[Verified by Radiant] Jaicym Snowsong

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Jaicym Snowsong

Postby Jaicym Snowsong on May 13th, 2014, 1:51 am

Jaicym Snowsong


Race: Vantha
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Birthday: 60th of Spring 489
Birthplace: Avanthal

Appearance: Jaicym stands at a lofty 5'10", quite tall for a Vantha. Though not overly muscular, Jaicym is certainly not out of shape, for living one's life in the frozen wastes of Avanthal is certain to keep one fit. A bit slender, Jaicym's cat-like frame is well suited to his curious nature. Flowing black hair cascades past his shoulders, and while it is normally worn down, he has been known to put it in a bun during the warmer seasons. Jaicym's legendary Vantha eyes shimmer with every color of the rainbow, depending heavily upon his emotion. However, Jai's mind is constantly wandering, considering everything around him, and as such, his eyes are often a mix of various colors, as various emotions fight within him, struggling to be expressed before the others. Jai commonly wears a personalized version of his traditional Avanthali garb, augmented for the warm weather of Syliras by ripping off of the sleeves and midriff, and a removal of all furs or other forms of insulation. Though this certainly helps keep the out of place wanderer from succumbing to heatstroke, he still finds himself in constant need to find a place to cool off.

Eye Color Mood
Blue Happy
Red Surprised/Excited
Black Angry
Brown Sad
Yellow Frightened
Mixed Various Emotions (Most Common)

Character Concept

Jai is on a quest to become a living book, containing every worthwhile legend or story in all of Mizahar. A lighthearted and jovial person, Jaicym is quite content to spread his love of stories to others, and any time someone wants a story, Jai is quite happy to oblige. Having come from the Snowsong clan of Avanthal, Jai was raised to value art and beauty above all. While his colleagues pursued carving or music as their chosen path, Jai stayed close to the elders of his clan, always begging for secret knowledge and stories of the past.

Now a quite proficient storyteller, and having traveled rather extensively across Mizahar, Jai has come to Syliras, the world's largest city, to continue his adventure. Jai spends most of his time out on the town, taking in all that Syliras has to offer, and, in addition to shelling out a story or two to anyone willing to listen, Jaicym has begun writing his own works, both fiction and nonfiction, to be saved through the centuries. He hopes to earn a living in this in due time. For the time being, he is content to frequent the taverns of the great city, weaving his tales in hopes of earning a free meal from a grateful stranger.

Character History

Jaicym, or Jai as he is more commonly known, hails from the Snowsong clan of Avanthal. From a young age, Jai was taught the necessity and beauty of art and music. However, it was in neither carving nor musicianship that Jai found his calling. Jai was intrigued by the art of the spoken word. While Jai grew up surrounded by the incredible artists of the Snowsong clan, he could most often be found reading in his home, or on the coattails of an elder, begging for a story. As his hunger for knowledge grew, young Jai exhausted every lead he had in Avanthal. By 15, Jai had heard every legend in the city. By 18, he had heard them twice. By 20, he was telling them himself, more beautifully than anyone had ever spoken them before. Being fluent in the Vani tongue, Jaicym could weave a single sentence into an emotionally fueled epic, keeping his readers on the tips of their toes until the very end.

However, Jai grew bored. His repertoire of tales and histories had seemingly reached its limit, and Jai found that he no longer had anything to occupy his time. Depressed, Jaicym resigned himself to a long and monotonous life as a storyteller of his clan, forever repeating tales of grandeur and glory that forever reminded him of his own insignificance. It was about this time that a merchant came to Avanthal. Travelling merchants were common in the frozen north, as the Vantha could not grow or produce much in their native environment. This merchant, however, presented opportunity. One of his assistants had died of frostbite on the way to the city due to a mishap with a frozen lake, and he was looking for a replacement, offering whomever accepted his offer "good pay, and greater experiences." Jai decided it was time to go.

Leaving his home behind, Jai said goodbye to his many friends and fans, promising to one day return with a story the likes of which they had never heard of before. At the tender age of 21, Jai left to explore the world, and commit to memory every tale of intrigue he could wrap his ears around.

That was four years ago. Now, in the present day, having since traveled much of Mizahar, and having left the merchant caravan behind him, Jaicym has come to Syliras to continue his quest for knowledge. It is sure to be one hell of a story.


Fluent Language: Vani
Basic Language: Common
Poor Language: Fratava


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Storytelling 10 RB, 20 SP 30 Competant
Persuasion 15 SP 15 Novice
Writing 15 SP 15 Novice


Helpful Lores:
Lore of Syliran Culture
Lore of History of Syliran Knights


1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Cloak or Coat
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week's worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
100 Gold Mizas

Heirloom: An ancient book of myths and legends gifted to him by his grandfather. It was this book that shaped Jai's love of stories and storytelling, and he keeps hit with him wherever he goes. He has read it more times than he can count.


Location: Syliras

House: A small starting apartment in Syliras. It is all Jaicym needs, as he is rarely home, preferring more to wander the city in search of intrigue.


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM

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Jaicym Snowsong
It's story time, bitches.
Posts: 3
Words: 2049
Joined roleplay: May 12th, 2014, 5:26 pm
Race: Human, Vantha
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