Can you purchase an individual item if the price list only lists it as part of a set? Like magecraft hammers for example. Instead of 6, I would want just want one.
Speaking of mage crafting, only a couple of regents are listed. Are there more, and if not, how much would the average magecrafter understand about the properties and affects of reagents if there are so few on record? Does a magecrafter have to experiment to find out himself? Also, how do you incorporate a regent into the magecrafting process? I understand there is room and encouragement to find your own method, but for anything not liquid, I'm having a hard time picturing it.
At what point are you not allowed to fiddle and tweak your character's sheet without any actual role playing to back it up... is it after you receive your check mark, or is it as soon as you start RP posting?
If a kelvic's bondmate goes inactive, is that kelvic then just screwed, or is there... I don't know, a system to help mitigate that?
What happens if your character goes into debt? Is that dealt with OOC at all, or is it all handled by the repercussion IC?
Do character sheets belonging to players who haven't actually posted anything get deleted, or is there a trash file somewhere you keep those?