x x The Soup House The Soup House is a popular location for those on the lower spectrum of income, and most frequent it regularly. The prices are cheap, and the food good. It's also well known for it's variety, as the menu changes almost every day... though it's limited to three or four items at a time. Following it's name, the soup kitchen sells... soup. Nothing else. One could possibly persuade the chef for a glass of water, or a slice of bread to go with the meal, but it's really quite specialized. And with that specialization comes quite the treat. The woman who runs the business is an expert of many different soups, and some claim she can make over a hundred individual types by memory! Of course, whenever posed with this rumor, she immediately denies it. However, the spectrum is quite wide, ranging from fish chowder to carrot soup, and everything in between. The restaurant itself is quite large, mostly used for seating, and takes up the first floor of one of Ravok's tall buildings. The upper stories are used for the chef's own living quarters. There is a small kitchen at the back, mostly pertaining of storage, and several large fires. The main room is what everyone else sees, a huge expanse filled with chairs and tables. Some are even moved outside, when the weather is good. At the far wall, near the kitchen, is a long bar-like table with a blackboard behind. The blackboard lists the soups of the day, usually three or four, though there are no prices... as it's a constant price for everything. The table has generally has a stack of rough pottery bowls, spoons, and giant metal pots for the soup. People are expected to serve themselves (every pot is labeled) with the ladles provided, and leave the bowls and spoons afterwards in a small bin at the side. If need be, the chef, who takes the money, will explain the different flavors and contents of each kind of soup. The place is usually quite crowded around lunch and dinner (and sometimes even breakfast), so patrons are also quite willing to explain things to a new comer... though those are rare. Most customers come regularly, for the cheap and delicious food. Soups
A single bowl of soup is always 5cm, no matter the type. Soup List - Carrot and Cheddar - Beef and BarleyThere is little actual beef in this - Fish Chowder - Mixed Vegetable - MixedAnything and everything! - Tomato - Pumpkin - Butternut Squash Cream - Creamy Mushroom - Noodles and Broth - Cattail Rokke
Name: Rokke Beno Race: Human DOB: Fall 56th, 471 AV POB: Ravok Skills: Cooking - 71, Organization - 33, Leadership - 45, Herbalism - 22, Business - 41 Other Information: Rokke is a friendly person, though not in a chatty way. She's a woman of few words, and likes getting to the point in conversations. If it's business, it's business. If you want soup... she'd serve you soup. Nothing more, nothing less. Some might consider her quiet, and that might be true... but she doesn't bother speaking without a good reason to. She prefers to be clear and concise, and takes the world in a simple way. Rokke's parents were relatively wealthy, and always wanted her to have a good marriage. However, her own orientation and preferences got in the way, and they ended up disagreeing on multiple occasions. One day, she eventually decided it wasn't worth the effort, and followed her dream... cooking. She had neither the money nor the means to start some kind of fancy restaurant, however, so aimed at a cheaper fare. She eventually settled, purchasing a small place in the Docks, which eventually became the soup house. She sold cheap and simple -but quite delicious- meals to the main working class, and slowly, the place became popular. She expanded, she moved, and developed more varieties of soup. Decades after, she'd pushed the soup house to what it is today. |