29th of Day of Spring
514 AV
514 AV
Back for more like the glutton he was, Elias had decided he wasn't quite done with his lessons just yet. With Lazerin's class out of the way for the day, he found himself back at the library once again, the very same unruly pile of books propped open upon the very same table as last time. His trusted inkwell, brush and quill were with him as well, and he was eager to continue his self taught sessions. This time, he knew he had to be careful of how he exerted himself. Yesterday had left him with a surging headache, something he was not looking forward to rehashing again.
He was still reading up on shields after half a bell, his eyes scanning the books again to make sure that he was soaking it in all correctly. The last time he had tried to expedite the casting of his shield by increasing the flow of djed during the extrusion process. However, individual shielding was a three-step method, and he had only increased the speed of the first step. If ever he hoped to use shields practically instead of conveniently, he needed to do far better. In this session, he would attempt to somehow increase the speed of the shaping and molding process. With the help of an entire repository of Ravokian knowledge, and some downright unwavering ingenuity, he would get it done.
The not so ancient tome had suggested quite an ingenious way of going about this that had caught his attention last time, but barely held it for long enough to be of any concern at the time. Today however, was a different story. The passages in particular suggested the use of glyphs to help shape and mold the freshly extracted djed to aid in quickening of the second step. Similar to what he had done yesterday, again, but this time, the only problem was figuring out how. As the diligent student, he dipped the quill into the inkwell with a flourish, biting his lip as he began the all too familiar brainstorming part. He believed that the key could be found in paths and switches, and by his reasoning, switches could be used to distribute a main magical effect into several smaller ones. This meant that it could act as a cross road that split the djed and channeled into various points along the magical process. That was where paths came in, for he could use them to direct the flow of djed appropriately, using the arcane language to do the work for him instead of being forced to manually handle the creation of the shield. Yet, with all that said, switches were not exactly the most basic of glyphs to understand, let alone master. That didn't mean Elias was ignorant to their existence, but fortunately the books he had acquired were going to prove terribly helpful in rectifying his unfortunate lack of skill in their use. Flipping to the end of the book, he murmured quietly to for another half a bell as he refreshed his memory on the the design of switches and paths as well.
Paths were simply a pair of barrier sigils placed in parallel to one another and acting in conjunction. They guided djed flow between them, while switches were slightly more complicated, as they served as either dividers, or convergent points depending on how one chose to use them.