Vayl frowned when he heard a soft groan. It was, to him at least, clearly audible compared to the quite creakings and shufflings of the general crowd in Ravok.
Trap was the first thing to jump into his mind, and, curiosity still captivating him, he peered out of the glaring too bright sun, into the much more calming gloom of a side street. There sat a young human woman, horribly beaten up. Vayl frowned. How very unlike a human to be in such a disadvantageous position.
It was only when he saw the backpack that the woman was reaching for that Vayl's eyebrows rose and he rushed, without a moments thought, towards the girl to help her, some base instinct kicking in for Vayl to help the innocent. The girl was kelvic, he had seen many of those backpacks in the KRI as well as on the backs of many shackled poor souls. If he had the money he would buy everyone single one of them. Except those kelvics who had done some crime against their own kind. Those he would kill.
"Shh shh shh its ok, I've got you" he whispered quietly as he swooped past the girl to bring her backpack to her, frowning as he looked over her body a little closer.
"You're badly beaten up.. what happened?" he muttered, lavender eyes glistening with suppressed hatred towards the human who must have done this.
The sun shone gently down onto the girl's face and Vayl caught his breath. She was beautiful. Not 'attractive' or 'alluring', simply, purely, beauty. Blushing a little Vayl looked away to stop distracting himself.
"What is your name, little one? I'm called Vayl" he whispered as soothingly as pale skin and fangs could allow him to, before frowning in his innocent curious manner.
"Well I was called vetari at birth, but I didn't like it so I changed my name. My father wasn't happy." Vayl shrugged and smiled at the girl, [b]"But he never is."
But one day
you will stand before death's decrepit gate,
without really knowing why