Everything had been prepared. The sergeant had said his farewells. Told his superiors of his intentions and expected time of return. Gathered the supplies. Turned in the gear he didn't need. Still. He was a heavyweight when he walked through the still silent hallways and larger connecting streets of Syliras. Occasionally he came across a knight on duty, but their shared god made it easy for them to recognize that the other belonged to the order. Sylir had made it easy for the knights. Outsiders pretending to be knights was almost impossible with their shared mark. Previously it had probably been hand signals in Ekeldi or similar that had shown one another that they were allies. Friends. Comrades. Brothers and sisters of the sword. Markus let a sigh rumble from somewhere down deep. This was the last possibility for him to forget the silly notion of visiting his family. It would be nothing more than tearing open old wounds.
No. You read the letter. Have faith that they kept true to their word. Reconciliation. It will be good to know I have a family in Zeltiva that is doing well. That half my life was not a waste in a city forsaken by the gods. A silent thought that followed, he knew that to be true, no matter what happened.
Despite the hope to reconcile himself with his long lost family. Something he had never dreamt of, even thought possible until the fateful letter had arrived that told him of his father's death. Despite the tenuous hope, it was with a heavy heart he stepped through the stone walkways of the city he loved of all his heart. Each corner he knew like the back of his hand. It was in this city he had lived for the past decade. Now he was leaving it, not forever, but for enough time that he was feeling homesick before he had even left the city.
Am I doing the right thing here? Leaving my place of duty, to chase after a sliver of hope that my family might not be a bunch of shykes?
Another, heavier, sigh escaped him as he reached down to make sure Peacekeeper hung securely. Of course it did, he had checked it at least a dozen times as he had walked. But it gave him a tick's respite from his own worries. The doubt he always tried to keep out of his voice and methods. No need for his Wing to ever see their sergeant be in doubt. They had to trust him and a man who doubted himself, made a terrible leader. The sergeant crossed a corner, shaking his head furiously to push those thoughts out of the head. Setting a quicker pace as he opened the door to the Herald's Arms. Wearing a backpack, over the backpack a heater shield, bow over the left shoulder, quiver on his right hip. He was a heavy man, all the gear made him much heavier. Chainmail and a breastplate added to that as well. The floor boards creaked under his weight. He did nothing to stop them from creaking, he was not a thief in the night. On the contrary, he was a knight.
I will only be gone for a season. They endured my absence for longer during the crusade against Sahova. They can endure without me for a single season.
That did calm him a little. Did drive away the doubt for long enough for his bare and naked hand to rap against the door that lead to S'Essy's room. His voice barely more than a whisper. Nothing more was needed in the silence of the darkness of the early dawn in late spring. His last bell in the city. As the two would carry their things from her room to the horses and pack them.
"S'Essy? You awake?"