Business Plan The Foundation of the Elemental Mind Business Type: Service The Foundation is a business that aims to provide specialized magical services to the citizens of Ravok. Mainly by providing access to a well trained Reimancer and Hypnotist, but as well through seasonal training and laboratory access. All one needs to do is make an appointment and pay the necessary fees. Though patience of a flexible schedule may be required for some services. Reimancy services include the variable applications of the discipline to solve a wide range of problems. Fire may dispose of undesirable things, while water can wash away a mess. Structures can be erected in stone and sculptures may be forged in ice. However a Reimancer may also be hired as an escort, able to ensure safety and provide other conveniences. Hypnotism services are mostly centered around Hypnotherapy. In magical sessions held, the Hypnotist works to assist a person through psychological limitations or trauma. Buried memories can be discovered and various behaviors can be modified with prolonged therapy. Services are not limited to that however. Hypnotism can be used for extracting valuable information and inspiring false beliefs. Services Offered: Reimancy Training (Up to Master): 100 gm per Season Hypnotism Training (Up to Master): 100 gm per Season Reimantic Assignment: 10 gm per Bell Hypnotherapy Session: 10 gm per Bell Laboratory Access: 25 gm per Season Primary Base Income: (100-Master) Reimancer 10 gm/day Secondary Base Income (Master) Hypnotist (10 gm/day)/2 Primary Skill Bonus: 10 gm/day x 1.5 x 2 x 2 (60) Secondary Skill Bonus: (10 gm/day x 1.5 x 2 x 2)/2 (30) Sale's Penalty: -20% Living Expenses: Human Slave, Female- Common- 135 gm/season (1.5 gm/day) Total Income: (60+30-1.5)-20%= 70 gm/day Assets: Employee: Purchased Slave (Fine Human Female: Organization 20) 550 gm Furniture:
Multiple components cost reduction of 25% (837.5 gm) 3350-837.5=2512.5 gm Total Cost: 3312.5 gm Debt: None |