OOCGray, would you mind kind of keeping to a posting cycle please? It gets a little confusing when you're posting every other post and everyone else is posting in turn. As expected, the Isur did indeed follow Ash'eny's movements. Be it curiosity, confusion, or hope of something that Ash'eny probably didn't have to offer (or did he?), Eanos followed. He remained standing as Ash'eny comforted himself on the ground and assumed his typical style of rest, 'Beggar Style' in a sense. Hood drawn over his head, cloak pulled over to hide the body. There was little more to see at first glance than the dirt smeared face. As Eanos spoke, Ash'eny lifted his head, as if not particularly seeing him follow, as if he didn't intentionally draw Eanos to him to begin with. A ploy, no doubt, to make this little meeting seem a typical 'man meets beggar' moment. He held out his hand, as if to beg for more, but his eyes betrayed that intention, as did the faint smile. "I couldn't agree more friend. However, it is in the interest of some to examine the morality behind methods of obtaining pay." Ash'eny paused as he shook his head and pulled his arm back in his cloak, obviously to appear like he was denied by anybody that was possibly watching from far away. He also shot a glance at the man with the metallic trinkets, along, methodical glance, as if trying to just know what the man was doing. He glanced back to Eanos. "You're not the man I'm looking for. My apologies. If you wish your coin back, I will offer it to you. I have little need for it. However..." Ash'eny glanced around again, catching a glimpse of Sasin watching them from a not-too-far location. He stood up and pulled his head close to Eanos, whispering faintly in his ear. "Eanos," Ash'eny spoke the name that he heard the Isur use when confronting the salesman. "It would be wise of you to not mention this conversation to anybody, as well as anybody you met breaking the law (which was Ash'eny of course; begging was illegal). There is a benefit to having friends on the street." Ash'eny stepped back again, giving another glance at Sasin, or at least where he was, assuming he didn't move that is. As he stood back a few paces, Ash'eny picked up his voice slightly above the average volume of speech. "Thankee kindly young sir. You've a heart of gold! Heart of gold! Thankee, thankee..." Ash'eny lowered himself back to the ground again, faking some sort of faint insanity as he began mumbling to himself, huddling inside his cloak to the best of his abilities, and watched Eanos from his little seat on the ground. Hopefully he wasn't a foolish man. |