by Dusk on October 31st, 2010, 4:32 pm
XP Award!
Ash'eny XP Award: Begging: 1 XP, Intelligence: 1 XP, Acting: 1 XP Lore Award: Being a convenient distraction, Being cryptic at random strangers, Too many cooks in the kitchen Ledger: +4gm
Sasin XP Award: Larceny: 1 XP, Intimidation: 1 XP, Interrogation: 1 XP Lore Award: Using a convenient distraction, Giving fair warning, Recognizing shady characters Ledger: +6gm, 2sm, 18cm
Eanos XP Award: Intelligence: 1 XP Lore Award: Deciphering the babble of beggars, Too many cooks in the kitchen, Being randomly threatened by a crazy person Ledger:
Grayzdo XP Award: Negotiation: 1 XP Lore Award: Being tall... a lot, Threatening murder in the middle of a crowd Ledger:
Additional Note
Ash: I'm giving you Intelligence not because you gathered information and interpreted it, but because you left clues to BE interpreted. Lemme know if you have any questions on that.
Grayzdo: With Larcent of 5, you can't just walk up to someone in the middle of the market and cut their purse off their belt without being caught. Read through the other posts using Larceny - there needs to be distraction, subterfuge, cleverness. It's not just about running up to someone and taking what they have. Since you didn't actually roleplay thieving (please see my notes on earning XP in my Office Thread, there aren't any points for Larceny given. If you'd like help or suggestions on how to best work on your skills, send me a PM and I'll be happy to help you out!
PLEASE NOTE: Finals are over, but summer is eating my soul. As such, as of the end of June I will not be accepting any new quests/modded threads until I finish some of the ones I've already started/agreed to. My apologies for this, but I don't want to be unfair to those who have been waiting for replies!
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