by Miro on May 19th, 2014, 11:49 pm
Miro was glad to be out of that situation. Being put on his back like that, being held down, it made him uncomfortable. No, more than uncomfortable, nervous, frightened even. It was not often that he was put at a disadvantage, but even rarer he was helpless. It was that latter thing that frightened him, to be rendered unable to do anything. The few times it happened, there was nothing more terrifying. A wizard was never supposed to be left without an option, however dire the cost might be.
The Djed in the undead's body returned to equilibrium, and again he could feel his legs. Being on his back, it was an awful position to be left. His weak body and metal robe made lifting himself difficult. He was forced to push himself on his left side with his right leg and arm, then fall onto his stomach. His body hit the ground hard, his arm unable to support the shifted weight. He then lifted himself progressively, first his right leg, then his left knee settled, and finally his right arm to push him upright. To actually lift himself, he placed a hand on the ground, then firmly planted his right foot, then his left, before finally he rose to stand.
The pitfighter had a few things to say, finally ready to come around. Miro smirked behind the Mask of Many and gave a subtle nod. He bent over to reclaim his weapon and sheathed it. His attention was turned back to his company. "You fought well yourself. Much better than I thought you would. Though, it was hardly a fair fight." He did not refer to his weakness of his body, but rather his its enhancements. "You fought as a mere mortal, a man alone. I did not. I stand here as a man eternal, and I have a god behind me. You are alive, a Pulser, a man with need to eat, sleep, drink. I am not, and I am far stronger than any who live because of it."
There would be no mention of the Flux's use in the fight, for oft people held a distaste for such things. Trickery they called it. Unnatural even, for they failed to understand the opposite was true, that nothing was more natural. The Chained One spoke in a hushed yet firm voice. "I saw you fight, and I saw potential in you. Not in your fighting, which was admirable, but in your heart. You were able to operate under pressure, perform for the crowd, defy the odds. You were as canny as you were merciless. I like that, and so does my god." He hoped to further ingrain these desires into the man.
The best way to do that was through flattery and promise of gain, but a bit of Hypnotism never hurt. Miro drew nearer to Gregory and stared him down. The undead's smirk turned to a grin, and he began to chuckle softly. He began to expand his aura of influence and impress his presence onto the man before him. "I am what you call an undead. No, not a Nuit, they are impure, weak. I am an undead created directly be the hand of a god. Uldr, lord of undeath, my lord. He can grant you immortality, gift you with power beyond anything you've imagined."
The Hypnotist stood directly before the slave now, ready to begin adding magic to his argument. He stood close enough to weave his most subtle manipulations with just his force of presence. He began to elicit emotional responses, feelings of envy, excitement, happiness, anxiety. Along with it he pushed a single suggestion, "I want what he has." But with all things, there was a catch. "Though, Uldr does not offer his mark for nothing, as is the way of the world." With luck this was a price willingly paid.
To ask what Uldr asked, not many would agree to it. To gain from him, something must also be lost. The god was not one to deal in charity, nor was he one to give more than he received. "To receive the god's mark, a deal must be made. You must offer your will to Uldr, accept his gracious offer. To be made an immortal, to have your body made perfect, you must accept undeniable cravings. You must become his eternal servant." When presented in such a way, it did not seem as appealing. A final push always helped.
Miro gave a shrug and let out a soft sigh as he walked to stand beside the man. It was almost time they finished things up. "With Uldr you'd have all you needed to be free of the reign of the living. Though you would never be completely free, you would know a freedom that no living man could ever hope to experience. Think about it for a while. Our time here is up." He placed a hand firmly and Gregory's shoulder and leaned in. He whispered one last thing. "I'll stop by every once in a while. If ever you find yourself free of this place and wish to meet again, put a job up at the Spot. Title it, "Seeking Immortality", leave the details with Bohir."
With business here concluded, the Chained One removed his hand and began to limp forth. He walked out of the pit and to the other side of the iron fence. The guard on the other side turned to greet him. Miro offer a handshake and a few parting words. "My business here is concluded. It seems that he did not know exactly what I needed, but gave me a few hints. In return I taught him a thing or two about fighting. I appreciate the assistance. I owe you one." The guard gave a firm nod and accepted the handshake. "Anytime. I'll be sure to call that in."
The wizard began to depart, no longer concerned with what became of the pitfighter. It was best that the thought was left with the man. That he was left to toy with the idea, let his desires grow. Eventually, left in that cage, forced to fight against the living, his mind would be drawn back to today. He would think of what could be, the endless possibilities of immortality. Yes, the man would be left to sit, fester in his pitiful existence. In a few weeks or so, Chained One would return, offer a chance of escape. Though, as usual, he would routinely check the Spot. Only now with an eye for that certain job made just for him.