Atzi was born in the middle of a frozen night; she was born from a large grizzly bear who was serving a large gang as protection. Once Atzi was born, the leader, Az’Rial decided she would be his personal pet and guard. As Atzi grew attached to this man she was oblivious to the groups work, the resided outside of Sunberth and Atzi rarely ventured far from their camp as the leader usually stayed in the camp. Atzi was a playful child and her mother encouraged the behavior, allowing her to go and hunt alone at a young age. She would kill deer and other creatures then bring them back to the camp to be praised and rewarded by her master.
The Kelvic was raised in a loving community, even with the groups less than honorable work; they held respect for their Kelvic companions. She was taught at a young age how to fight by her mother, Xicillio, the two large creatures were able to grapple and roll in the dusty ground without fear of causing serious harm to each other. Atzi was also taught by her mother some basic hunting, though most of it the young creature learned on her own.
At the age of three, a man came to kill her master; this was an event that changed the playful, happy creature. A dark man came during the night while Atzi slept outside of her master’s tent. Her sleep was deep and she did not awake to the smell of the strange man, she did not awake until she heard a scuffle and a scream from the man she was committed to protect. Atzi woke with a start, charging into the tent, pouncing on the attacker, whose blade had pierced her bond mate’s shoulder. The large tiger snarled, slamming the foe to the ground, her thick black claws sunk into his shoulders.
The kelvic would have ripped the man’s flesh from his bones if her master had not told her to wait.
“Wait. I wish to interrogate this fool.” Atzi found her claws digging deeper into the man, her lips pulled so far back that her gums were exposed; a deep growl filled the tent.
“Atzi!” The man yelled as he clutched his shoulder.
Atzi moved from the man, her long, lanky body shifting towards Az’Rial, her ears were back and her tail was low, shame filled her eyes. She had failed her duty; this was heart breaking to the kelvic. A loving hand touched the tiger’s head, her master smiling down at her.
“You saved me.” Atzi did not see it that way.
From that event, the Tiger grew colder towards herself, being critical of all her actions, her desire to protect her master was consuming, she rarely left his side to hunt for the gang, which brought some resentment on to the woman. Xicillio tried to help her daughter recover from the anger she felt, her mother’s attempts reached her at least a little bit, enough that the kelvic began to leave the camp again to hunt.
Atzi’s father was one of the group’s members, his death occurred when Atzi was still at a young age, no older than five. This event had little effect on the hardened Kelvic, she was not close to her father but her mother was. Xicillio was with a child again, the child was the offspring of the now deceased man, and the man Xi had bonded with. Xicillio stopped eating, she stopped going with on excursions from camp, she stopped all her favorite things, she no longer picked berries, no longer cooked, and she barely slept.
Atzi tried to help her mother, but the Kelvic had no idea of the pain her mother was going through, and her attempts to comfort the older woman fell flat. Xicillio lost her child a season after her lover’s death; the stillborn was in the shape of a pup, a wolf most likely, a little boy. Atzi and Xi wept for the small creature, giving the son and brother a proper funeral. Xi slowly regained her ability to function without a master, though she never treated things quite the same, she had grown colder and distant from her only child as well as her clan.
A few years passed by relatively uneventfully, a few attempts at killing Az’Rial, all of which failed at Atzi’s sharp teeth. Xicillio continued about her business in the camp, turning to gathering food and keeping camp up rather than offensive actions.
The summer after Atzi’s eighth birthday was a turning point in the Kelvic’s life. Everything changed on a cool summer evening. Atzi was out hunting, she had wandered further from camp than was normal, but she had found a large buck which would easily feed the whole camp for at least two days. So the Tiger wandered and stalked her prey, taking her time in the brush as the creature quietly wandered and nibbled on vegetation.
It took her till dusk to kill the beast, and once it was dead she dragged the carcass with her on her trek back to camp. Her nostrils were full of the scent from her fresh kill, until it was suddenly assaulted with the scent of burning. Her eyes sharpened towards the camp, a dull orange glow pierced through the trees.
Azti dropped her kill and ran full on through the trees, leaping and tripping over stray branches, her heart pounded, she was scared. Her mother! Az’Rial! She feared for the both of them, she was not there to protect them! Her duty! She was failing again! Azti ran hard; her pads hitting the ground, causing twigs and dead leaves to fly into the air with each movement. She needed to be there, she needed to be there now.
Once her svelte fur emerged through the trees into the clearing that surrounded her camp her eyes landed on what remained of her home. The tents and more permanent structures were burned down; the men she was raised with were in a pile where Xi used to cook meals, burning. The stink of their flesh filled the air with a black smoke that rose like death to the slowly appearing stars. Atzi cared little for these men; her main fear was for Az’Rial, for her master. Atzi took little time to run to where his tent should have been, her eyes looked around, she sniffed but the smell of smoke was too great, she could not distinguish Az’Rial’s scent from the smoke.
Atzi shifted, her fur vanishing and her form being replaced by that of a young, scared, woman. She cried out Az’Rial’s name, looking around frantically for her master. His form was nowhere to be found among the soot and smoke that floated through the air. Her ears did pick up a small noise, a whimper, a gasp. The red haired woman twirled on her heals, moving quickly and fluidly to the noise.
On the other side of Az’Rial’s tent, under a solid wood beam that used to hold her masters tent up was Az’Rial. Blood filled his mouth; his face was scratched and covered with soot. Azti shifted the beam off of her master; her eyes were filled with tears as she reached out and touched her master’s face. His cheeks were sticky and warm with his blood; his eyes were dulled, sleepy, as he looked up at Atzi, his loyal Tiger.
Her golden eyes looked around, wild with rage for the attackers. She wanted revenge; she wanted their blood on her teeth, their flesh in her stomach.
“They’re gone,” Az’Rial choked out, a broken hand lifted to touch Atzi’s face, blood sticking in her hair and smearing across her face. Atzi let out a whimper, her master was dying and there was nothing she could do.
“It’s alright, my dear, it isn’t your fault.” He gave her a bloody smile as he wheezed the words. The hand that rested at his side moved to his neck, wrenched a leather bound necklace from his body.
“Take this, Atzi, and leave, go far from here, somewhere you will be safe, somewhere you belong. Tabola is a place you would fit. Survive, little one.” He pressed the necklace into her hand, closing her fingers around it. The necklace was a small raw emerald with a bit of horn from Atzi’s first kill. It was dear to Az’Rial, he never went without the necklace.
“That’s my last request as your master, Atzi. Go.” His words were bubbled with blood as it slipped out, coating the woman’s hand.
Atzi was not about to disobey her master. She stood, turned, and ran.
The Tiger did not do much other than travel slowly over the next two years to reach Tabola, to find a place she could belong, following her master’s last wish. Standing outside of the city, the Tiger found it hard to pass through the gate. By passing through the gates, she would be alone; she would no longer serve someone. She was loyal to her and her alone. The thought was liberating, but also terrifying. After a few hours of standing still, Atzi passed through the gates as a Tiger, her head held high, with nothing in her possession save the necklace worn as a collar.
Current HistoryAtzi has wandered her way to the frozen city of Avanthal. During her travel to the city, she came across an injured man,
Rhuryc. At first, Atzi was contemplating killing him, but she soon changed her mind. The man, while seriously injured, still would rather fight to the death than just let himself go down. The strength Atzi saw in this man was something she found herself respecting. Instead of killing and eating the man she helped him and in the end carried him to Avanthal.
Rhuryc took Atzi into his home, buying her clothes and food. The Kelvic found herself drawn to this man, bonding herself to him. Atzi gave the man her emerald necklace Az'Rial had given her. The Kelvic kept close to the man whenever she was able and allowed.
OOCAtzi is bonded to Rhuryc