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Race: Human Gender: Female Age: 18 Birthday: Season of Spring, Day 16, 496AV Birthplace: Sunberth
Skylar stands at 5'3", weighing 137lbs. She is nicely toned, keeping in shape by hunting and even carrying heavy carcasses home. She even wrestled with her brothers every once in a while. Her raven black hair was cut very short, short enough to spike slightly up front, but long enough that most of it lay flat. Her round eyes were the color of the blue sea.
Scars: She has one. It runs from the top of her shoulder abover her right arm to the middle of herchest a ways below her throat. It was received when Skylar tried to keep a little extra Miza after she helped a gang break into a wealthier Sunberthians house that Skye used to deliver custom weapons to for James.
Tattoos: None Yet
Piercings: Nonee Yet
Character Concept Skylar (or Skye for short) is known mostly for her vast wealth of street knowledge. Growing up in Sunberth is hard enough for most, but it can be a real challenge when your family is at the bottom of the food chain. Which is why Skye is skilled in things like hand to hand combat. She has never really learned to trust unless the person in question has proven themselves to her. Skye isn't the greatest of thinkers. Bull headed as she is, she has been known to rush into fights without hearing the reason or situation, especially to protect those she cares about. If Skye cares about you, she will be one of the most loyal friends you will ever meet...that is unless you turn your back on her. When it comes to knowledge from books and scrolls, Skye is one of the last pepple you want to come to. She can read to an extent, only learning basic every day words from her older brothers.
Her morals are somewhat of a grey area. She used to believe in slavery as survival of the fittest. But her mind was changed by one person and now she not only opposes it, she has been known to intervene when a caravan of slavers rolls by. She does believe in taking a life, if that life stands between her and her goal.
When it comes to emotions, Skye prefers to hide behind a stone mask, not revealing more than anger or hatred. Happiness can be coaxed out of her in the right situation and if they are good enough, maybe even a chuckle. Love, however, is reserved for a selct few. Her brothers for one. She would do anything for them. And she would show a different kind of love to the right person. At a younger age, Skye realized both guys and girls appealed to her. She has dated both but only one has ever seen Skylars true passion.
Character History :
Skylar Draykin was born to Richard and Heather Draykin. Richard is a member of the Suns Birth. He was never a Knight himself, but his father was and so Richard grew up with vast knowledge of the knights life. But growing up in Sunberth, a llot of ideas change or even warp into twisted versions of thmselves. Richard raised his family with the ideas of honor and loyalty. But as with anyone truley raised in the heart of Sunberth, he taught them that you could not fully trust anyone until you saw their true selves. The bbiggest lesson taught, however, was that. nothing was off limits in doing what needed to be done. If someone needed to die to keep a secret, then so be it. If a person needed sold to put food on the table, it was done. Nothing was too low for the Draykins.Skylar is the youngest of four, having three older brothers. The oldest, James, is seven years older than Skylar and is the local blacksmith. James is married to a jeweler and has two young girls. The second oldest, Brock, is five years older than Skylar and is an apprentice at his brothers shop. Brock is dating the daughter of a local farmer. And third is Seth. Seth is barely a year older than Skye and hunts for the butchery their father runs. Skye would sometimes go out with Seth and they would make a game out of the chore. Skye became very close with Seth more than the other two, but she loved them all and would do anything for them.
Even though the family seemed well off, they were struggling severely. James' blacksmith was only barely afloat as many people were starting to buy imported weapons from passing tradesmen. The wildlife around Sunberth was scarce to begin with, but with the constant hunting they did to keep food in the shop and on their table, finding any animals worth selling took most of the day. So, to stay alive, Richard decided to go into the slavery business. Richard recruited James and the two began journeying out to catch blissful travelers, unaware of the situation they were walking towards. They usually caught younger men and women traveling to Sunberth in search of a thrill. The Draykin's never had them for long, preferring to sell them quickly before they had to feed and take care of them. Soon, Brock was recruited and so they were able to catch " better game" as Richard would call them. Seth and Skye were never recruited. Even though they were both very skilled in hunting and tracking, they were around the prime age that most slaver’s looked for.
When Skylar was fifteen, Heather died suddenly of an unknown disease. Though Skye was not very close with either of her parents, the shock of the loss was enough to shake her. The family had a small funeral but they didn't let it stop them from doing the things that needed done in order to survive. Since Skye was the only female in the house, it was natural that the men looked to her to keep up with household chores. Soon, however, Richard realized that Skye had not been the greatest of help in that area. So with a little extra saved money, he hired the daughter of a local tailor to become their housekeeper. The girl’s name was Klove Wething and she was a year older than Skylar. At first Skylar kept to herself, being raised to trust no one but family. But Klove was an interesting girl to say the least She was curious person and insisted on knowing Skye. At first Skylar was wary, and slightly annoyed. But she became used to the constant badgering and even became fond of Klove in a friendly way. The two became good friends, spending their days off racing horses or swimming in the lake. They even spent days just laying in a hay bale watching the sky and talking about nothing in particular.
One day, as they walked along the road a few miles away from home, a slave wagon rode past. The wagon had five crying children inside. Suddenly, Klove became angry and began throwing rocks at the drivers. One particularly large one struck the bigger man in the head. The wagon came to a halt and the two burly men jumped out and ran towards the girls. The one whose head was struck began yelling profanities at Klove. Klove stood there glaring at the man but saying nothing. Skylar stood by Klove's side, not sure what to do, slightly tugging on Klove's sleeve. The man, angered and insulted by Klove's silence, raised his arm and struck Klove across the face with the back of his hand. Skylar lost her head. She immediately let go of Klove and jumped onto the man. The man was so shocked he lost his balance and fell to the ground. Skylar pulled her fist back and began wailing on the thug. Skye only saw red as she continued to beat the man's face. His partner, who was confused as to what was happening, finally pulled Skye off his friend. He held her arms behind her back as the other slave stood up. Skylar spat in his face and he pulled his arm back on her, too. Only this time he clenched his hand into a fist. He landed a couple hits in her stomach and then three more across her face, giving Skye a black eye and a busted lip. Finally, the one holding her let go, and the two hopped on their wagon laughing and drove away. Klove, who had been knocked out for a second, had only woke up as the men were getting done beating Skye. She quickly ran to Skye's side and held her head in her lap. Skye was conscious and very much aware of her pain. But once she saw Klove, she no longer cared. A small bruise was forming on Klove’s cheek. Klove just looked into Skylar’s eyes, a few tears falling from her own. Skye opened her mouth to ask if Klove was ok, but before she could utter a word, Klove leaned down and kissed her. The kiss was filled with a passion Skye had never felt before. It had taken her by surprise, but Skye kissed Klove back. Since they had became friends, there had always been a deeper bond, but neither wanted to admit it, in case the other didn’t feel the same. But in that one kiss, both knew in their hearts they were soul mates. From that day forward, the two were inseparable
Skylar had never felt such love. She had dated before; both boys and girls. But this was a soul bond. In fact, most who saw the two together and their love for eachother claimed the only bond stronger than Skye’s and Klove’s was that of a Kelvic and their bondmate. But this was a love that had to remain a secret. Skylar's father had always known that she fancied both men and women and he accepted her for it. But Klove's parents, especially her father, were not so keen on their only daughter not carrying on his bloodline. So the only time they could show affection was at the Draykin's home and certain public places Klove’s parents never set foot in. Every time Skye was away from Klove was agony and Klove felt the same way. So on some nights, Klove would sneak over to the Draykin's and she and Skye would be found cuddled on the couch or snuggled in bed. Sure they lusted each other, but their love was deeper and seemed more than just physical affection.
This relationship went on for three years. Richard had all but adopted Klove into the family and did all he could to ensure his daughters happiness. James, Brock, and Seth had all accepted Klove as well. James and his wife even let the two stay at their house every once in a while for a bit more privacy when he, the wife, and the girls went out for the night. It became such a routine that they both thought it was just a matter of time before they saved enough money to move out of Sunberth together. They also became a little more relaxed about it which would cost them so dearly. Klove had a younger brother who was only too loyal to his father. One day Klove went out to meet Skye at the local tavern. Curious as to what his sister and her best friend did all the time, he followed Klove. When Klove reached the tavern, she spotter Skye outside the building. She ran to her and jumped in Skye's arms. Skylar smiled as she caught Klove, spun her around and gave her a peck on the lips. The young boys jaw dropped and he immediately ran to tell his father. Skylar and Klove, unaware of the danger that had just sped off, walked through town to the blacksmith shed. It was their favorite place to go when they needed somewhere to go during the day. They had even set it up with a little cot that they could sit or lay on. Skylar, who had been planning something for a couple weeks, brought Klove over to sit on the cot. Skye sat down next to her, picking up a small box from under the cot. She gave it to Klove who opened it and gasped. It was necklace with a small, silver crescent moon. Skylar told her it was a makeshift promise ring. As Skye lifted it and shifted behind Klove to put it on her, she told her that she promised they wouldn’t always have to sneak around till night. She told her that someday, they wouldn’t have to hide their love. Klove turned around, the necklace in place and tears of joy in her eyes. She leaned over and kissed Skye passionately. Skye’s heart soared like it did the first time they kissed. Nothing could her bring her down, she thought.
When his father heard the news, he couldn't believe it at first. How could his only daughter become an abomination? But the anger in his son’s eyes validated his words. When Klove returned home that night, she was welcomed by the rough grasp of her father who began to berate her with foul accusations of betrayal and disrespect. He ripped the necklace that Skye had given her off from around her neck and threw it at the boy. He then told him to run to the Draykin's house and present it to Skylar. He told him to tell her that she would never see her lover again. When the boy left, Klove's father began to beat her, all the while shouting insults about both Klove and Skye. But Skye had taught Klove to fight and so Klove began to defend herself. Angered by her betrayal and disgusted by her love for another girl, her father went berserk, and nothing mattered but Klove's punishment. He reached over and grabbed the family crested sword sitting on the mantle of the fireplace. He then ran towards Klove, holding the sword in front of him, still shouting. Klove, terrified, was backed into a corner. Her father came closer and closer until he was in her face. Her face was frozen in surprise as she gasped multiple times. They both looked down to see the sword going through Klove's chest. The man quickly pulled the sword out as Klove collapsed. She looked up at her father one last time, looking lost and hurt, before her head fell to the floor. The man stared at the body of his only daughter, now horrified of what he had done. This was not his intentions. He did not mean to commit this monstrous act. Suddenly the door burst open and Skylar entered, dragging a now terrified looking boy behind her, a small knife in her other hand. Her face was stained with tears and red with anger and as she looked into the house, she could not fully register what had happened. She saw her love on the floor, not breathing or moving. She saw a sword in her loves fathers hand, shining with fresh blood. Skylar, distraught with grief, pulled the boy in front of her. Staring into the mans eyes with nothing but anger and disgust, she slit the young boys throat and threw his dying body towards the man. There was nothing he could do, the boy was dead in a minute, but not before he tried to gdargle the word help, reaching out towards his father. Skye did not stay to see the result of her action but as she ran away, she heard the wails of a broken man and then the screams of a woman.
That night, Skylar packed what she could carry in a small bag, saddled a horse, said brief detached goodbyes and then rode off, stopping once to sleep, where she eventually arrived in Syliras. She bought a small apartment, unpacked, and then-finally- sat down and wept. That was a month ago. Now she is trying to heal and start over. She got a job as an apprentice blacksmith, since she knew some stuff from James and Brock. She planned on going back to Sunberth. Eventually. But for now she needed away from that pain.
Fluent Language: Common Basic Language: Pavi (Taught by passing travelers and traders who had learned it in their travels) Poor Language: Fratava (bits picked up since living in Syliras)
Unarmed Combat
15 SP, 15 RB
10 SP
15 SP
10 SP
Lores The Suns Birth History of Syliran Knights Living with idiotic brothers Expressing feelings of love Klove's necklace: symbol of a promise Klove: True love Klove: Dead Klove's last request: Try to become a Syliran knight Killing in revenge Possessions
1 Set of Clothing -Simple Shirt -Simple Pants -Simple Undergarments -Simple Coat -Simple Boots 1 Waterskin 1 Backpack which contains: -Comb (Wood) -Brush (Wood) -Soap -Razor -Balanced Rations (1 Week's worth) -1 eating knife -Flint & Steel 100 Gold M Heirloom: A silver necklace in the shape of a crescent moon. It was originally given to Klove, Skylars lover, by Skye herself. It represented her commitment and devotion to Klove. Skye now wears it all day except when bathing and sleeping
Heirloom :
Location: Syliras
House: Ledger
+100 GM
100 GM
Last edited by Skylar Draykin on July 19th, 2014, 6:17 am, edited 24 times in total.
Apologies for the lomg wait everyone I am rping with! Going through a very rough patch. Will reply very soon though! PM if you have aby questions or concerns and I will get back to you as I'm planning on being on here at least once a day from now on
Last edited by Skylar Draykin on June 22nd, 2014, 12:26 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Apologies for the lomg wait everyone I am rping with! Going through a very rough patch. Will reply very soon though! PM if you have aby questions or concerns and I will get back to you as I'm planning on being on here at least once a day from now on
Klove Wething Seth Draykin Brock Draykin James Draykin
Apologies for the lomg wait everyone I am rping with! Going through a very rough patch. Will reply very soon though! PM if you have aby questions or concerns and I will get back to you as I'm planning on being on here at least once a day from now on
1. What is your Name? Skylar Draykin 2. Do you go by a nickname or pet name?Skye 3. How old are you? Eighteen 4. What is your height? Um.. 5'2"? 5'3"? I'm gonna go with 5'3". 5. What is your weight? 137lbs. Questions like this arnt really necessary are they?
Aesthetics :
1. Describe yourself as you see yourself. Um... well I'm pretty well toned. I like to keep in shape and whatnot. Is that what you're looking for? 2. Describe yourself as others typically see you. Well, they usually see a small girl who doesn't look like she could fend for herself...until they find themselves looking up at the sky from the grounds persepctive. 3. What is your favorite body feature? I really don't like to look at myself much. I guess maybe my eyes? But I like everyone's eyes I guess. 4. How physically fit are you? Like I said, I like to keep in shape. 5. How do you typically dress and what is your style? I usually like to wear a p regular shirt and flexible pants. Anything easy to move around in. I never got into wearing dresses or anything.
Family :
1. Who are your parents and what are they like? [b][i] My father is Richard Draykin and my mother was Heather Fyer. I was never really close to either one but when my mom died when I was fifteen, it took away someone I considered a stable part of my life. I know now I took both for granted. My mother was the sole caregiver in our family. I loved her as a child should love their mother but I never shared a connection with her. My father is a very hard headed man. He would do anything for his family but lacks the words to express his love. Huh, I guess I take after my father. 2. Do you have any brothers or sisters?I have three older brothers who would do anything for me. I would anything for them too. Growing up, my best friend was my older brother Seth,so I guess I'm closest to him. 3. What is your extended family like? I really don't know. I think I havea Drykas cousin somewhere, but Ive never actually met them. 4. Do you consider close friends as important or more/less important than family? Family is THE most important thing in all of Mizahar. 5. Do you treat animals like family? Yeah. I had a pit bull that I had had since I was four. His name was Ducky (I was four and the way her waddled as a pup reminded me of a duck). He died when I was thirteen from eating a poisonous toadstool. I was devastated.
Location :
1. Where were you born? Sunberth [ 2. Where do you live now? Syliras 3. If you could live anywhere in Mizahar where would that be? 4. Do you have a favorite place to vacation or spend leisure time? 5. Where do you fear to be?
Traits :
1. Do you have any physical weaknesses (disease, scars, and missing limbs?) A scar that goes. from the top of my right shoulder to the middle of my chest a bit belo my neck. I prize for my stupidity in Sunberth. Never try to double cross a gang in Sunberth. 2. Are you right handed or left handed? Right] 3. What languages do you speak? What do you sound like? Do you have an accent? I speak Common (obviously) I also speak pretty good pavi. A lot of traders and travelers could be found at the tavern. They were all willing to teach me what they knew and tell stories of what they saw. Since living in Syliras, Iv picked up Fratava. Only bits of it though. Despite my education, I still sound like a Sunberthian. My accent has that darkness to it that only comes from sunberth. I can still be caught using uneducated slangs. 4. Do you have any odd mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics? Well,, I don't know if this counts, but I have a hard time sitting still. My knee will bounce or Ill tap my fingers. Annoys so many people but I can't help it. 5. Do you have (or want to get) any tattoos or piercing? Why do you have them (or will get them) ? I would love to get a tattoo. I want a crescent moon with a star in the middle on my shoulder. Its to honor Klove.[/i
Occupations :
1. What is your occupation?[i] I am a metalsmith in Syliras 2. Do you like/dislike your work? Why? 3. If you could be anything you wanted to, what would you be? 4. What occupation do you admire the most? Why? 5. What occupation do you lest like? Why?
Childhood :
1. What sort of child were you? A menace to society. Me and my brother Seth had a lot of time on our hands and found....ways to earn a little extra miza. 2. What is your favorite memory from childhood? Hmmm...Oh! One time, me and Brock were trying to round up some some pigs that broke trough the fence. We ended up getting them all except one. We found it in another pigpen. Brock was trying to coax it out. when a young girl came out. Brock got distracted and walked up and started talking to the girl. I finally get the pig roped and looked up to see where he was. It was a few chimes before I heard a loud crash followed by Brock running out the door putting back onn his shirt followed by the girls father throwing another vase at Brocks head. Brock was too busy looking over his shoulder that he didn't see the fence. He tripped and landed face first in the mud. I swear I almost died laughing. I still can't believe the same girl has been Brocks steady girlfriend for six years. 3. What is your worst memory from childhood? The night I saw Seth almost die. Id rather not talk about it. 4. What sort of relationship did you have with your parents? It was ok. I respected them and loved them but wasn't really close to them. 5. Who was your most influential rolemodel? My brother James
Education :
1. What sort of education do you have?Standard education. Arithmatic, common language, that sort of thing. 2. Do you like/dislike learning? Can't say I had a blast. But its needed for everyone. 3. Where or how did you learn most of your skills/abilities? Mostly my brothers. Seth was great at tracking and hunting, Brock was great at unarmed combat, and James taught me some metalworking. Though when it comes to fighting, James is the better coach. Brock was more of a dummy with a brain t o practice on. 4. How do you learn best? Hands on. If you try to tell me how to do something, expect me to screw it up. 5. What are your educational goals for the future? I dunno, I would like to learn more about the gods. I've always sort of liked history (actually, Klove got me into history) and what better way to learn about history than through the ones who made it all happen?
Relationships :
1. Do you form close bonds with people? Why? Why not? Not often. If I do, the person is very special to me in some way. B 2. Do you trust people easily? If not, why not? No. Where I was raised, I was taught that the only people you could trust without a doubt was family. Anyone else could drop you at every turn. Now, I know that's not completely true, as I've learned from experience. But I am wary of others when I first meet the, unless they've proven themself somehow. 3. Do you consider yourself straight, gay, bi, or something else? I'm bi. So what? I love to look at guys and can also appreciate the feminine form of a good looking girl. 4. Have you ever been kissed? If so, describe the first time. Yeah. Plenty of times. My first time was with a boy named Sebastian. I was fourteen. He was my first boyfriend and we remained friend for a while after the break up. I haven't talked to him in a long time. I still wonder how he's doing sometimes. He was a good friend and respected me. 5. Have you ever had sex? If so, describe the first time. Yes, but only twice. The first was with Sebastian. I don't feel like saying where but lets just say it was one very eventful New Years party.
Drugs and Alcohol :
1. Have you ever been drunk? If so, describe your first time. I've been tipsy plenty of times. But ive never actually gotten drunk...yet 2. Do you like to drink on a regular basis? Not really. I used to in Sunberth, but since I'm a social drinker, and I don't know too many people here, I havnt had a reason to. 3. What sort of alcohol do you prefer? Ale. I don't care much for the burn of the others. 4. Have you ever tried drugs (mood altering substances)? If so, which kinds and what did you think of them? I've done Slammer before. Its good for fighting until the fight is over. But if it helped me win then I never regreted it. 5. What do you think of drugs and alcohol? Be specific I say do your own thing. If that's how you live your life then go for it. I can see drunks being the bigger issue in the world so if I was against anything its stupid people with whiskey. Also, drugs don't hurt people much as far as I can tell. Sometimes its the only thing keeping someone calm. .
Likes and Dislikes :
1. What are your hobbies? Fighting I guess. 2. Do you like to read?Yeah, actually, I do. When I have free time. But the problem is I don't get much of that. 3. What annoys you more than anything else? People who have never struggled. Their ignorance just gets under my skin. Especially when they boast it. 4. What do you find the most relaxing activity to do?Looking at the stars and the moon. Just laying back and watching the world turn (in a sense)Just getting lost in the night sky is so relaxing to me 5. What kinds of things embarrass you? Why?Failing at something publicly. For example, I didn't start riding a horse till I was almost eleven. I fell off that thing so many times, I started practicing at night so no one would see me.
Favorites :
1. What is your favorite color or colors?Red 2. What is your favorite time of day? [b][i].....Night.... 3. What is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?[b][i]That's a toss up between Klove and Brock running for his life. 4. What do you like to eat? What do you hate to eat? I'm really not too picky. Although, I havnt had much of a variety to choose from until now. 5. What is your favorite type of weather? Does any kind scare you? I like stormy days. I like the roling thunder and crashing lightning. I'm not really scared of any weather but I don't really like snow. I don't do cold very well.
Outlook :
1. Are you optimistic or pessimistic? Well, others have described me as a pessimist, but I consider myself a realist. It always amazed me how my family could have such a good outlook on life,, especially living in Sunberth. But when I point out actual possibilites, I get people jumping down my throat. So I guess I'm pessimistic for pointing out all possibilites, especially the ones nobody wants to hear. 2. What are your religious views? I havnt really thought about them till recently. I guess its something I'm still trying to figure out myself. 3. Would you be able to kill? If that person is in the way of what needs to be done, then yes. 4. What are your views on sex? Um.. its natural I guess? Its a private matter between you and your partner. I don't feel you have to wait for "the one"to do it. I do feel that you should be in a relationship with the person, though. I've never had sex with a person on a whim before so I don't know if you get the same feeling. I might try it sometime, just to see. 5. What, in your opinion, makes a successful life? Living it to its full extent. I'd rather live with regret from doing something than to regret not making that move. I would feel lile I missed out on a good experience.
Actions :
1. What is the worst and best thing you’ve ever done?The best? Attempting to protect Klove from the slavers outside of Sunberth. The worst would be trying to steal from a gang boss. 2. What is your greatest regret Not being able to save her. 3. What is your best/worst memory? Didn't we already cover this? 4. If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be and why I would propose to her. 5. What are you the most proud of doing in your life? Hmm... I'm just proud that I helped provide for my family. No matter what it was, I would do it if it helped
Emotions :
1. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings with others?Depends on the thoughts I guess. If I'm angry you'll know it. Other thoughts are more personal and I usually try to keep my mouth shut. 2. Do you have any biases or prejudices? Not in the sense of races. I dislike the wealthy and i tend to be weary around authority. I haven't been around many races to actually develope feelings towards any individual race. 3. What makes you happy? A one on one brawl with a fine opponent. The thrill of the fight and the adrenaline rush distracts me from the reality for a short while. 4. Who or what, if anything, would you die for? My family. Isn't that obvious? 5. What makes you angry?A lot of things. I guess I can't really pinpoint where my anger comes from, but honestly it doesn't take much to anger the beast.
Relationships :
1. In general, how do you treat others? Depending on the person, I will automatically treat them with respect. Otherwise, I try to ignore them. 2. Who is the most important person in your life, and why?I don't havve one person. As I'm sure you're annoyed with hearing, Family is most important. 3. Who is the person you respect the most, and why?James. He is always there for me and doesn't try to soften what he says, especially if he feels you need to hear it. I could never do that to someone I love so its definitely something I could learn from him. 4. Do you have a spouse or significant other? If not, describe an ideal lover. Not currently, no. My ideal lover is someone who can love me for me. Someone who will respect me as a person and talk to me about what they think. I'm not a great conversationalist, but I love to listen to others. I like to do things for my significant other so they would have to be ready for suprises and whatnot. 5. Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why Here in Syliras? No. At least not yet. I don't know their motives and what their limits are. They could bail when I really need them to protect me so no.
Group Situations :
1. Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict? Argue. Poorly a lot of the time but that doesn't stop me. 2. Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations? No. I don't consider myself a leader in any way. But I also don't take authority very well either. I'm a lost cause. 3. Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not? No. I just feel uncomfortable in groups. Anything can happen. 4. Do you care what others think of you? not usually. Unless its a question of my abilities. 5. What do you think of others, in general? People are, to me, just there and often times in the way.
Self Image :
1. What is your greatest strength as a person? My passion for things that mean something to me. 2. What is your greatest weakness? My anger 3. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I don't know. What do people usually change? Is that common? 4. Are you generally introverted or extroverted? 5. Are you generally organized or messy? I grew up with three brothers. Take a wild guess.
Beliefs :
1. What God or Goddess do you find most appealing, if any? Leth would be my God of choice. He's the god of change and the moon. If you don't understand why I prefer him by now...well I guess you are out of luck. 2. Which God or Goddess do you fear, if any? Krysus. Goddess of pain and murder. Although how much is fear and how much is hate, I guess I don't really know. 3. Do you have any Gnosis Marks? If so, how did you receive them? No. I hope to in the future (Gods willing) 4. What lengths would you go to to please your deity? I assume when you say "your" deity, you mean the one we like the most? If its for Leth, just about anything. 5. Where do you draw the line at pleasing your deity? What is too much? If it puts my family, especially my brothers, in danger then that's my line. Id consider based on the God.and what the reason is. But that would be the toughest choice of my life.
Life & Death :
1. What do you absolutely live for? What do I live for? Hmm... well I guess what I live for...What i absolutely live for....is that one moment to do something worthwhile. To do something that MEANS something to others. I wanna be remember as a somebody. Whether its for one person, one town, or all of Mizahar, I want to mean something. 2. What is the best part of life? The memories. The good and the bad. Good memories motivate you. And even though regret comes with the bad ones, you can learn from them. You can regret, but don't let that stop you from making better memories. 3. What is the best part of death? Well that's a bit of a morbid and kind of creepy question, now isn't it? I guess the best part would be to be able to see my loved ones again. My.mother for starters. To tell her how much I really loved her. My good ol' Ducky. And, of course, my Klove. 4. If you could choose, how would you want to die? Oddly enough this ones easy. I would die with honor,, by protecting the ones I love........though I wouldn't mind going down.in an epic battle of history. 5. What is the one thing for which you would like to be remembered after your death? For being the great protector, the shield of all who believed in me and trusted me.
Apologies for the lomg wait everyone I am rping with! Going through a very rough patch. Will reply very soon though! PM if you have aby questions or concerns and I will get back to you as I'm planning on being on here at least once a day from now on