Tinnok nodded and followed Tazi's lead. She realized the healer was surprisingly quiet, and clealry took stock of the land in a similar manner Tinnok did. When you were on the search for plants and herbs your eyes had to be everywhere, high and low, not simply focused on some singular path to get you through the wilderness. When Tazi stopped to show her the moss Tinnok nodded eagerly. "I often use moss on wounds, then wrap a shirt or bandages around it, though I try to clean them with water first, so no dirt gets in the wound when I do this, they are very good at sopping up blood."
Something about the phrase, the familiarity suggested a life lived with constant injuries, but Tinnok did not seem to notice this, instead she repeated the other information as she had about the Vyfox. "Moss takes on properties of the things it is put in, like salves and balms."
At Tazi's next comment, Tinnok's eyebrows rose curiously. It seemed the Myrian healer was more forward than she had first imagined. At her hasty apology Tinnok simply waved her hand. She had had ruder inquiries from people she had liked far less before. "My father was Dhani, I do not think Dhani females can bear half breeds, but this is only what I have heard. And no I cannot turn into a snake, though I sometimes think that would be nice." Truly that ability would probably have had her executed at a far younger age, but it seemed unfair that she had the eyes and scales of a Dhani, but none of their inherent transformative abilities. Then again, very little about Tinnok's upbringing and life had ever been...fair.
There was something a bit odd about the half breed, for a moment serious, but then as soon as the healer mentioned the firecracker flowers she lit up like one of the children she had described. She surged ahead of Tazi now, her feet nimbly leaping from root to root and disappeaing silently behind a large clump of ferns, the only evidence of her presence the slight waving of the leaves. There was nothing the abomination enjoyed more than trying to move as silently as she could through the jungle now, and she tip toed carefully, not in anyway to evade Tazi, but just as another part of the little game hunting for the firecracker flowers would provide.
She found two groupings quite easily, but neither had any of their namesake blossoms, and a part of Tinnok's irrational mind got a bit upset at the children, or whatever entities had absconded with the flowers. It was a lesson she had learned early on to only take a little of a plant or shrub. They would recover and re-grow of course, but it still seemed a shame.
Though these plants were naked of blooms, they still gave off the sweet honey like scent from the vines, and Tinnok continued onward, nose sniffing, trying to catch another whiff of this scent to carry her onward, peeking behind her to check that she hadn't lost Tazi.
It took a few more bells before Tinnok found a bloom relatively untouched, the large brightly hued bulbous sections ready to be plucked or fall to the ground and go to seed. She waited patiently, toes curled around the roots of a tree, crouched down and waiting for the next lesson from her new friend, enjoying the mild and sweet scent of the plant.
Something about the phrase, the familiarity suggested a life lived with constant injuries, but Tinnok did not seem to notice this, instead she repeated the other information as she had about the Vyfox. "Moss takes on properties of the things it is put in, like salves and balms."
At Tazi's next comment, Tinnok's eyebrows rose curiously. It seemed the Myrian healer was more forward than she had first imagined. At her hasty apology Tinnok simply waved her hand. She had had ruder inquiries from people she had liked far less before. "My father was Dhani, I do not think Dhani females can bear half breeds, but this is only what I have heard. And no I cannot turn into a snake, though I sometimes think that would be nice." Truly that ability would probably have had her executed at a far younger age, but it seemed unfair that she had the eyes and scales of a Dhani, but none of their inherent transformative abilities. Then again, very little about Tinnok's upbringing and life had ever been...fair.
There was something a bit odd about the half breed, for a moment serious, but then as soon as the healer mentioned the firecracker flowers she lit up like one of the children she had described. She surged ahead of Tazi now, her feet nimbly leaping from root to root and disappeaing silently behind a large clump of ferns, the only evidence of her presence the slight waving of the leaves. There was nothing the abomination enjoyed more than trying to move as silently as she could through the jungle now, and she tip toed carefully, not in anyway to evade Tazi, but just as another part of the little game hunting for the firecracker flowers would provide.
She found two groupings quite easily, but neither had any of their namesake blossoms, and a part of Tinnok's irrational mind got a bit upset at the children, or whatever entities had absconded with the flowers. It was a lesson she had learned early on to only take a little of a plant or shrub. They would recover and re-grow of course, but it still seemed a shame.
Though these plants were naked of blooms, they still gave off the sweet honey like scent from the vines, and Tinnok continued onward, nose sniffing, trying to catch another whiff of this scent to carry her onward, peeking behind her to check that she hadn't lost Tazi.
It took a few more bells before Tinnok found a bloom relatively untouched, the large brightly hued bulbous sections ready to be plucked or fall to the ground and go to seed. She waited patiently, toes curled around the roots of a tree, crouched down and waiting for the next lesson from her new friend, enjoying the mild and sweet scent of the plant.