or doesn't know the bottom is just under him. Large bodies of water equally frightens him, likewise he holds some resentment towards Laviku for allowing a creature like the lagool to exist. He tries not to discuss these things as he feels it breaks the image of the knights as he saw them in his childhood. The proud noble men and women who stood up against the evil - he cannot show his fear and allow others to see past the tough face of a knight ready to tackle evil head on.

The Knights:
Markus remains fiercely loyal to the knights. Would do anything and everything ordered of him without hesitation. He knows they're one of the few forces of good in the world that are trying to better the lives of everyone. So a questionable order here or there is for the greater good.

Fighting Style: Markus' believes that the offensive is the most important aspect of a battle. The offensive is where you dictate how a fight should flow, dictate where to strike and how hard to strike. The defensive is to merely wait for the opponent to attack, become a target for their strikes. As such, Markus' style is very aggressive and oft leaves his own body with a lack of defence.

Likes: A good story/tale, training, being noticed, company, debating/talking, dogs and horses. - Combat! Getting a son.

Dislikes: Being overlooked and ignored, being alone for long stretches of time, cowardice and last, but not least, people treating others badly for no reason. The ocean.

Character History
Markus was born into large family, in fact, he had 5 older brothers and 3 older sisters when he was born, the oldest of them was 19 years old. His father was a merchant from the upper middle class, easily capable to support his large horde of children. So, Markus didn’t grow up in a family lacking food or clothes, only he lacked attention, in a horde of children like that, it is easy to get overlooked and Markus was overlooked and already at the young age of 3 he was in the care of his brethren, who were much older, for his mother was taking care of a baby sister and didn’t have time for him and his other siblings were left to spend the day as they pleased (after school naturally). Some of his brothers tried to stand out by being picture perfect children. That wasn’t Markus’ cup of tea, instead he took the other path for attention. He found some other kids around his age and class to play with with whom he sometimes bullied poorer kids. Why? Because they could. That’s why.

Most of his siblings became merchants as they grew older and established families of their own, but Markus didn’t want to become a merchant, he had sometimes seen his dad at work and it had been dreadfully boring to watch and he hated the time spent in his fathers office, there was nothing and no one to entertain him. Just the boredom. He wanted to be around people and have fun. Live life as an adventure. When Markus turned 10 his mother died giving birth to yet another child, bringing the total up to 11. His father realizing that he couldn’t take care of all the children by himself and he couldn’t afford to hire people to be around the children at all hours of the day, had to do something to make life easier for himself without spending a dime.

He sent young Markus off to become a page among the Syliran Knights, for Markus sorely needed the discipline. Markus was bored out of his wits when he first arrived at Syliras. He was running errands for obnoxious and arrogant knights and pretentious squires who thought they were the best thing in the world. Markus loathed them in the start, but then he got settled with the idea of being sent out on inane errands. Finally, he turned 13 and soon after became a squire under a knight, who beat some much needed discipline into Markus' body. He destroyed Markus' former personality and rebuilt a new one. He was training to become a knight and no longer at the bottom of the food chain. When he sent word of this to his father, his father suddenly showed up on the doorstep of the castle and Markus was quite surprised, for he hadn’t seen his father for over 3 years. He brought him a gift, it was a bastard sword, Markus had trained with one similar, but this one somehow felt better. It had belonged to his grandfather, who had been a fighter and not a puny merchant (Markus’ words, not his father’s, naturally).

That was when he entered a world that was much different from the rest of his ”relaxed” life, it was a hell of a lot tougher, his training was hard and he often came back to his room and just collapse on his bunk and slept the moment his face hit the sweet and soft pillow. But as the years passed and his body adapted to wearing what felt like several tons of plate, the training became easier and some days he wasn’t tired after a good days worth of work and training. He started to crave more, but it wasn’t until he found another young squire doing evening training, that he had his thirst for training quenched. The two young squires developed a friendship during their evening training sessions. They both shared the same interest in becoming stronger and better at their profession. They differed on choice of weapon and style, but that didn’t matter much to Markus, in fact it helped, because then he wouldn’t have to constantly compete with him in those skills and it could strain his relationship with him.

Markus is a true polytheist in the sense of the word. There are many gods and goddesses and they have each their domain of control. It is both unwise and disrespectful not to give tribute to the gods when entering their domain, as such he is quick to offer tribute for safe passage or protection. Although had Reborn Sylir been around when Markus first started developing a strong sense of commitment and connection to the knights, he most likely would have been a henotheist solely devoted to Sylir. The following gods are those that Markus actively and regularly worship outside of festivals in their honour and then there is the opposite, those that he never worships.

Main Deities:
Reborn Sylir: The new king of Markus' personal pantheon. As a Syliran Knight, there could be no doubt that the rebirth of Sylir was nothing shorter than a miracle and perhaps the greatest indicator that the knights were favoured by fate. To not worship Sylir as a knight was unthinkable to Markus and almost a sacrilege if the non-worshipper is a knight. Although he worships and admires the reborn god, it is still not the one Markus seeks advice from in times of trouble and rarely the god he calls upon in battle, as that seems counter-intuitive.

Wysar: Until recent developments happened, Wysar was Markus' primary deity, the god he often sought guidance from and used as the primary driving force to rid him of the weaknesses he saw in himself and thusly saw as despicable and needing of removal. Reforming the wild child of Zeltiva into a proper squire and knight. Building discipline where there was none and conviction to the knighthood. Although second in rank amongst the deities Markus worship, he is by no means forgotten nor ignored. He is still the god Markus seeks advice and guidance from and most often the god Markus calls upon in battle to steel his will.

Tyveth: Second in Markus' old triumvirate of gods. A knight is not a true knight without honour. A cornerstone in any knight's pantheon if not the very foundation. To Markus Tyveth is the perfect god to go hand in hand with Wysar, using the discipline and conviction of Wysar to uphold the demands of honour and chivalry of Tyveth. But alone, Tyveth is still a god that Markus would turn to in both times of trouble as in times of peace. For guidance when he finds a question or act morally troubling and when he has trouble conforming to a thought or how to act in the best interest of both the gods and the knights.

Yahal: The last of the old triumvirate, and the second god Markus calls upon in battle for strength of mind and body. To aid him vanquish those that would threaten the knights and those faithful to Yahal. Markus is commited to the ideals of good and virtuous traits, faithful to the knigthood as he is the goodly gods. The desire to purify himself to become a better knight is always lying in his sub-conscious.

Secondary Deities:
Myri: Although to Markus, a knight of Syliras, a city named after the god of peace, to worship the goddess of war seems really strange and somewhat silly. But a recent run-in with a Myrian whose prowess in battle impressed Markus so much that it went against everything he believed in not to pay his respects to the goddess after a victory had been secured. To a man dedicated and addicted to battle, the worship comes natural for Markus.

Eyris: Much has been lost to time, more has been lost to the devastating acts of gods. Knowledge that might help mankind to build a new world. A better world. Although his worship is sporadic at best, he does hold dear the ideal of obtaining knowledge close to his heart, he simply lacks the patience to study books when there were more martial skills to occupy his mind.

Priskil: Markus himself has felt the despair of certain death and only saved and brought back to a fighting stance by the words of a close friend. The hope that man sparked in Markus showed him the power of hope and how easily it could influence a man's life for the better. Hope for a brighter future, hope that a friend lost to time and evil is not truly gone. If the goddess of hope were to disappear, the world would be left as a much darker place.

Rak'keli: Markus has seen his fair share of combat and was it not for the tireless acts of healers in the Opal Order, Markus' body might well have had more scars and more severe injuries that would have taken longer to heal naturally. It his way to give a small measure of thanks back to the goddess who has given much to the world and still gives much. Without her, the world would be a worse place for everyone.

Never Worshipped:

Rhysol: The enemy of all that is good and just. Honourless and foul god of evil. Although never been to Ravok nor met the god, Markus has been indoctrinated with the thought that Rhysol is up to no good and any worshipper or marked man by him is an enemy of Syliras and the gods aligned with good.

Living space, equipment and Possessions

Living space - Markus lives in the knight quarters in Syliras in his own furnished apartment.
A 20x20 apartment with a bed, table, chair, chest and a nice hearth with a bit of firewood next to it, all graciously provided by the knights.


* 1 Set of Clothing (A dark green tunic, black breeches, and a dark blue cloak)
3 pairs of cotton trousers. 2 black and 1 blue
3 cotton blouses, 2 black and 1 blue
1 white cotton tunic
1 leather jerkin.
1 fur cape.

* 1 Waterskin
* 1 Backpack which contains:
o 1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
o Food for a week
o 1 eating knife
o Flint & Steel

* Sword, Bastard (Heirloom) - Nick: "The Bastard" by Markus.
* Metal heater shield (see: large steel shield on price list) which is fitted with shield teeth along the edges. Seasonal Award: Fall.
* Composite Shortbow from the Feathered Shaft. It comes from the Endrykas, and is carved from a Olidosapux horn. Seasonal Award: Spring.
* Cold Iron Dagger - Gift from Fallon.
* Balicani Head Trophy
Izentor Cold Iron Bastard Sword: Crafted by the Isurian master smith, Roz Vizerian, and marked by his Izentor. The sword is extremely durable thus resisting even the most devastating sources of potential damage. It will almost never break or dull. - Nicknamed "Peacekeeper" by Markus, quite cliché.
* Steel breastplate. - Borrowed from the Syliran Knights.
* Full chain mail set. - Borrowed from the Syliran Knights.

Mixed Breed Horse. - Borrowed form the Sylira Knights.

Saddlebags - One healer and one knight
1 Blank book - One healer and one knight
3 quills - One healer and one knight
1 oz. of black ink - One healer and one knight
1 one-man-tent - One healer and one knight
1 bedroll - One healer and one knight
1 Hunters kit - One healer and one knight
1 Preservation kit - One healer and one knight


Common - fluent - Normally speaks with a Syliran accent, but can easily change to a Zeltivan accent.

Ekeldi - Poor.
Last edited by Markus Andres on January 28th, 2018, 11:50 pm, edited 171 times in total.
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Markus Andres
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Markus K. Andres

Postby Markus Andres on November 20th, 2010, 6:55 pm

Skills and Gnosis

[Bastard Sword] 100/100 (15 Race+85 earned)
[Shield] 100/100 (20 Start+80 earned)
[Observation] 100/100 (100 earned)
[Rhetoric] 97/100 (97 earned)
[Socialising] 84/100 (84 earned)

[Leadership] 59/100 (5 Start+52 earned)
[Tactics] 73/100 (73 earned)

[Body building] 35/100 (35 earned)
[Composite Shortbow] 41/100 (10 Start+31 earned)
[Endurance] 41/100 (41 earned)
[Flirting] 30/100 (30 earned)
[Flux] 36/100 (36 earned)
[Horse riding] 47/100 (15 start+32 earned)
[Intimidation] 33/100 (33 earned)
[Interrogation] 50/100 (50 earned)
[Seduction] 35/100 (35 earned)
[Teaching] 36/100 (36 earned)
[Unarmed Combat] 36/100 (36 earned)
[Weapon Dagger] 34/100 (29+5 WTD earned)

[Acrobatics]11/100 (10 earned)
[Acting] 2/100 (2 earned)
[Animal Husbandry]3/100 (3 earned)
[Brawling] 8/100 (8 earned)
[Carving] 2/100 (2 earned)
[Carousing] 3/100 (3 earned)
[Childcare] 2/100 (2 earned)
[Climbing] 1/100 (1 earned)
[Cooking] 3/100 (3 earned)
[Deception] 1/100 (1 earned)
[Deduction] 3/100 (3 earned)
[Detection] 2/100 (2 earned)
[Drinking] 4/100 (4 earned)
[Dual Wield] 1/100 (1 earned)
[Horsemanship] 2/100 (2 earned)
[Gambling] 2/100 (2 earned)
[Intelligence] 18/100 (18 earned)
[Investigation] 14/100 (14 earned)
[Land Navigation] 8/100 (8 earned)
[Medicine] 4/100 (4 earned)
[Meditation] 8/100 (8 earned)
[Negotiation] 6/100 (6 earned)
[Organization] 6/100 (6 earned)
[Persuasion] 14/100 (14 earned)
[Philosophy] 10/100 (10 earned)
[Planning] 20/100 (20 earned)
[Running] 16/100 (16 earned)
[Scavenging] 1/100 (1 earned)
[Scouting] 1/100 (1 earned)
[Storytelling] 4/100 (4 earned)
[Stealth] 12/100 (11 earned)
[Subterfuge] 2/100 (2 earned)
[Swimming] 6/100 (6 earned)
[Tracking] 3/100 (3 earned)
[Weapon (Improvised)] 1/100 (1 earned)
[Weapon: Axe] 1/100 (1 earned)
[Weapon Throwing Dagger] 5/100 (5 earned-Combined with [Weapon Dagger])
[Wilderness Survival] 9/100 (9 earned) - Forest.

Last edited by Markus Andres on January 28th, 2018, 11:50 pm, edited 70 times in total.
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Markus Andres
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Markus K. Andres

Postby Markus Andres on February 2nd, 2013, 6:13 am


Factional Lore:
[The history of the Syliran Knights] – Contains the interesting history of the Syliran Knights and their code.
[Great Rulers] – A biography of several great leaders since the Valterrian
Syliran Knight Protocol
Syliran Knight Training Regimens
Names of Ranking Knights (Average).
Taylor Brudt: Stewart Knight
Tyr Rhanan: Sergeant Knight
Nancy Sulvet: Syliran Knight
Stalinsa: The Burden Of Command,
Albrek Dregan: Warden Knight Of Syliras
Knighting Quest: Find Nightshatter And Bring Her Back Alive
Windoak: Sentient Divine Tree
Petri Alvikal: Lord Knight of Syliras
Carl Braklin: Knight Wing Squad Member
Catherina Anders: Knight Wing Squad Member
Oliver Hales: Knight Wing Squad Member
Michael Brock: Knight Wing Squad Member
Trine Hushod: Mage-Knight Wing Squad Member
Hushod's Magic: Earth Reimancy
Brock's Weapon Of Choice: Mace
Braklin's Weapon Of Choice: Axe
Anders' Weapon Of Choice: Sword And Shield
Hales' Weapon Of Choice: Longsword And Shield
Alicia Frostfawn: Vantha Mage-Knight
Tyr Rhanan: Sergeant Knight
Alicia: Short And Cute
Lore: Captain Lance Stalinsa,
Lore: Irene Braklin,
Lore: Equuleus,
Lore: Natlana Aquillar,
Lore: Crow
Roz Vizerian: Isurian Master Smith

Location Lore:
Geography of Syliras (Basic)
A Bit About Avanthal and it‘s Beauty
Sunberth: Corruption And Decadence,
Ravok: The Real Enemy,
Location: Bristol Bay
Nyka: City Of Zealots
Location: Sukina Geysers
Mura: No need to fight
Location: Pavi Lake
Location; The Ironworks
Sunberth: City Of Anarchy
Sunberth: Hates Mages
Location: The Great Bazaar
Location: Seaside Market
Simonsen's Ship: The Amber Wave
Location: Worlds End Grotto
Zeltiva: A Land of Family...and Problems
Location: Zastoska Bathhouse
Sunberth: An insane city

Magical Lore:
Sensing Your Djed
Moving Your Djed for the Flux
Dangers of Overestimating the Body with the Flux
Learning to control and release djed to the right muscles
Understanding the flow of djed in use of flux
Feeling the rush of Djed expenditure
Auristics: A Branch Of Personal Magic
The Tenants of Sylir - honor, integrity, justice, fairness, civilization, faith.

Martial and Tactical Lore:
Taking charge of the battle
Leading your brothers in arms against Yukmen
Archery Frustrations
Realizing When to Give Training a Rest: “Even my Hair is Sore.”
Countering a bum rush
Adapting Strategy
Follies of Being Stubborn
Learning from Previous Mistakes
Using a Heater Shield
Turning Anger into Strength
The Benefits of Leather Armor
Learning Self-Control
Technique: Shield Bash
Learning Combat from Horseback (Basic)
Twirling defense
Falling for Trickery
Formation Riding
Losing Control of the Blade
A Larger Opponent
Fighting in Darkness
The 360 Sword Swing!
Combat: Fighting Two Foes At Once
Four Basic Elements Of Combat: Dodging, Sword, Shield, And Range.
Range In Combat: Maintaining An Ideal Situation While You Can Hit Your Foe Without Them Hitting You Back
Makings Of An Assault,
Dirty Tactics... But They Work,
Combat: Wincing Is Bad
Combat: Intercepting Attacks
Longsword: Stabbing Against Armoured Foes
Confidence in Armor
Combat: Arms could take a battering, unlike the organs.
Speed and Experience is a dangerous cocktail to face.
Helmet: Limited vision
Deception: Feigning weakness to attract an attack.
Always have a blade up your…shield strap.
The Anatomy Of An Infiltration,
The Plan: One Hand An Olive Branch, The Other A Dagger
Combat: Lowblow
Longsword: Flux-powered Stab-Charge
Combat: Fighting Against Four Competent Opponents At Once
Combat: Shield Arm Strike
Combat: Keeping a Level Head Despite the Odds
Tactics: Aiming at Weak Spots
Fighting Stance: Defensive
Spar: Sparring Against A Novice Is Boring
Weaponry: Shortbow vs Crossbow
Archery: Balancing Accuracy With Rate Of Fire
Tactics: Distract bandits to protect civilians
Tactics: Crossbow bolts pierce light armor
Technique: Dodge, lower shield, strike
Combat: Fighting multiple enemies
Tactics: Testing Your Enemy's Defenses
Seeing Through a Helmet's Visor
Sword Pommels Make Great Clubs.
Lesson: The Advantages of Cavalry
Ingenious Tactic: Throwing Ball
Unarmed Combat: Piston Kick
Tactics: Disarm opponents quickly by speeding up legs with flux
Unarmed Combat: Headbutt
Tactics: Recognising a disciplined opponent
Tactics: Run or Fight?
Throwing a dagger with flux

People Lore:
Pity For Diane
Airil’s Deity of Choice
Airil’s Mark of Avalis
Airil’s Mother and the Wishing Well
Airil’s True Purpose of a Wish
Finding Airil Frozen in Fear: Maybe The Shortcut Isn’t the Best Route to Take
Urging Airil Forward
Curiosity Over Airil’s Hesitation in the Alley
Comforting Airil
Kendall's Accident (Basic)
Fallon's Reason For Joining The Knights: To Protect Her Home
Fallon Has A Lykata Mark
Fallon Skylar: New relationship jitters
Fallon's Mental Strain In Using Her Gnosis
Fallon: Left The Knighthood
Fallon: Sharing Feelings
The Intricate Symbol Scars On Fallon's Back
Imass: Appealing To Honor, Chivalry... And Battle Lust,
Imass: Impassioned... But In The Wrong Place,
Eridanus: The Difference Between Covert And Dishonorable,
Eridanus: Too Dry An Rational,
Barton: Should Know His Place,
Jantys: Squire
Razkar: Creepy as Petch
Razkar: Impossibly quick!
Savitaire is a Constrictor Dhani
Savitaire: Difficult Squire
Alluia: Tiaden Warhorse
Albrek Dregan: Warden Knight Of Syliras
Nightshatter: Deserter and Former Knight
Nightshatter: Her True Name Is Isabella Shatter
Nightshatter: Able To Transform And Control The Elements Using Magic
Joanna: Shatter's Daughter
Squire: Letixia
Ball: New Squire
Ball: Speaks In Gibberish
Ball: Joins The Order Because Of Imass
Raven: Acquaintance
S'essy: Konti Healer
S'essy: Has A Healing On Her Forehead
S'Essy: She Really Is A Lustful Konti
S'Essy: The Secret Mage
Shiress: Barmaid
Shiress Is From Zeltiva
Shiress' Family
Zachiah: Shiress' Father
Shiress: One Night Stand... Or Not
Raven: Jerk With A Heart Of Gold
Raven Had Been Taken To The Tank Before
Raven: Can't Get Away From Her
Rachel Messer: Fighting instructor
Rachel Messer: Brother of Kreig
Kreig Messer: Not an only child
Rachel Messer: Spars with her brother
Rachel Messer: Flux User
S'essy: Her age
S'essy: Long lived
S'essy: Goals and dreams
S'essy: Ability to sense bonds
S'essy: Markus' girlfriend
Kreig: Joins Because He Wants To Protect People
Kreig: His Mother Died Of Illness
Web: An Informant
Web's Sincerity Through Pain
Simonsen's Ship: The Amber Wave
Red Wolf: Involved In Slaving
Farald: Working on Simonsen's Ship
Simon: Brother and Racist Shykehead
Michelle: Simon's Wife
Anne: William's Widow
William: Enslaved?
Richard: Elder Brother in Kenash
Johanne: Niece
Johanne: Pregnant
The Andres: A Terrible State of Affairs
S'Essy: My Pillar, My Support
Dalavesta: Syliran squire
Dalavesta: of the Stalinsa family
Luther Stone: A Worthy Opponent
Luther Stone: Syliran Knight
Revy Hiroe: Snide Squire.
Revy: A Defensive Fighter.
Revy Hiroe: Hates Knights.
Revy Hiroe: Has a Troubled Past.
Revy Hiroe: Marked by Myri.
Ball: An Unpredictable Squire
M'wanii: Dolphin-frog
M'wanii: Looks like Shyke
M'wanii: Charoda
M'wanii: Born in Charbosi
Ball: Adaptable In Sticky Situations
Ball: The Benefits of His Small Size
S’Essy: My Lover, My Partner, My Friend
Fallon and Zandelia together.
Caelo: drunk at a party
Fallon: Keeps her secrets
Fallon: A secret mage?
Zandelia: Quite capable of both blasphemy and cursing
Noven: A real damsel in distress

Racial Lore:
The Different Forms of a Dhani
Learning About Vantha Eyes: “Cool, She’s Got Mood Eyes”
Vantha Art
Vantha History and Culture
Cultural Exchange: Syliras and Avanthal
Meeting a Konti
Pycon: Can Change Body Shape To Weapons
Kelvic: Instantaneous Transformation
Charoda: Lightweight Creatures
Charoda: Cartilage Skeletons
The sound of Kontinese
Niloc Snowsong: S'Essy's Vantha Father
Story of S'Essy's father
Getting slapped by S'Essy
S'Essy's goal to become a healer for the knighthood

Religion Lore:
Religion (Yahal)
Morwen’s Realm of Influence
Rhaus’ Realm of Influence
Avalis: Goddess of Divination and Mother of Konti
Healer Oath: Must Heal Everyone Who Needs It
Lore of Religion: Izurdin
Izentor: The Mark of Izurdin

Skill Lore:
Acrobatics: Landing with a forwards roll

Wilderness Survival Lore:
Fire Starting: 101
Balicani: Serpentine Terror Of The Skies
Balicani: Half-Bat, Half-Snake Monster

Miscellaneous Lore:
Tension Over Spending the Night in the Wilds
Speculation Over the Water Thief
A Less Than Direct Approach
Keeping to the Less Than Direct Approach
Caution in Another’s Approach
Ascertaining the Dangers of a Water Thief
Cutting to the Chase
Ooooooooo! Pretty Eye Color Changes
Frustration Over the Facts
Explaining Consequences
Questioning Self-Esteem
Captivation By Song
Encouraging a Songstress
Being Embraced by Those Who are Feeling Overwhelmed by Nostalgia
Finding Trust in the One You Were Arresting
Defending a woman's honor
Sharing the secrets of the Knights
Spewing Apple at a Konti(A.K.A: Talking with your mouth full)
Being Flattering to a Konti
A Coat? She’s Covering Up the Goods? Damnit!
Starting a Tour
Regaining Composure After Being Loud in the Temple
Divination, Quest: Find the Wishing Well
Dismissing the Idea of Bathing With Airil: “It’s too soon, gotta butter her up more.”
Anticipating Travel for Quest
Not Indulging in Extravagant Food When Airil is Picking up the Tab
“Stick Around Airil Baby, I’m Not Leaving Anytime Soon.”
Offering Support
Finding a Private Place for Discussion
Losing Temper: Funny How One Sentence Can Do That
A tad jumpy
Nostalgia Over Being a Page
How to be a Squire in Shining Armor
Markus the great... Dreamer
Knights know what they're doing
Metal on metal is slick
Using the roll of shame
Knowing ones limits
Not wanting to face the past
Asking Imass for a spar
To Dress or not to dress
War Makes For Strange (And Unsavory) Bedfellows,
Decision By Committee,
Recognizing Imass' superior bulk is advantageous
Confident that you are the best
Doubting Zeltiva's ability to self rule
Defeating two Zeltivans in combat
Struggling to free the wagon from the mud
Riding Imass' horse
A Bloody Night At The Spinning Coin
The Four Petchers
Raging Anger
For Justice!
Revenge Is Sweet
Drawing The Line
Duty Comes Before Personal Feelings
Weapons Don't Work? Use Your Boot
Punching a Dog...to Protect Oneself
Being Injured by a Pycon
Making Amends with Ball
Finding Common Ground Over a Dog
Instruction by Demonstration
The Corruption Of Pragmatism,
Are We Not Men Of Honor?,
Use What (And Who) Is Best For The Job,
Moral Conviction: Chivalrous Resolve
Persuasion: Convincing The Otherworldly
Facing Down a Specter
Bad Timing For Jokes
Rhetoric: Joke and Jest
Observational Insight: Spotting Tension
Land Navigation: Charting A Course
Knighthood and career plans
Orvin: Greedy little pup.
Fire In The Warehouse District
Dean: One Of The Burned Victim
A Secret Laboratory In The Maiden District
A Pure White Figure With Silver Blade
Instruction: Correcting Mistakes with Courtesy
Knightly Tournament: Mentoring Fallon and Bolivar
A Strange Large Ship Stranded In The Docks
An Abandoned Ship Filled With Skeletons
Madman's Lair Of Horrors
Knighted By The Windoak And Ser Petri
Worms: Wet and Slimy
Worms: Ok At a Distance
Self: The Order Above All
A Rat Kelvic Thief In The Great Bazaar
Intelligence: Noticing Subtle Signs In The Environment
Assignment: Tracking Raven
Voyeurism: The Act Of Spying Someone
Endurance: Cut Wounds Hurt A Lot
Kittens Are Skittish
Sharing Feelings With Raven
Leadership: Inspiring Courage in the Face of Danger
Leadership: Keeping your Men on Task
Facing the Lagool
Lagool: Guardian of Sahova
Lore of Self: Mastering oneself in the chaos
Medicine: Cold to dull pain
Medicine: Waterskin as a makeshift cold pack
Challenge to Dira
Knights beware: Lusty Konti prowl the woods
Brawling: In A Tavern
Seduction: Angry Sex
Seduction: Calm Morning Sex
Case: Two Squires Gone Missing In The Citadel
Organization: Making Changes On The Go
Planning: Arranging A Trip
Planning: Knowing What You Need
Being Unintentionally Generous
Buying The Right Horse For A Novice
Cooking: Preparing Soup
Bodybuilding: It Needs Constant Work
Not Everyone Has The Same Strengths
Perhaps Relationships Don't Start After Two Days
A Lack of Honor in Sunberth
Uncertainty In Pricing
Needing an Informant
The Weight of Fear, The Dreaded Sea
Fixing a wagon with a broken wheel
Medicine: Apply pressure on a wound
Settling Disputes, the Honorable Way.
Some People Just Really Like Swordplay... Really...
Beating Fear.. With Anger.
Sharing Regrets with a Stranger.
Leadership: The Burden of Leadership
Leadership: Assembling A Group of Pages
Carving: Sharpening Sticks To Rudimentary Points
Rhetoric: Fisk Jokes
Social Nuance: Why Riverfall Is Called Riverfall
Defending a precious bundle
Girls: Mysterious creatures
Childcare: A soothing voice
Sunberth's biting winds.
Stealth: Avoiding Leth's luminescence
Gifting Fallon a nest egg to pay a debt
Fallon Getting Married
Aid in picking the perfect apology gift
Last edited by Markus Andres on January 28th, 2018, 11:50 pm, edited 53 times in total.
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Markus Andres
Posts: 1220
Words: 1104443
Joined roleplay: September 14th, 2010, 7:43 pm
Location: Zeltiva/Sunberth
Race: Human
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Medals: 3
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Markus K. Andres

Postby Markus Andres on February 2nd, 2013, 6:14 am

Graded threads

Flashback :
http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic5710.html - 64th Summer 505 AV and 88th of Summer 505 AV.
Participants: Markus Andres.
Skill rewards: +1 observation, + 1 unarmed, +3 tactics, +5 shield.
Lore Reward: Follies of Being Stubborn, Learning from Previous Mistakes, Using a Heater Shield, Turning Anger into Strength, Nostalgia Over Being a Page, The Benefits of Leather Armor, Learning Self-Control, Technique: Shield Bash, Falling for Trickery.

Between Squires - 57th of Summer 510 AV
Participants: Markus and Dimitri
Skill Rewards: +5 Bastard Sword +4 Shield, +2 Tactics, +2 Bodybuilding, +1 Running
Lore Rewards: Using an opponent's strength against them, Know your strength, A slap counts as first aid

Fonder Memories 90th of Summer - 2nd of Fall.
Participants: Markus
Skill Rewards: +5 Bastard sword, +5 Shield, +4 Tactics, +2 Horse Riding, +1 Composite Shortbow, + 1 Dagger
Lore Rewards: The axe as a weapon (Basic), Basic sword strikes, Using the sun in combat, Hiding a dagger in your shield, Using trees in combat, Defending against an archer (Basic)

Fondest Memories - 3rd Fall to 26th Fall 505 AV
Participants: Markus
Skills Rewards: Body Building: 4, Composite Shortbow: 4, Climbing: 1, Horse Riding: 1
Lore Reward: Dealing with full armor, Teachings of Wysar, Archery Stance (Basic), Climbing in armor

My Camp! - 21st of spring 510 AV.
Skill Reward: Bastard Sword: 4, Shield: 3, Composite Shortbow: 3, Leadership: 3, Interrogation: 2, Medicine: 2, Body Building: 2, Tracking: 1, Wilderness Survival: 1
Lore Reward: Starting a fire, Allying with strangers, Pain loosens lips, Power of a distraction, Dealing death, Morality of killing
Ledger: +20 GM

Even fonder memories
Skill reward:+5 Horse Riding, +4 Bastard Sword, +3 Shield, +3 Tactics, +2 Body Building, +1 Horsemanship
Lore Reward: Lores: Religion (Yahal), Mounted Combat (Moderate), Make sure you're free first

Not the Patron - 7th of fall 507 AV.
Participants: Wystern
Skill Rewards: Shield: 2 - Bastard Sword: 2 - Tactics: 1 - Unarmed: 1 - Observation: 1 - Rhetorics: 1
Lore Rewards: Sword: Quick Draw (Basic) - Shield: Hides Sneak Attacks - Knightly Duty: Not Whipping Out One's Weapon in Public

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic5150.html - Fourth of Spring, 510 AV
Participants: Adalia and Markus
Skill Rewards: Interrogation: 2
Lore Rewards: No Good News? Hold Your Tongue, Politeness in the Face of Anger

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic7476-10.html - 26th day of Spring, 510AV
Participants: Markus and Cathan
Skill Rewards: Observation: 2 - Gambling: 2 - Teaching: 3
Lore Rewards: Gambling is About Knowing When to Quit

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic9874-10.html - 22nd of spring, 510 AV
Participants: Markus and Rhuryc
Skill Rewards: Shield: 5 - Bastard Sword: 3 - Philosophy: 2 - Dagger: 2 - Unarmed Combat: 2
Lore Rewards: Restless Nights - Recovering Property - Using One's Rage - The Great Escape - Working Together - Excuses for Killing

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic21080.html 27th of spring
Participants: Solo
Skill Rewards: Running- 3 XP - Shield- 2 XP - Tactics- 2 XP -Bastard Sword- 1 XP
Lore Rewards: Laziness Leads to Pain - A Thought of Escape

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic17920.html - Summer, day 20, 510 AV
Participants: Markus Andres and CAssandra Marks
Skill Rewards: Seduction: 1 - Rhetorics: 1 - Interogation: 2 - Body Building: 1
Lore Rewards: A date for a spar - Cassandra Marks is attractive yet scary

Participants: Markus Andres and Grace
Skill Rewards: Interrogation: 2 - Philosophy: 1 - Running: 1 - Seduction: 1
Lore Rewards: Grace (Partial) - Paying Respect - Musings on History

Participants: Markus Andres and Bob Barton
Skill Rewards: 4 unarmed Combat.
Lore rewards: Being an arrogant asshole - Losing temper - A Hurt Ego

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic41455-10.html - 31st of Summer, 509AV
Participants: Markus and Raven
Skill Rewards: Observation +2 XP - Socialization +2 XP - Persuasion +1 XP - Rhetoric +2 XP - Flirting +1 XPTracking +1 XP - Stealth +2 XP
Lore Rewards: Assignment: Tracking Raven, Voyeurism: The Act Of Spying Someone, Raven: Acquaintance, Location: Sukina Geysers

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic48329-20.html - 32nd of Summer, 509AV
Participants: Markus and Raven.
Skill Rewards: Observation +3 XP - Socialization +2 XP - Rhetoric +3 XP - Flirting +3 XP - Seduction +2 XP - Endurance +2 XP - Wilderness Survival +1 XP - Stealth +1 XP - Leadership +1 XP - Intimidation +2 XP - Weapon: Composite Shortbow +1 XP - Weapon: Shield +1 XP - Unarmed Combat +1 XP - Brawling +1 XP
Lore Rewards:Raven: Jerk With A Heart Of Gold - Combat: Shield Arm Strike - Sharing Feelings With Raven
Shield Rewards: +7

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic48725.html - 41st of Summer, 509AV
Participants: Markus and Raven.
Skill Rewards: Observation +2 XP - Rhetoric +2 XP - Intimidation +3 XP - Seduction +4 XP
Lore Rewards: Raven Had Been Taken To The Tank Before

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/post372822.html#p372822 - 44 of Fall, 509 AV
Participants: Markus and S'Essy
Skill Rewards: Observation +3 XP - Socialization +3 XP - Rhetoric +3 XP - Endurance +3 XP - Teaching +3 XP - Flirting +2 XP - Seduction +1 XP
Lore Rewards: S'essy: Konti Healer, Endurance: Cut Wounds Hurt A Lot, Healer Oath: Must Heal Everyone Who Needs It, S'essy: Has A Healing On Her Forehead

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic48335-30.html - 47th-Fall-509
Participants: Markus and S'Essy
Skill Rewards: Land Navigation +2 - Endurance +4 - Flirting +5 - Seduction +4 - Socialization +5 - Leadership +1 - Planning +2 - Wilderness Survival +3 - Swimming +2 - Observation +2 -
Scavenging +1 - Interrogation +2 - Teaching +1 - Cooking + 1 - Carving +1
Lore Rewards: Knights beware: Lusty Konti prowl the woods - Mura: No need to fight -S'essy: Her age - S'essy: Long lived - S'essy: Goals and dreams - S'essy: Ability to sense bonds - Location: Pavi Lake - Challenge to Dira - S'essy: Markus' girlfriend

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic48917-20.html - 42nd of Summer 509 AV
Participants: Markus and Raven
Skill Rewards: Socialization +5 XP - Rhetoric +4 XP - Seduction +5 XP - Flirting +3 XP - Endurance +3 XP - Intimidation +1 XP - Brawling +1 XP - Unarmed Combat +1 XP
Lore Rewards: Raven: Can't Get Away From Her - Brawling: In A Tavern - Seduction: Angry Sex - Seduction: Calm Morning Sex

Non-Flashback :
http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic4734.html - 1st day of fall. 510 AV.
Participants: Diane and John Vicari
Skill rewards: +1 Riding, +2 Wilderness Survival, +5 Observation, +1 Subterfuge, +2 Interrogation, +1 Investigation, +1 Negotiation, +4 Rhetoric
Lore Rewards: Tension Over Spending the Night in the Wilds, Speculation Over the Water Thief, A Less Than Direct Approach, Keeping to the Less Than Direct Approach, Caution in Another’s Approach, Ascertaining the Dangers of a Water Thief, Cutting to the Chase, Ooooooooo! Pretty Eye Color Changes, Frustration Over the Facts, Pity For Diane, Explaining Consequences, Questioning Self-Esteem, A Bit About Avanthal and it‘s Beauty, Fire Starting: 101, Captivation By Song, Encouraging a Songstress, Being Embraced by Those Who are Feeling Overwhelmed by Nostalgia, Learning About Vantha Eyes: “Cool, She’s Got Mood Eyes”, Vantha Art, Vantha History and Culture, Morwen’s Realm of Influence, Rhaus’ Realm of Influence, Cultural Exchange: Syliras and Avanthal, Finding Trust in the One You Were Arresting

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic4884.html - 20th of fall. 510 AV.
Participant: Airil.
Ledger: -3 sm.
Skill rewards: Interrogation: 3 XP, Intimidation: 1 XP, Weapon (Improvised): 1 XP, Unarmed Combat: 1 XP, Storytelling: 1 XP.
Lore: Meeting a Konti, Defending a woman's honor, Sharing the secrets of the Knights.

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic5049.html - 23rd of fall. 510 AV.
Participant: Airil.
Skill Rewards: +1 Archery, +5 Observation, +1 Seduction, +5 Rhetoric, +2 Interrogation,
Lore Reward: Archery Frustrations, Realizing When to Give Training a Rest: “Even my Hair is Sore.”, Spewing Apple at a Konti(A.K.A: Talking with your mouth full), Being Flattering to a Konti, A Coat? She’s Covering Up the Goods? Damnit!, Starting a Tour, Airil’s Deity of Choice, Airil’s Mark of Avalis, Avalis: Goddess of Divination and Mother of Konti, Regaining Composure After Being Loud in the Temple, Divination, Quest: Find the Wishing Well, Airil’s Mother and the Wishing Well, Airil’s True Purpose of a Wish, Dismissing the Idea of Bathing With Airil: “It’s too soon, gotta butter her up more.”, Anticipating Travel for Quest, Not Indulging in Extravagant Food When Airil is Picking up the Tab, “Stick Around Airil Baby, I’m Not Leaving Anytime Soon.”, Finding Airil Frozen in Fear: Maybe The Shortcut Isn’t the Best Route to Take, Urging Airil Forward, Curiosity Over Airil’s Hesitation in the Alley, Offering Support, Finding a Private Place for Discussion, Comforting Airil, Losing Temper: Funny How One Sentence Can Do That

Participants: Markus and Nidass
Skill reward: Interrogation:2 - Observation: 2 - Philosophy: 1
Lore Reward: Syliras Geography (Moderate), Kelvic Bonding (Basic), Sneaking a Peek, and Looking Away


Skill rewards: Drinking + 2, Rhetoric + 5, Intimidation + 1
Lore Reward: Speaking "Alcoholese" | Alcohol: Man's best friend | Hangovers: Man's worst enemy | Forgiving the past for the sake of the present | Familiarity with sparring injuries | Opening up about the past

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic4883.html Fall 21st 510 AV
Participant: Richard Anderson.
Skill Rewards: Shield + 3, Sword + 2, Tactics + 1,
Lore Rewards: A tad jumpy | Countering a bum rush | Adapting Strategy

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic5267.html Fall 43rd 510 AV
Participant: Pain.
Skill Rewards: Sword- 2 XP, Observation- 1 XP, Negotiation- 1 XP, Unarmed Combat- 5 XP
Lore Rewards: Hands-On Learning, Always Protect the Head
Unarmed Technique: Fighting Stance, Surprise Attack, The Best Defense is Sometimes a Good Offense, Splitting Headache, Losing a Fight, Questioning Life’s Ambition, Dealing with Painful Memories

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic5265.html - Fall 44th - 510 AV.
Participant: Torr.
Skill Rewards: 5 xp [weapon] shortbow
Lore Rewards: Awkward Silences, The Great Bow Debate, Speed Over Power!, The Humble Victor

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic6078.html Fall 60th - 510 AV.
Participant: Markus Andres.
Skills Rewards: Body Building 1 xp, Riding 3 xp, Weapon (Sword) 3 xp, Weapon (Shield) 1, weapon (Shortbow) 2 xp.
Lore Rewards: How to be a Squire in Shining Armor and Learning Combat from Horseback (Basic)

Fall Seasonal xp: Proof
XP Award: Shield: 2 XP, Tactics: 1 XP
Lore Award: Geography of Syliras (Basic)
Swag: For a season spent training well, Markus is gifted with a new metal heater shield (see: large steel shield on price list) which is fitted with shield teeth along the edges.

Spring seasonal exp: Proof
XP Award: Composite Shortbow 2 xp, Tactics: 1 XP
Lore Award:Syliran Knight Protocol, Syliran Knight Training Regimens, Names of Ranking Knights (Average).
Swag: Composite Shortbow from the Feathered Shaft. It comes from the Endrykas, and is carved from a Olidosapux horn.

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic7192.html - Winter 2nd 510.
Participant: Solo.
Skill Rewards: Bastard sword: 2 - Weapon: Shield 3 - Weapon: Dagger 1 - Riding: Horse: 2
Lore Rewards: Want Cautiously, You Might Get It, Bringing a Knife to a Swordfight, A Great Offense may Sacrifice a Great Defense

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic7876.html - Winter 23rd 510 av.
Participants: Solo
Skill Rewards: Weapon (Shortbow) 3 - Weapon (Throwing Knife) 1 Weapon (Shield) 1 - Weapon (Sword) 1
Lore: Markus the great... Dreamer

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic5372-10.html - Fall - 51st 510 av.
Participants: John Griffin
Skill reward: +3 Bastard Sword - +3 Shield - +1 Body Building
Lore: Lores: Twirling defense, Knights know what they're doing, Metal on metal is slick

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic9155-10.html - Spring - 62nd 511 AV
Participants: Jaelyn Baroth
Skill Rewards: Riding + 4; Horsemanship +1; Shortbow +4; Seduction +2; Leadership +1
Lore Rewards: None

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic7321-10.html - Winter - 7th 510 AV
Participants: Asheny (Tolby)
Skill Rewards: Observation 2 -Drinking 2- Interrogation 2 - Rhetoric 1 - Detection 1
Lore Rewards:Civilians Are Also Decoys! - Hops Are Tastier Than Grapes - Knightly Duty: Not Judging an Upstanding Citizen

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic9423.html - Spring - 79th 511 AV
Participants: Hadrian and Kendall (Male)
Skill Rewards: +2 Interrogation, +2 Rhetoric, +1 Observation
Lore rewards: Hearing Your Name, Meeting the New Kendall, Kendall's Accident (Basic), Can't Stand the Change

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic16131.html - 9th of Fall 511 AV
Participants: Solo
Skill Rewards: +3 Dagger - +3 Throwing (Dagger) - +1 Bodybuilding - +1 Tactics
Lore Rewards: Compensating for Distance (Basic), Lore: Visualizing an Underwhelming Weapon Vs. Overwhelming Armor

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic6079.html - Fall 43 – evening – 510 AV.
Participants: Solo
Skill Reward: +3 Bodybuilding
Lore Rewards: Pushing Aside Hunger

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic8994.html - Season of Spring, Day 52, 511 AV
Participants: Markus, Dimitri, Jaelyn, Gareth and Lucas
Skill Rewards: +3 Rhetoric
Lore Rewards: Looking presentable

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic9444-30.html - 51st of spring 511.
Participants: Markus and Jokor
Skill Rewards: +1 Composite Shortbow - +5 Dagger - +5 Unarmed Combat - +5 Tactics - +3 Observation
Lore Rewards: Maneuver (Shoulder Tackle), Go For a Quick Kill, Protect Your Jewels, Grounding Your Opponent

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic9586.html - 5th of spring 511
Participants: Markus and Lilith
Skill Rewards: +1 Unarmed - +1 Running - +2 Teaching
Lore Rewards: Aquaintance: Lilith

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic9471-10.html - 77th of spring 511.
Participants: Markus, Dimitri and Jaelyn
Skill Rewards: Riding 5 - Rhetoric 1 - Leadership 1
Lore Rewards: Formation Riding.

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic9489-20.html - 62nd of spring 511
Participants: Markus and Jaelyn
Skill Rewards: Rhetoric 5 -Interrogation 2 - Unarmed Combat 1 - Swimming 3 - Observation 2 - Seduction 2 - Body Building 2
Lore Rewards: Lifting spirits - Jaelyn's father

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic14165.html - 2nd of Fall 511
Participants: Markus and Fraha
Skill Rewards: Seduction 1 - Stealth 1 - Interrogation 1 - Rhetoric 1
Lore Rewards: Pick up lines - Fraha's knightly distaste

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic14576-20.html - 4th of Fall 511 AV
Participants: Markus and Xalet
Skill Rewards: Bastard Sword- 5 XP - Shield- 4 XP - Tactics- 3 XP
Lore Rewards: Losing Control of the Blade - A Larger Opponent

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic10601.html -10.html 2nd of Summer 511
Participants: Markus and Archon/Chevalier modding.
Skill Rewards: Rhetoric 1Dagger 1 - Bastard Sword 4 - Tactics 2 - Shield 3 - Observation 1 - Meditation 2 - Flux 2
Lore Rewards: Fighting in Darkness - The 360 Sword Swing! - Sensing Your Djed - Moving Your Djed for the Flux - Dangers of Overestimating the Body with the Flux

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic14855.html 5th of Fall
Participants: Mikkeyla and Markus
Skill Reward: Dagger- 4 XP - Shield- 2 XP - Bastard Sword- 2 XP - Tactics- 1 XP
Lore Rewards: Damsel in Distress

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic16135.html - 19th of Fall 512
Participants: Solo
Skill Rewards: Body Building 2 - Meditation 3 - Flux 4
Lore Rewards: Meditative Flux Training - Locating and Feeling Your Djed - Cardio, Crazy Style

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic8248.html - Mid Winter 510
Participants: Markus Andres and Sondra
Skill Rewads: Interrogation + 2 XP - Seduction + 1 XP - Rhetoric + 2 XP - leadership + 1 XP
Lore Rewards: Discovering a rotting corpse in the city - Sondra isn't a fabled Konti - Discussing The Call

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic21883-20.html - Spring 76 512 AV
Participants: Markus Andres and Blythe
Skill Reward: Flux + 1 XP - Interrogation + 3XP - bastard sword + 5 XP
Lore Rewards: Kontis are trained fighters - Conversations on the past: Seeking forgivness - To spar a Konti: Testing Blythe's katana

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic25259.html - Summer 1 512 AV
Participants: Markus
Skill Reward: Flux + 5 XP - Body building + 5 XP - Meditation + 2 XP - Observation + 2 XP
Lore Rewards: Using the roll of shame - Understanding the flow of djed in use of flux - Knowing ones limits - Learning to control and release djed to the right muscles.

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic25295.html - Summer 82. 512 AV
Participants: Markus and Imass
Skill Reward: Tactics +2 -Bastard Sword +3 -Shield +3 -Flux +2
Lore Reward: -Not wanting to face the past -Asking Imass for a spar -Feeling the rush of Djed expenditure -Recognizing Imass' superior bulk is advantageous

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic23655.html - Summer 67. 512 AV
Participants: Markus, Imass, Eridanus etc.
Skill Reward: Riding +3 - Bodybuilding +2 - Leadership +4 - Dagger +1 - Tactics +2 - Bastard sword +3 - Shield +2
Lore Reward: -Struggling to free the wagon from the mud- Taking charge of the battle- Leading your brothers in arms against Yukmen -Riding Imass' horse

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic25052.html - Summer 80. 512 AV
Participants: Markus, Imass, Bob, Larknas
Skill Reward: Observation +1 - Tactics +1 - Shield +2 - Bastard Sword +3
Lore Reward: -Confident that you are the best -Doubting Zeltiva's ability to self rule -Defeating two Zeltivans in combat

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/post301399.html - Summer 55. 513 AV
Participants: Markus and Kreig Messer + Radiant as Storyteller
Skill Reward: Observation +2 XP - Intimidation +3 XP - Rhetoric +1 XP - Brawling +3 XP - Unarmed Combat +3 XP - Flux +1 XP -
Lore Reward: A Bloody Night At The Spinning Coin - The Four Petchers - Raging Anger
For Justice! - Revenge Is Sweet - Drawing The Line
Ledger: +50 GM

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic31443-10.html - Winter 73. 512 AV
Participants: Markus and Ball
Skill Reward: Brawling 1 - Dagger 1 - Flux 1 - Leadership 1 - Observation 3 - Running 2 - Tactics 2

Lore: Duty Comes Before Personal Feelings - Weapons Don't Work? Use Your Boot - Punching a Dog...to Protect Oneself - Being Injured by a Pycon - Making Amends with Ball

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic37051-10.html - Summer 16. 513 av
Participants: Markus, Fallon and Solin
Skill Rewards: Riding: Horse +2 XP - Observation +1 XP - Rhetoric +1 XP - Land Navigation +1 XP
Lore Rewards: Rhetoric: Joke and Jest - Observational Insight: Spotting Tension - Land Navigation: Charting A Course

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic38704-10.html - Summer 49th. 513 av.
Participants: Markus and Fallon
skill Rewards: Observation +2 XP - Socialization +2 XP - Rhetoric +2 XP - Storytelling +1 XP - Swimming +1 XP
Lore Rewards: Fallon's Reason For Joining The Knights: To Protect Her Home - Fallon Has A Lykata Mark

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic39917-10.html - Fall 13th. 513 AV
Participants: Markus and Fallon
Skill Rewards: +5 socialization +2 observation +1 seduction +4 flirting
Lore Rewards: To Dress or not to dress - Fallon Skylar: New relationship jitters - Knighthood and career plans - Orvin: Greedy little pup.

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic39849-10.html - Fall 75th. 513 AV
Participants: Markus, Fallon and Kreig
Skill Rewards: Observation +1 XP - Intimidation +1 XP - Leadership +1 XP - Investigation +1 XP
Lore Rewards: Fire In The Warehouse District - Dean: One Of The Burned Victim - A Secret Laboratory In The Maiden District - A Pure White Figure With Silver Blade - Fallon's Mental Strain In Using Her Gnosis
Shield Rewards: +1

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic27158-10.html - Summer 37th 512 AV
Participants: Markus and Savitaire
Skill Rewards: +3 Teaching - +4 Observation - +1 Rhetoric
Lore Reward: Instruction: Correcting Mistakes with Courtesy - Savitaire is a Constrictor Dhani - Instruction by Demonstration - Savitaire: Difficult Squire - The Different Forms of a Dhani

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic38686-10.html - Summer 63rd 513 AV
Participants: Markus and Jantys
Skill Rewards: Observation +2 XP - Leadership +1 XP - Teaching +3 XP
Lore Rewards: Jantys: Squire - Combat: Wincing Is Bad - Combat: Intercepting Attacks - Longsword: Stabbing Against Armoured Foes
Shield Rewards: +1

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic24897-20.html - Summer 30th 512 AV
Participants: Markus and Savitaire.
Skill Rewards: Observation +2 XP - Bodybuilding +1 XP - Socialization +2 XP - Persuasion +2 XP - Intimidation +1 XP - Leadership +1 XP
Lore Rewards: Savitaire: Unusually Strong - Savitaire: Horses Don't Like Him - Savitaire Is Not Human
Shield Reward: +6

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic37420.html? - Summer 30th 513 AV
Participants: Markus and Razkar
Skill Rewards: +1 rhetoric - +5 observation - +5 Weapon: Bastard Sword - +5 Weapon: Heater Shield - +5 Tactics - +4 endurance - +1 unarmed combat - +1 Deception - +5 flux - +3 Weapon:Dagger
Lore Rewards: Razkar: Creepy as Petch - Confidence in Armor - Combat: Arms could take a battering, unlike the organs. - Razkar: Impossibly quick! - Speed and Experience is a dangerous cocktail to face. - Helmet: Limited vision - Deception: Feigning weakness to attract an attack. - Always have a blade up your…shield strap.

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic37503-30.html - 60th of Summer 513 AV.
Participants: Markus, Fallon, Kouri and Noaru
Skill Rewards: Observation +1 XP - Philosophy +1 XP - Persuasion +1 XP - Weapon: Longsword +1 XP - Rhetoric +1 XP
Lore Rewards: Moral Conviction: Chivalrous Resolve - Persuasion: Convincing The Otherworldly - Facing Down a Specter - Bad Timing For Jokes

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic40252.html - 17th of Fall 513 AV.
Participants: Markus and Fallon
Skill Rewards: Observation +5 XP - Socialization +3 XP - Seduction +1 XP - Rhetoric +1 XP - Leadership +2 XP - Teaching +5 XP - Tactics +2 XP - Weapon: Bastard Sword +1 XP - Weapon: Shield +1 XP - Rhetoric +1 XP
Lore Rewards: Four Basic Elements Of Combat: Dodging, Sword, Shield, And Range. - Range In Combat: Maintaining An Ideal Situation While You Can Hit Your Foe Without Them Hitting You Back - The Intricate Symbol Scars On Fallon's Back
Shield Rewards: +1

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic46488.html - 27th of Winter 513 AV.
Participants: Solo
Skill Rewards:Observation +3 XP - Investigation +4 XP - Intelligence +2 XP - Planning +1 XP - Endurance +1 XP - Body Building +1 XP - Flux +1 XP
Lore Reward: A Strange Large Ship Stranded In The Docks - An Abandoned Ship Filled With Skeletons - Madman's Lair Of Horrors - Taylor Brudt: Stewart Knight - Tyr Rhanan: Sergeant Knight
Shield Reward: +4

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/post369292.html - 23rd of Spring 514 av
Participants: Markus, moderated by Radiant
Skill Reward: Observation +1 XP - Socialization +1 XP
Lore Reward: Gnosis: Fellow Marked Can Sense One Another - Promoted To Sergeant Knight - Sergeant Knight Leads A Squad Of Five Knights
Ledger: A double sword silver pin.
Shield Reward: +50

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic46940.html - 5th of Spring 514 av
Participants: Markus and Letixia
Skill Reward: Endurance: 1 - Socialization: 3 - Observation: 2
Lore Reward: Letixia: Squire - Worms: Wet and Slimy - Worms: Ok At a Distance

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic43232-10.html - 78th of Fall 513 av
Participants: Markus and Fallon
Skill Reward: Socialization +3 XP - Rhetoric +3 XP - Intimidation +2 XP - Persuasion +2 XP - Flirting +1 XP
Lore Reward: Fallon: Left The Knighthood - Fallon: Sharing Feelings - Self: The Order Above All

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic41212-10.html - 23rd of Fall 513AV
Participants: Markus and Ball
Skill Reward: Observation +2 XP - Socialization +2 XP - Leadership +2 XP - Teaching +3 XP - Interrogation +1 XP
Lore Reward: Ball: New Squire - Ball: Speaks In Gibberish - Ball: Joins The Order Because Of Imass - Combat: Lowblow - Pycon: Can Change Body Shape To Weapons
Shield Reward: +5

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic45885.html - 35th of Winter 513 AV.
Participants: Solo
Skill Reward: Observation +2 XP - Running +2 XP - Endurance +3 XP - Acrobatics +2 XP - Weapon: Bastard Sword +1 XP - Flux +1 XP
Lore Reward: Balicani: Serpentine Terror Of The Skies - Balicani: Half-Bat, Half-Snake Monster - Longsword: Flux-powered Stab-Charge
Ledger: 1 Balicani head.
Shield Reward: +5

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic46176.html - 48th of winter 513 AV.
Participants: Markus Andres and Delavesta
Skill Reward: Tactics: +2 - Leadership: +3 - Bastard Sword: +3 - Medicine: +1
Lore Reward: Dalavesta: Syliran squire - Dalavesta: of the Stalinsa family - Fixing a wagon with a broken wheel - Tactics: Distract bandits to protect civilians - Tactics: Crossbow bolts pierce light armor - Technique: Dodge, lower shield, strike - Combat: Fighting multiple enemies - Medicine: Apply pressure on a wound
Shield Reward: +8

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic47303.html - 54th of Spring 514 A.V
Participants: Markus, prompt thread by Radiant
Skill Reward: Observation +2 XP - Running +3 XP - Endurance +2 XP - Intelligence +2 XP - Leadership +3 XP - Tactics +1 XP - Flux +2 XP - Acrobatics +1 XP
Lore Reward: Kelvic: Instantaneous Transformation - Alicia Frostfawn: Vantha Mage-Knight - Alicia: Short And Cute - Auristics: A Branch Of Personal Magic - A Rat Kelvic Thief In The Great Bazaar - Intelligence: Noticing Subtle Signs In The Environment
Shield Reward: +4

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic44492.html - 25th of Winter
513 av.
Participants: Markus and Shiress
Skill Reward: Observation +2 XP - Socialization +5 XP - Rhetoric +3 XP - Flirting +2 XP - Seduction +3 XP - Storytelling +1 XP - Animal Husbandry +1 XP
Lore Reward: Shiress: Barmaid - Shiress Is From Zeltiva - Shiress' Family - Zachiah: Shiress' Father - Shiress: One Night Stand... Or Not - Kittens Are Skittish
Shield Reward: +2

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic48319.html 24th of Spring 514 AV
Participants: Solo
Skill Reward: Observation +3 XP - Leadership +3 XP - Organization +2 XP - Tactics +2 XP - Teaching +2 XP - Planning +1 XP - Weapon: Bastard Sword +2 XP - Weapon: Shield +2 XP - Brawling +2 XP - Flux +1 XP - Endurance +2 XP
Lore Rewards: Carl Braklin: Knight Wing Squad Member - Catherina Anders: Knight Wing Squad Member - Oliver Hales: Knight Wing Squad Member - Michael Brock: Knight Wing Squad Member - Trine Hushod: Mage-Knight Wing Squad Member - Hushod's Magic: Earth Reimancy - Brock's Weapon Of Choice: Mace - Braklin's Weapon Of Choice: Axe - Anders' Weapon Of Choice: Sword And Shield - Hales' Weapon Of Choice: Longsword And Shield - Combat: Fighting Against Four Competent Opponents At Once.
Shield Rewards: +5

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic45608-20.html - 20th of Winter 513 AV
Participants: Markus and Rachel
Skill Rewards:Observation +3 -Stealth +1 -Socialization +4 -Flirting +4 -Seduction +1 - Weapon: Bastard sword +5 -Tactics +3 - Bodybuilding +1 -Medicine +1 -Endurance +2 - Flux +2
Lore Rewards: Rachel Messer: Fighting instructor - Rachel Messer: Brother of Kreig - Kreig Messer: Not an only child - Rachel Messer: Spars with her brother - Fighting Stance: Defensive - Rachel Messer: Flux User - Medicine: Cold to dull pain - Medicine: Waterskin as a makeshift cold pack
Shield Rewards: +2

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic48958.html 34th and 64th of Spring
Skill Reward: Socialization +2 XP - Negotiation +1 XP
Lore Reward: Location; The Ironworks - Roz Vizerian: Isurian Master Smith - Lore of Religion: Izurdin - Izentor: The Mark of Izurdin
Loot: Izentor Cold Iron Bastard Sword: Crafted by the Isurian master smith, Roz Vizerian, and marked by his Izentor. The sword is extremely durable thus resisting even the most devastating sources of potential damage. It will almost never break or dull.
Ledger: -1050 GM

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic47426.html - 8th of spring 514 AV
Participants: Markus Andres and Luther
Skill Rewards: +2 Shield, +2 Tactics and +2 socialisation.
Lore Rewards: Luther Stone: A Worthy Opponent - Luther Stone: Syliran Knight - Tactics: Testing Your Enemy's Defenses - Seeing Through a Helmet's Visor
Shield Rewards: +3.

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic49436.html - 28th of Spring 514
Participants: Solo
Skill Rewards: Socialization +2 - Rhetoric + 1 - Endurance +1.
Lore Rewards: Tyr Rhanan: Sergeant Knight
Language Rewards: Ekeldi - poor.
Shield Rewards: +1

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic40249.html - 9th of Fall, 513AV 6th bell
Participants: Markus Andres and Sei Tendo
Skill Rewards: Leadership +1 - Teaching +1 - Socialization +1 - Interrogation +1
Lore Rewards: Spar: Sparring Against A Novice Is Boring
Shield Rewards: +3

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic40249-10.html - 8th of Fall, 513AV
Participants: Markus Andres and Kreig Messer
Skill Rewards: Weapon: Composite Shortbow +3 XP - Leadership +2 XP - Teaching +1 XP - Wilderness Survival +1 XP - Socialization +2 XP - Rhetoric +2 XP - Interrogation +2 XP - Storytelling +1 XP - Riding: Horse +1 XP - Land Navigation +1 XP - Planning +1 XP
Lore Rewards: Case: Two Squires Gone Missing In The Citadel - Weaponry: Shortbow vs Crossbow - Archery: Balancing Accuracy With Rate Of Fire - Kreig: Joins Because He Wants To Protect People - Kreig: His Mother Died Of Illness - Sunberth: City Of Anarchy - Sunberth: Hates Mages
Shield Rewards: +5

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic49077-20.html - 74th of spring, 514 AV
Participants: Markus and S'Essy
Skill Rewards: Socialization +5 - Organization +4 - Rhetoric +3 - Planning + 3
Lore Rewards: Organization: Making Changes On The Go - Planning: Arranging A Trip - Planning: Knowing What You Need - Being Unintentionally Generous - Location: The Great Bazaar - Buying The Right Horse For A Novice
Ledger: -166 GM

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic49368-30.html - 75th of spring 514 AV
Participants: Markus and S'Essy
Skill Rewards: Teaching +1 - Body building + 1 - Socialization +5 - Cooking + 2
Lore Rewards: S'Essy: The Secret Mage - Cooking: Preparing Soup - Bodybuilding: It Needs Constant Work - Not Everyone Has The Same Strengths - S'Essy: She Really Is A Lustful Konti - Perhaps Relationships Don't Start After Two Days

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic51478-20.html - 14th of Summer
Skill Rewards: Rhetoric | +5 EXP - Intimidation | +2 EXP - Investigation | +2 EXP - Planning | +2 EXP
Lore Rewards:Location: Worlds End Grotto - The Weight of Fear, The Dreaded Sea - Zeltiva: A Land of Family...and Problems - Simon: Brother and Racist Shykehead - Michelle: Simon's Wife - Anne: William's Widow - William: Enslaved? - Richard: Elder Brother in Kenash - Johanne: Niece - Johanne: Pregnant - The Andres: A Terrible State of Affairs - S'Essy: My Pillar, My Support

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic50690-10.html - 58th of summer
Skill Rewards: Interrogation +3 - Negotiation +1 - Rhetoric +5 - Acting +1 - Intimidation +3 - Intelligence +2 - Weapon: Dagger +1
Lore Rewards: Needing an Informant - Web: An Informant - Uncertainty In Pricing - Web's Sincerity Through Pain - Location: Seaside Market - Farald: Working on Simonsen's Ship - A Lack of Honor in Sunberth - Simonsen's Ship: The Amber Wave - Red Wolf: Involved In Slaving

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic48010.html - 70th of Spring 514
Participants: Markus Andres and Revy Hiroe
Skill Rewards: +3 Intimidation - +4 Weapon: Shield -
+3 Tactics - +1 Unarmed Combat - +3 Rhetoric - +3 Flux - +1 Philosophy
Lore Rewards: Revy Hiroe: Snide Squire. - Settling Disputes, the Honorable Way. - The Tenants of Sylir - honor, integrity, justice, fairness, civilization, faith. - Revy: A Defensive Fighter. - Sword Pommels Make Great Clubs. - Some People Just Really Like Swordplay... Really... - Revy Hiroe: Hates Knights. - Revy Hiroe: Has a Troubled Past. - Beating Fear.. With Anger. - Revy Hiroe: Marked by Myri. - Sharing Regrets with a Stranger.
Shield Points: +5

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic43507.html 16th of Winter 513 AV
Participants: Markus Andres, Ball and M'Wanii
Skill Rewards: Intimidation: 2 - Investigation: 2 - Socialization: 5
Lore Rewards: Ball: An Unpredictable Squire - M'wanii: Dolphin-frog - M'wanii: Looks like Shyke - M'wanii: Charoda - M'wanii: Born in Charbosi - Charoda: Lightweight Creatures - Charoda: Cartilage Skeletons
Shield Points: +5

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic48445.html - 21st of spring 514 AV
Participants: Markus Andres and Ball
Skill Rewards: Leadership + 4 EXP - Planning + 1 EXP - Carving + 1 EXP - Tactics +2 EXP - Interrogation +1 EXP - Teaching +3 EXP
Lore Rewards: • Leadership: The Burden of Leadership • Leadership: Assembling A Group of Pages • Carving: Sharpening Sticks To Rudimentary Points • Lesson: The Advantages of Cavalry
Shield Points:

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic46326.html - 7th of winter 514 AV
Participants: Markus Andres and Ball
Skill Rewards: Teaching + 2 EXP - Planning + 2 EXP - Deduction + 1 EXP - Leadership +1 EXP
Lore Rewards: Ingenious Tactic: Throwing Ball • Ball: Adaptable In Sticky Situations • Ball: The Benefits of His Small Size
Shield Points: +2 points.

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic52014-20.html 18th of summer 514 av
Participants: Markus Andres and S'Essy
Skill Rewards: Deduction | +1 - Rhetoric | +4 - Acrobatics | +1 - Planning | +2 - Negotiation | +2 - Flirting | +1
Lore Rewards: Rhetoric: Fisk Jokes - Location: Zastoska Bathhouse - S’Essy: My Lover, My Partner, My Friend - Social Nuance: Why Riverfall Is Called Riverfall

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic54548.html 13th of Spring 514 AV
Participants: Markus and S'Essy
Skill Rewards: Stealth +1 XP -Intelligence +3 XP - Seduction +3 XP - Rhetoric +3 XP - Philosophy +2 XP - Interrogation +2 XP
Lore Rewards: Falling Into Bed Fully Clothed = Angry Lover - S'Essy Is Pregnant! - Konti: Birth Sons Only with Akalaks - I Want Both S'Essy and a Son - I Won't Leave my Daughter Fatherless - Rak'keli: A Child in Her Honor - Birthday Fun with S'Essy

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic51635.html 69th of summer 514 AV
Participants: Markus and Fallon
Skill Rewards: Intelligence +5 XP - Intimidation +1 XP - Acting +1 XP - Subterfuge +1 XP -Leadership +1 XP -Weapon: Shield +2 XP - Endurance +1 XP - Bodybuilding +1 XP - Interrogation +2 XP - Rhetoric +3 XP - Stealth +1 XP - Tactics +2 XP.
Lore Rewards: Saving Fallon from Suberthian Gangsters - Fallon: Last Name Basis - Fallon: Awkwardly Still Like Her - Fallon is Bitzer the Red Wolf - Red Wolf: Involved in Dangerous Affairs - Worried Over Fallon's Mental Well-Being

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic54365-80.html - 80th of Fall 514
Participants: A lot of people.
Skill Rewards: Carousing +3 - deduction +1 - Flirting +2 - Socialization +3.
Lore Rewards: the Quay: all dressed up for a party. - The sound of Kontinese - Fallon and Zandelia together. - Caela: drunk at a party

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic52371-20.html 90th of summer 514
Participants: Markus and Tara
Skill Rewards: Animal Husbandry + 2 - Bow: Composite Short +1 - Detection +2 - Endurance +5 - Interrogation +2 - Flirting +2 - Socialization +5 - Stealth +2
Lore Rewards: Tara the Kelvic - Tara's Cave - A sprained ankle - Boar sounds - Smell of Vyfox leafs

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic55737-20.html Winter 80th 514
Participants: Scars and Markus and S'Essy
Skill Rewards: Unarmed Combat +2 - Leadership +2
Lore Rewards: Palaren's True Name: Pulren Marsh - Some Scars are Better Fighters than Knights

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic54771.html - 75th of fall 514 av
Participants: Markus and S'Essy
Skill Rewards: Intimidation +1 - Socialisation +2 - Tactics +1
Lore Rewards: The excitement of a father-to-be - Child-birth: not my cup odd tea! - Being outranked by a doctor - S'Essy: lover and superior - Sunberth: The city that baffles

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic55296.html 5th Winter 514 AV
Participants: Markus and Fallon
Skill Rewards: Rhetoric +3 - Interrogatoin +2 - Flux +1 - Intimidation +2
Lore Rewards: Job: Retrieve Blackveil's Heart - Fallon: Experienced in the area of interrogation

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic56943.html 57th winter 514 av
Participants: Markus Andres and S'Essy Andres
Skill Rewards: Interrogation 1 - Intelligence 2 - Planning 1 - Philosophy 1 - Scouting 1 - Intimidation 3 - Investigation 1 - Persuasion 1 - Endurance 1 - Land Navigation 1 - Socialization 1 - Seduction 1.
Lore Rewards:Niloc Snowsong: S'Essy's Vantha Father - Story of S'Essy's father - Getting slapped by S'Essy - S'Essy's goal to become a healer for the knighthood

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic54913.html fall 91st 514 AV
Participants: Markus Andres
Skill Rewards: Flux +2 - Dagger +3 - Stealth +1 - Tactics +2 - Intelligence +3 - Endurance +2 - Running +3 - Acrobatics +3 - Unarmed Combat +3 - Childcare +2
Lore Rewards: Sunberth's biting winds. - Stealth: Avoiding Leth's luminescence - Tactics: Recognising a disciplined opponent - Tactics: Run or Fight? - Throwing a dagger with flux - Defending a precious bundle - Girls: Mysterious creatures - Childcare: A soothing voice
Injuries: - All healed by S'Essy.

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic54914.html - 64th of Fall 514 av
Participants: Markus Andres
Skill Rewards: Philosophy +1 - Investigation +3 - Land Navigation +2 -
Stealth +2 - Unarmed Combat +3 - Dagger +2 - Tracking +1 - Acrobatics +2 - Flux +1 - Tactics +1 - Shield +2 - Dual Wield +1 - Axe +1
Lore Rewards: Unarmed Combat: Piston Kick - Tactics: Disarm opponents quickly by speeding up legs with flux - Unarmed Combat: Headbutt

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic56230-30.html - 85th of Winter 514 av.
Participants: Scars + Firenze, Markus and S'Essy
Skill Rewards: Leadership +2 - Acrobatics + 1 - Flux +1 - Endurance +2 - Body Building +2
Lore Rewards: Acrobatics: Landing with a forwards roll - Witnessing an indescribable battle - Fallon: Keeps her secrets - Fallon: A secret mage? - Sunberth: An insane city - Zandelia: Quite capable of both blasphemy and cursing - Noven: A real damsel in distress

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic58037-10.html - 20th of Spring 515 av
Participants: Markus and Fallon
Skill Rewards: +1 planning - +1 persuasion
Lore Rewards: Gifting Fallon a nest egg to pay a debt - Fallon Getting Married - Aid in picking the perfect apology gift.

Quests :
http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic6226-20.html - mid winter 510
Participants: Markus, Blythe, Sondra, Nari
Skills rewards: Interrogation +1, Rhetoric +1 Socializing +1
Lore Rewards: The Lykolav Mines, (good times away from the city) Sondra-a different sort of Konti, The revolt-inside the mine, Ser Thompson-A friend in need

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic25506.html - 33rd of Fall, 512av.
Participants: Markus, Bob, Imass, Eridanus, Ray,
Skill Rewards: 3 rhetorics, Persuasion 1.
Lore Rewards: The Corruption Of Pragmatism, Barton: Should Know His Place, Imass: Appealing To Honor, Chivalry... And Battle Lust, Eridanus: Too Dry An Rational, Are We Not Men Of Honor?, Use What (And Who) Is Best For The Job, Lore: Captain Lance Stalinsa, Lore: Irene Braklin, Lore: Equuleus, Lore: Taylor Brudt, Lore: Natlana Aquillar, Lore: Crow, The Anatomy Of An Infiltration, Sunberth: Corruption And Decadence, Makings Of An Assault, Dirty Tactics... But They Work, War Makes For Strange (And Unsavory) Bedfellows, Decision By Committee, Stalinsa: The Burden Of Command, Imass: Impassioned... But In The Wrong Place, Eridanus: The Difference Between Covert And Dishonorable, Ravok: The Real Enemy, The Plan: One Hand An Olive Branch, The Other A Dagger

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic40705.html 53rd of Fall 513 AV
Participants: Markus, Fallon and Bolivar.
Skill Rewards: Observation +2 XP - Socialization +1 XP - Leadership +3 XP - Teaching +3 XP - Planning +1 XP - Weapon: Bastard Sword +1 XP - Weapon: Shield +1 XP
Lore Rewards: Nancy Sulvet: Syliran Knight, Knightly Tournament: Mentoring Fallon and Bolivar, Combat: Fighting Two Foes At Once.
Shield Reward: +1

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic13696-40.html - Knighting Quest
Participants: Markus Andres
Skill Rewards: Observation +5 XP - Meditation +1 XP - Planning +2 XP - Wilderness Survival +1 XP - Riding: Horse +3 XP - Socialization +1 XP - Rhetoric +2 XP - Persuasion +5 XP - Intimidation +1 XP - Interrogation +1 XP - Weapon: Bastard Sword +1 XP - Weapon: Shield +2 XP - Weapon: Dagger +1 XP - Endurance +2 XP - Acrobatics +1 XP - Tactics +2 XP.
Lore Rewards: Location: Bristol Bay, Nyka: City Of Zealots, Alluia: Tiaden Warhorse, Albrek Dregan: Warden Knight Of Syliras, Knighting Quest: Find Nightshatter And Bring Her Back Alive, Nightshatter: Deserter and Former Knight, Nightshatter: Her True Name Is Isabella Shatter, Nightshatter: Able To Transform And Control The Elements Using Magic, Joanna: Shatter's Daughter, Promise: To Isabella That Joanna Would Be Cared For, Windoak: Sentient Divine Tree, Petri Alvikal: Lord Knight of Syliras, Knighted By The Windoak And Ser Petri.
Shield Reward: +200

http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic26365-30.html - Precise date unknown - Fall 512.
Skill Rewards: Leadership +5 - Tactics +5 - Bastard Sword +3 - Observation +2
Lore Rewards: Combat: Keeping a Level Head Despite the Odds - Leadership: Inspiring Courage in the Face of Danger - Leadership: Keeping your Men on Task - Facing the Lagool - Tactics: Aiming at Weak Spots - Lagool: Guardian of Sahova - Lore of Self: Mastering oneself in the chaos
Last edited by Markus Andres on January 28th, 2018, 11:49 pm, edited 42 times in total.
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Markus Andres
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Joined roleplay: September 14th, 2010, 7:43 pm
Location: Zeltiva/Sunberth
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Markus K. Andres

Postby Markus Andres on February 2nd, 2013, 6:16 am

Notable People in Markus' Life

ImageName: S'Essy
First met: Any Problem?
Age: Early Thirties
Relationship: Lover.
Status: Alive and trusted.

S'Essy and Markus have known each other for well over half a decade. When they met Markus was a still a young squire and the two soon began dating and for a little under a year the two dated each other. S'Essy left Syliras and Markus in the summer of 510 AV for her duties to her goddess. They met again late spring 514 AV when they travelled to Zeltiva together to visit Markus' family.

As of late summer/early fall, S'Essy informed Markus she was pregnant and expecting a baby a year later. Markus is overjoyed with the prospect of becoming a father.

ImageName: Imass
First met: Trials and tribulations of overland travel.
Age: Unknown – much older than markus.
Relationship: Friend.
Status: Assumed deceased. - Trusted.

Markus met and befriended the massive knight during a skirmish with a horde of Yukmen, the two fought together side by side and developed a simple respectful kinship to one another. One that steadily developed as Markus admired the Akalak's zealous nature. To this day, Imass is perhaps the man who influenced most beyond Markus' master himself.

ImageName: Kreig Messer
Nickname: Old man.
First met: For Justice
Age: Late twenties.
Relationship: Friend.
Status: Alive – Trusted.

Kreig and Markus met under strange circumstances, when a mutual friend had been raped and injured at the hands of four men, the two teamed up to exact vengeance. Through these endeavers, Markus came to trust and respect the man for his impressive physical abilities and by now is considered one of Markus' closest friends.

ImageName: Ball
Nickname: Anything and everything related to dirt – never spoken, just thought.
First met: Eye to Ball Coordination
Age: Dirt ages?
Relationship: Squire – reluctantly.
Status: Alive – Trusted.

Markus and Ball have an odd relationship. Both started off on the wrong foot with one another, Markus not taking the clayman serious and the clayman taking offense. They had a brief, but intense skirmish and Markus punched his dog which, somehow, calmed them both down. Back in Syliras Markus found out he had been made the patron of the squire. Much to his dismay. Because of his strange relationship with Ball, respecting him for his abilities, at the same disliking him for his race, always has Markus balancing on a knife's edge.

ImageName: Fallon Skylar
Nickname: Darling, Fallonball.
First met: Squire Sitting
Age: 21 years.
Relationship: Friend.
Status: Alive – Trusted.

Markus met Fallon under profesional circumstances and that relationship lasted for a while until Markus kissed her in the soaking rain and the two explored a different avenue of their relationship. He began to love the woman in earnest as she coped with her many problems and he tried his best to balance their relationship between the strictly professional one and the amorous one. It produced trouble and a lot of it, but the knight was determined to try and make it work. That work stopped abruptly when Fallon left Syliras in the fall of 513 AV for selfish reasons Markus could not understand. It broke him and he spent most of the winter trying to recover and find solace.
Last edited by Markus Andres on June 4th, 2015, 2:20 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Markus Andres
Posts: 1220
Words: 1104443
Joined roleplay: September 14th, 2010, 7:43 pm
Location: Zeltiva/Sunberth
Race: Human
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Medals: 3
Featured Character (1) Trailblazer (1)
Overlored (1)

Markus K. Andres

Postby Markus Andres on April 21st, 2014, 10:51 am


7162 gold Mizas
2 silver Mizas.

The details:

+20 GM from "My Camp"
- 13.5 GM from "The Elegant weave"
+50 GM from "For Justice"
+5000 GM from "Danger of the Deep.
-1050 GM from A-sides and B-swords.
- 166 GM from One healer and one knight
- 9 GM for 2 rooms and 2 spaces for horses and breakfast and main meal in The World's End Grotto for 10 days.
-60 GM for 30 days of travel on a ship to Sunberth for Markus and S'Essy.
-1 GM for Small Chest
-4 SM for Alcohol.
-1000 gm. 1 gm for box. 999 gm given to Fallon.

Seasonal Wages and Expenses.
Summer 513 AV: Income: 364 GM earned. - Expenses: 45 GM (Though living conditions: Good - Refer To Syliran Knights lore page) : Total seasonal change: 319 GM
Fall 513 AV: Income: 910 GM earned. - Expenses: 45 GM (Though living conditions: Good - Refer To Syliran Knights lore page) : Total seasonal change: 865 GM earned.
Winter 513 AV: Income 368 GM earned. - Expenses 45 (Though living conditions: Good - Refer To Syliran Knights lore page) and 135 for Ball's expenses. : Total seasonal change: 188 GM earned.
Spring 514 AV: Income: Not yet accounted for. - Expenses: 45 (Though living conditions: Good - Refer To Syliran Knights lore page) and 135 GM for Ball's expenses. : Total seasonal expenses: 180 GM.
Summer 514 AV: Income: None. - Expenses: Common 270 GM. (Paid for S'Essy)
Fall 514 AV: Income: 3640 gm earned.. - Expenses: Common 135 GM.
Winter 514 AV: Income: Not yet counted. - Expenses: Common 135 GM.
Spring 515 AV: Income: None. - Expenses: Common 135 GM.
Last edited by Markus Andres on May 5th, 2017, 11:12 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Markus K. Andres

Postby Markus Andres on December 9th, 2014, 1:08 pm

General Information :
1. What is your Name?
Markus K. Andres.
2. Do you go by a nickname or pet name?
The Shield.
3. How old are you?
18 years.
4. What is your height?
5. What is your weight?
200 pounds, give or take a few.

Aesthetics :
1. Describe yourself as you see yourself.
A godlike manifestation of human physique. I am the perfection. Perfection am I.
2. Describe yourself as others typically see you.
Good looking lad I suppose?`
3. What is your favorite body feature?
Hahaha, next question.
4. How physically fit are you?
Very. Wanna feel my biceps? Yea you do. Touch it... Yea, you're amazed. I'm amazed too.
5. How do you typically dress and what is your style?
Typically. Well, typically it is leather of some sort. Otherwise I would probably be dead by now... Gods damn me master!

Family :
1. Who are your parents and what are they like?
Yea, no. Next question.
2. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
10 siblings in total.
3. What is your extended family like?
Like... Humans? Listen, I got 10 siblings, it's not like I need more family.
4. Do you consider close friends as important or more/less important than family?
Knights, friends and then family.
5. Do you treat animals like family?
Uuuhhh... Well, one of my siblings married a kelvic, so I suppose I sort of do?

Location :
1. Where were you born?
2. Where do you live now?
3. If you could live anywhere in Mizahar where would that be?
A little tree hut in the Windoak. Man that'd be sweet.
4. Do you have a favorite place to vacation or spend leisure time?
No. Go away.
5. Where do you fear to be?
B to the Lack of Sun.

Traits :
1. Do you have any physical weaknesses (disease, scars, and missing limbs?)
Probably, I am only human.
2. Are you right handed or left handed?
Both. But was born right handed.
3. What languages do you speak? What do you sound like? Do you have an accent?
Common - Can speak with both a Syliran and Zeltivan accent.
4. Do you have any odd mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?
When I'm happy or content, I tend to talk. A lot. Some consider that annoying, others... hate me for it. But, otherwise, I am often a quite happy lad with a smile on my lips.
5. Do you have (or want to get) any tattoos or piercing? Why do you have them (or will get them) ?

Occupations :
1. What is your occupation?
Squire in the Syliran Knights.
2. Do you like/dislike your work? Why?
I like it for the idea of becoming a knight one day. I dislike it for my masters brutal training.
3. If you could be anything you wanted to, what would you be?
A god?
4. What occupation do you admire the most? Why?
The Grandmasters - Because he have dedicated his life to the Knights and his skills are unmatched.
5. What occupation do you least like? Why?
Murderers - Why? Let me see... Oh yea, they fracking murder people.

Childhood :
1. What sort of child were you?
Let's not get into that.
2. What is your favorite memory from childhood?
My mother.
3. What is your worst memory from childhood?
Next question.
4. What sort of relationship did you have with your parents?
A good one and a non-existent one.
5. Who was your most influential rolemodel?
As much as it pains me, Stern Mason.

Education :
1. What sort of education do you have?
The education of a squire.
2. Do you like/dislike learning?
I like learning.
3. Where or how did you learn most of your skills/abilities?
One on one tutoring with Stern Mason.
4. How do you learn best?
When utilizing the skill.
5. What are your educational goals for the future?
First step, becoming a knight. Second step. Let's see, shall we?

Relationships :
1. Do you form close bonds with people? Why? Why not?
I form close bonds with people. Why? Well, because I can and enjoy it?
2. Do you trust people easily? If not, why not?
I trust people rather easily.
3. Do you consider yourself straight, gay, bi, or something else?
Hahah, you certainly have no problem trusting people. - do you trust people? ARE YOU GAY?

Hahah, but I am straight.
4. Have you ever been kissed? If so, describe the first time.
Yes - And go away.
5. Have you ever had sex? If so, describe the first time.
... Next question.

Drugs and Alcohol :
1. Have you ever been drunk? If so, describe your first time.
Yes I have been drunk ... And describe it... Errr, do you know the effects of alcohol? It tends to leave blanks in your memory.
2. Do you like to drink on a regular basis?
3. What sort of alcohol do you prefer?
4. Have you ever tried drugs (mood altering substances)? If so, which kinds and what did you think of them?
No. No. and No.
5. What do you think of drugs and alcohol? Be specific.
I think alcohol is alright and it depends on the drugs. I can't be specific if you're not specific!

Likes and Dislikes :
1. What are your hobbies?
Training. Socializing.
2. Do you like to read?
I like to read I suppose. Just don't have much time for it.
3. What annoys you more than anything else?
Good question.
4. What do you find the most relaxing activity to do?
Sleep. So relaxing.
5. What kinds of things embarrass you? Why?
Not much. why? Because I say so.

Favorites :
1. What is your favorite color or colors?
2. What is your favorite time of day?
Past midday.
3. What is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?
The eyes of a Vantha ... Or the sunrise.
4. What do you like to eat? What do you hate to eat?
Food - Not food.
5. What is your favorite type of weather? Does any kind scare you?
I prefer sunny weather, but some minor rain is fine too

Outlook :
1. Are you optimistic or pessimistic?
2. What are your religious views?
3. Would you be able to kill?
I hope so. Otherwise all this training will have been for naught.
4. What are your views on sex?
Sex is good.
5. What, in your opinion, makes a successful life?
Looking back at it and thinking: Meh, it was alright.

Actions :
1. What is the worst and best thing you’ve ever done?
2. What is your greatest regret?
3. What is your best/worst memory?
4. If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be and why?
5. What are you the most proud of doing in your life?
Helping people.

Emotions :
1. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings with others?
As honest as I can be.
2. Do you have any biases or prejudices?
Not really - No wait, that's a lie, I despise The Black Sun and followers of Rhysol. On principle.
3. What makes you happy?
Happy people. Friends. And such.
4. Who or what, if anything, would you die for?
The Knights of Syliras. A good cause. Duty?
5. What makes you angry?
Many things. But let's not delve on that.

Relationships :
1. In general, how do you treat others?
I treat others like how I would want them to treat me. With respect and care.
2. Who is the most important person in your life, and why?
3. Who is the person you respect the most, and why?
Stern Mason - He changed me into what I am today.
4. Do you have a spouse or significant other? If not, describe an ideal lover.
No. Err... Getting quite personal here, dude.
5. Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why
I trust every single knight would protect me. Like I would protect them.

Group Situations :
1. Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?
Depends on the subject.
2. Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?
Depends if I am suited to take leadership. But yes, I tend to do so if among like minded people.
3. Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?
I don't mind doing so, I mean, why should I?
4. Do you care what others think of you?
Yes and no. I don't let their opinions guide my life, but I care what they think of me.
5. What do you think of others, in general?
I trust others. I think everyone are good people until they prove otherwise.

Self Image :
1. What is your greatest strength as a person?
My bodily strength.
2. What is your greatest weakness?
My mental strength.
3. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Some undisclosed events in my past.
4. Are you generally introverted or extroverted?
5. Are you generally organized or messy?
I live in an organized mess.

Beliefs :
1. What God or Goddess do you find most appealing, if any?
Sylir and Wysar
2. Which God or Goddess do you fear, if any?
3. Do you have any Gnosis Marks? If so, how did you receive them?
4. What lengths would you go to to please your deity?
5. Where do you draw the line at pleasing your deity? What is too much?
... Unjustified murder.

Life & Death :
1. What do you absolutely live for?
To protect people and Syliras.
2. What is the best part of life?
3. What is the best part of death?
4. If you could choose, how would you want to die?
Protecting what I felt was right.
5. What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death?
Being a good man.
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