PC Name Vayl Physical Information Race: Symenestra Birthday & Age: 13th of Fall, 495 AV; 18 Gender: Male Physical Description: Tall, pale and slender like the rest of his race, Vayl has the normal physical characteristics for Symenestrans. His skin is totally unblemished, something he is very particular about. His hair, bone white, is messily looked after, and usually ends up as a misshapen mop on his mead. He is sickly thin, even for his race, due to malnourishment. His amethyst eyes are the only dash of colour on his body, starkly pale and brilliant. Character Concept Personality: Vayl, simply put, is terribly alone. He desires for nothing more than merely a person who he can cry on and trust totally. He has reached such desperation that he would happily accept any person as a companion, as long as they are female. The Symenestra birthing process means that Vayle instinctively hates and distrusts all males of any race, viewing them as people out to pleasure themselves no matter the cost to any other being. Despite these strong emotions, Vayl is essentially a coward, he could never bring himself to act upon his thoughts, let alone accept what might be thought of him if he did, to that end Vayl lives a much more ordinary life than he wished. He often fantasises about being a hero, saving girls in distress and earning their love. Because of this Vayl is deeply obsessed with fictional literature and often imagines up his own. This deep hatred extends into society in general, due to general male prominence in power. Vayle passionately abhors any person in authority, or who has power over others, feeling that the only reason one would want power is for selfish reasons. While selfishness is only natural, selfishness and interfering in others' lives is abhorrent, and quite happily punishable by death. Vayle is a very sensitive person, both perceptually and emotionally. He takes insults deeply to heart, even the slightest criticism, and will notice the slightest change in attitude towards him and worry hours and hours over that little detail, wondering whether said person secretly hates him or not. In a similar fashion he will notice the slightest change in his room, or the slightest noise in a market. Accordingly he finds crowds, bright or noisy places terrifying and an assault upon his senses. He will go out of his way to avoid such places, and much prefers being on his own, ironically. Living in a land of humans, Vayl has a burning urge to help his race out in some form. Unfortunately he doesn't quite know how, seeing as outside of his deceased parents he has never met another Symenestra. Because of this he is left with the burning urge to do something, some kind of vengeance, he is just at a loss to what he can actually do. Due to his often extreme isolation, his social skills are badly lacking. He misunderstands people often and is misunderstood just as much, his mannerisms are often taken to be insulting or aggressive, when they are meant to be neutral. Ethics - Vayl's ethics are flawed to many, but they are simple. If a being is innocent of crimes that involve taking advantage of another person, then they are as good as gold. If they are not, then they are scum and deserve to be tortured and killed, at the very least. Thankfully Vayl has neither the means, nor the courage to carry these punishments out, so he keeps them to his fantasies, but his hate is very clear. Vayl, however, hates himself and puts himself in neither category, if forced to then the latter. He views himself as a person who has forgone a life in order help the weak no matter the cost. Likes - Being alone, dark quiet places, companionship, self harming Dislikes - Chatting, humans, light, heat, authority. Character History Pre-Creation - Vayl's early life was simple. He was born killing his mother, and grew up innocently, but sadly in Kalinor. Reaching the age of 17 Vayl decided he wanted to leave Kalinor. He obviously didn't fit in there, and simply put, he felt like there was more to the world than the sad quiet place he called home, more to discover and learn. He left under the guise that he was going on a harvest, not really sure how convincing he really was, nor did he care. Vayl finally arrived in Ravok, and the culture of intrigue and freedom fascinated him. Indeed he was so satisfied that he spent the money he had carried with him and bought himself a cottage. Although Ravok was a vicious place for Vayl to live, he felt like there was some sort of sense to the chaos that was the city. Every man lived for himself, there was no politics, no gossip, no irrelevant wastes of time which seemed to be all Kalinor ever got up to. It was a much more dangerous, yet free place for Vayl. In more recent times Vayl has taken a fascination to the more refined arts of combat, as he has read of in the books in this new city. Where fighting is not just about killing the opponent, but about grace and honour and beauty. Instantly falling in love with the concept Vayl bought himself a practice "Katana" the weapon often mentioned in the books, which he felt were elegant, and began practising his own invented style of fighting. Very ordered, fluid, structured, yet not hugely efficient at actually killing anything, it merely looks nice. Vayl now yearns and searches for a tutor of similar arts and interests, that he may yet master what he feels is the first time he has had a purpose to his life. Post Creation - Language Fluent Language: Symenos Basic Language: Common Training & Skill Points
Equipment/Possessions 1 Set of Clothing -Black corset -Silken Pants -Silken Undergarments -Dark red died leather Coat with hood and fur interior -Black Leather boots. One buckle to easily remove. 1 Waterskin 1 Silken Knapsack which contains: -Comb (Bone) -Brush (Bone) -Soap -Fruit Rations (1 Week's worth) -1 eating knife -Flint & Steel Weapons 1 Full steel Katana, very well made and sharpened. 1 Practice Katana, metal core 1 cold-steel finger razor (Heirloom) Lores Characters: Dolce: ~ Just Dolce and Me Now Redd: ~ Understanding Wolf Kelvic ~ Her Story ~ Needs Me ~ Redd Meets Dolce Cyric: ~ Nuit Inoadar: ~ A bounty for "Inoadar" Ravok: ~ Needing citizenship for protection ~ Ravokian Soldiers: Ebonstryfe ~ Chaos at the Ebonstryfe Display Symenestra: ~ Lore of Symenestra culture Kelvic: ~ Identifying a Kelvic by Odd Behavior ~ Friendship with a Wolf Weapons: ~ Lore of Katanas ~ Katana: New moves Misc: Housing One small apartment in Ravok, in a multi-floored housing. Ledger Starting package = 100 -50g Metal core Practice Katana= 50 -2g2s75c Hooded leather fur lined jacket = 47g 7s 25c -45g Living costs: Spring 514 AV = 2g 7s 25c |