While setting up my character sheet, I've been doing a bit of research on lore. My character is interested in dreams (dreams, to her, are stories from inside, from the soul, which makes them infinitely fascinating). So I took a look at Nysel and his gnosis, dreamwalking. This led me to read up on the chavena and chavi, as well as the Ukalas (hopefully I'm spelling all of these correctly). I hope these questions haven't been asked before, and also that I haven't simply overlooked the answers to them.
1.) Can Ethaefal view their past lives through their chavi? I assume yes, because a person's chavi is a complete record of a person's past and present lives (as well as a blank slate for their future), but I thought I'd ask just to be sure. If they can, would they be able to view portions of memories created while in Leth's/Syna's domains (before their fall), or would their mortal mind not be able to fathom those portions?
2.) Can you use an object that someone crafted as a key for seeking their chavi? For example, say my character was interested in 'antiques' and filled a room with old artifacts and objects. Could she then use a crafted object to connect to its creator's chavi to learn more about the object? Or would the object have to have some part of the creator in it (like a piece of hair that fell into the clay pot as it was being molded)?
3.) Does the key to a person's chavi have to be touched directly by a dreamwalker, or does proximity count? Like, could my character easily find the chavi of someone standing right next to her, or would she have to reach out and touch that person to connect? Would standing on a grave be enough to find the deceased's chavi, or would my character have to bust open the coffin (or the ground, or whatever), and touch the remains directly?
4.) Can dreamwalkers (high level ones) use a person's chavi in real-time to alter a person's emotional state (or an animal's, for that matter)? Say someone was in an accident/attack, and was freaking out. Could a dreamwalker 'step into' that person's chavi and send soothing vibes in order to calm him/her?
5.) Lastly, I was reading a thread about earning a dreamwalking gnosis when one of the posters (Gossamer) wrote:
"...being the Dreamwalker she was, she'd know where and when she'd step into in relation to the now which was always the beginning of the Chavi where it attached to the Ukalas."
Does this mean that the "present" portion of chavi (the stuff that is being recorded now, as it is happening) is the portion that is closest to the Ukalas? I know the lore says that mortals can't simply step into the Ukalas on their own (unless they are the offspring of a god/mortal coupling), but would a dreamwalker be able to "feel" the proximity to the Ukalas? And I know this is stretching it, but could an Ethaefal gain access to the Ukalas as might an Alvina since they are not entirely earthly creatures? (As Colombina described in her scrapbook post, "Eths ought to appear as surreal and spiritual creatures. Portions of them aren’t organic, there’s a bit of miracle to them.")
I think that's everything for now (I know, it's a lot to ask). Any help would be greatly appreciated!