Solo The Cycle of Sewing

Spring take in, fall let out.

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The Cycle of Sewing

Postby Drusilla on May 24th, 2014, 12:47 pm

50th of Spring 514

Drusilla sat at her station, today seemed to be a day for basic alterations. After such a harsh winter many were finding their clothes much too big. Drusilla had noticed this pattern every year. Spring take in, fall let out. It was a vicious cycle of starvation they went through every winter, and every winter it seemed to get worse. There had to be a way to change the way they endured the winter. Some way to produce more food. Thoughts and ideas ran through her mind as she took in a pair of bryda who's owner had lost a noticeable amount of weight.

That seemed to be the trend this spring. It would of made more sense in Drusilla's mind to just buy new clothes than have the sewing crew attempt to take in the clothes and make them look decent. They could be made to look nice, but the more fabric they had to hide the harder it was. Along with the thread that would be wasted once the clothes we let back out. New clothes just seemed smarter in the long run.

But Inarta would be Inarta and if the higher ups wanted their clothes taken in and out, in and out she would have to oblige to their wishes.


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The Cycle of Sewing

Postby Drusilla on August 14th, 2014, 7:19 pm

With some of the orders, she got notes requesting additional fixings. Beads are loose or coming off, buckle broken or loose, fur lining coming off, strap fraying, all minor cosmetic details to fix nothing too challenging. But it was these simple fixes Drusilla enjoyed the most, not for how easy they were... but for the fact the weren't as dull as taking in pants and shirts. It was something different to do. Not that there was anything wrong with hemming pants or skirts, but she did that over and over day in and day out.

Whatever the request Drusilla gave it her best. That was the only way to move up the ranks here, hard work. The harder you worked the more value you held in the system. It had been a slow road coming but she had over the years noticed her worth improving, she was allowed to take harder repairs, use the bigger looms, and even dabble in embroidery. If taking in clothing had gotten her this far, she'd continue to work and see just where it took her.

Cutting off the thread attached to the needle, Drusilla turned the pants back out the right way and gave them a look over for any mistakes she may have made. Nope, this pair looked good. With a smile she folded them moving them to where the finished items were placed and picked up a new order.


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