28th Day of Spring,
508 AV
508 AV
When they came for him, they came with fury and malice unbridled. Doors were kicked open with the thunderous cracks of boots on wood. The shouting, yelling, snarling and threats soon followed. The young Caldera's eyes snapped open, his blurry vision taking in his dark surroundings with a tired groan. The sun had not yet risen and he yawned into his pillow. He had known it would be tough here, but this was just evil. "Get Up! Get Up you petching worms!" Merciless hands ripped away his blanket and before his mind could frame a word of protest, hands gripped him by his legs and hauled him to the stone floor. All around him the rest of the recruits were tumbling out of their beds with equal grace, ferocious instructors barking venom over their shaky forms. Much like the one glaring down at him now in fact. The man's face was scarred and his hair cropped and littered with streaks of grey. His glare seethed with violence just waiting for an excuse. "You get off that floor right petching now, apprentice! Are you gonna lie there all petching day?!"
"N-No, sir!" A leather boot to Elias's stomach was his response to that, knocking the breath from the boy with gasping ease just as he managed to stand up.
He refused to fall.
Rage boiled within his pain, happy to accept his fury and hate. It was an anger the likes of which he hadn't felt for a long time, but it had been his constant companion for weeks now, burning and festering since he arrived. "Are you deaf, worm?! Get. Up. Now!"
"Yes, sir!" Elias bounded to his feet, stomach still stinging and churning, but by Rhysol he was up in an obedient blink. The other recruits followed suit at varying speeds, the slower ones brutally kicked or slapped about into position. There were five of them, instructors, trainers, monsters. Three men and two women, scowling and prowling and stalking up and down the line of fresh meat like hungry dire wolves. The tallest one, Volaris, glared down the line from one end to the other and roared with a voice like an erupting volcano. "Good morning maggots. Ten lapse around the grounds." The worms, the mutts, the worthless shykes and the pathetic little bastard, they all took to the training field, running with as much passion as the bloodhounds snapping at their heels. Among them was Elias Caldera.