[Taloba] Character Registry - Summer 514 A.V.

Stop by and tell us about yourself if you'll be playing around in Taloba this Summer!

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Taloba, home to the Myrians, is the thriving core of Falyndar. Inhabited by a fierce and savage tribe where blood sacrifices are normal and a way of life, they are untamed and proud of it. Warlike, and with their numbers growing, the Myrians are set on reclaiming what is rightfully theirs. [Lore]

[Taloba] Character Registry - Summer 514 A.V.

Postby Traverse on June 1st, 2014, 3:49 am



Ah, Taloba. Described as "the darkly radiant heart of the Myrian empire" by one noted and experienced traveler and "argh! argh! Oh Gods help m-!" by another... less experienced one.

If you're going to be hanging around our fair city (mind the spikes and skulls) for the Summer time, please post here using the format detailed below. Just so we know who we're dealing with and, if we can, we can put some like-minded players together and create some literary amore. And if not, at least we can keep track of who's here.

Please be as broad as you can in your answers, give us as much information as you can, especially the last one. Don't be shy. ;)

Code: Select all
[b]PC Name:[/b] Your PC's Name Goes here.
[b]Age & Sex:[/b] This should be obvious.
[b]Purpose of Being In Taloba:[/b] Resident, Visitor, Came to Trade?
[b]Likes To Thread About:[/b] Anything you'd like in your threads.
[b]Dislikes To Thread About:[/b] Anything you don't want in your threads.
[b]Character Goals This Season:[/b] What are you bound and determined to get accomplished?
[b]Needs Training/Moderator Assistance:[/b] Be specific! Do you need to learn something or have something moderated? Let us know!
[b]Willing to Guest Moderate?:[/b] Yes, no, maybe with help?
[b]Additional Comments:[/b] Anything else you'd like to add?
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[Taloba] Character Registry - Summer 514 A.V.

Postby Oryani on June 1st, 2014, 3:06 pm

PC Name: Oryani
Age & Sex: 21, Female
Purpose of Being In Taloba: Sort-of resident visitor. She's here because she's having a hard time leaving XD
Likes To Thread About: A lot of stuff! Crazy plots are always fun, but if it's skill progression... I'm up for that too
Dislikes To Thread About: Preferably not plain social threads
Character Goals This Season: Actually... post... in Taloba. Also start learning Myrian, and try and complete the seasonal challenges. Also complete NaJu!
Needs Training/Moderator Assistance: Not at the moment... though thanks Traverse for helping me get started!
Willing to Guest Moderate?: Nope, sorry.
Additional Comments: I'll... actually be posting this season! And starting threads. Please, PM if you have something in mind, or just want to work something out!
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[Taloba] Character Registry - Summer 514 A.V.

Postby Tazi on June 5th, 2014, 3:47 pm

PC Name: Tazi
Age & Sex: Female; 25
Purpose of Being In Taloba: Resident
Likes To Thread About: I'm trying to kill NaJu. So anything! Bring it on.
Dislikes To Thread About: I would like to avoid PC death, but shyke happens right?
Character Goals This Season: Finish all the plots I have in mind.
Needs Training/Moderator Assistance: Nope
Willing to Guest Moderate?: Maybe?
Additional Comments: Tazi will be here the first few days of Summer and then gone until the 30th for some fun in Zinrah. Afterwards, she might be back but I haven't decided yet.
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[Taloba] Character Registry - Summer 514 A.V.

Postby Kol on June 6th, 2014, 12:14 am

        PC Name: Kol
        Age & Sex: Male, 25
        Purpose of Being In Taloba: Resident
        Likes To Thread About: I love not only bettering Kol in his skills, but also fleshing him out as a character. If that is done via flashbacks with his family, or with new characters, I'm open. Threads with more than one focus are always nice.
        Dislikes To Thread About: Nothing particularly stands out at me, but perhaps social threads that don't push limits. Kol isn't a huge talker, so getting him involved in other things were he can do stuff is paramount. So, say, taking him to a coffee shop to have a little chit chat probably will just result in some awkward silence and slow replies.
        Character Goals This Season: I have a lot of plotting planned for Kol, but I keep everything fairly loose in case plans fall through or Kol decides to take a different approach. I really feel like he writes his own story. Basically my goals are to get into some crazy adventures in the jungle (maybe gain skills in wilderness survival), knock out the seasonal challenges, work on his unarmed combat, partake in a quest or modded thread, work on his social skills, finish his job threads before the season ends (<.<) and if ever possible, earn a Myrian tiger or the second mark of Myri. Those will probably take a bit longer than just one season, though.
        Needs Training/Moderator Assistance: Besides the big (long term) goals of gaining another gnosis mark or Myrian tiger, I will probably look over the summer calender and see if anything catches my eye.
        Willing to Guest Moderate?: Yes. I may need a little help at first.
        Additional Comments: I really love Taloba and while Kol may be vanishing into the jungle to handle some personal family matters, for the most part he will probably be sticking around unless persuaded otherwise. The city is amazing and the people running it are great. <3
Last edited by Kol on July 31st, 2014, 8:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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[Taloba] Character Registry - Summer 514 A.V.

Postby Vitri on June 8th, 2014, 5:56 am

PC Name: Vitri of The Crested Bones
Age & Sex: 25
Purpose of Being In Taloba: Resident
Likes To Thread About: I would like company for my job threads (hunting) if anyone feels up for it. ;) Other than that I'll pretty much thread whatever!
Dislikes To Thread About: Nothing that comes to mind.
Character Goals This Season: Gaining some new fighting skills and flesh out Vitri properly.
Needs Training/Moderator Assistance: Considering having Vitri joining the military at some stage, might not be this summer though. But if I do I'd like a moderated thread!
Willing to Guest Moderate?: I don't feel that I'm suited for it just yet.
Additional Comments: -

"Myrian" "Common" "Thoughts"

I do apologize to my current threadpartners. I had not expected work to become so overbearing, we usually have alot to do in summer but we've never had this much to do. It's taking up most of both my days and evenings. I'll try to respond to the current threads if I find some time.
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[Taloba] Character Registry - Summer 514 A.V.

Postby Quzon on June 16th, 2014, 11:58 pm


PC Name: Quzon

Age & Sex: 26, Male.

Purpose of Being In Taloba: Resident

Likes To Thread About: Anything so long as it progresses a story.

Dislikes To Thread About: Purely social threads without a plot.

Character Goals This Season: Increse Qu's Reimancy, combat, and body building skills.

Needs Training/Moderator Assistance: Not at the moment.
Willing to Guest Moderate?: Maybe.

Additional Comments: For Myri!
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[Taloba] Character Registry - Summer 514 A.V.

Postby Ezitli on June 19th, 2014, 6:00 am

PC Name: Ezitli
Age & Sex: 18/19 (Depending on when in the season), Female
Purpose of Being In Taloba: Resident
Likes To Thread About: Most anything!
Dislikes To Thread About: Romance
Character Goals This Season: Make it through her Blooding and join the military!
Needs Training/Moderator Assistance: If I could get my Blooding test moderated (which would likely double as getting a Mark from Myri) I would highly appreciate it!
Willing to Guest Moderate?: Sure
Additional Comments: PM me for threads!!
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[Taloba] Character Registry - Summer 514 A.V.

Postby Kwantu on June 23rd, 2014, 2:36 pm

PC Name: Kwantu.
Age & Sex: 20, and Male.
Purpose of Being In Taloba: Resident.
Likes To Thread About: Anything.
Dislikes To Thread About: Nothing.
Character Goals This Season: Get lots of threads done.
Needs Training/Moderator Assistance: Not really - just trying to get the character off the ground.
Willing to Guest Moderate?: Yes!
Additional Comments: If you're threading in Taloba, expect a PM from me asking for a thread. Or, if you're reading this and you're in Taloba, why not just PM me?
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[Taloba] Character Registry - Summer 514 A.V.

Postby Zemeia on June 24th, 2014, 7:21 pm

PC Name: Zemeia
Age & Sex: 27, Female
Purpose of Being In Taloba: Resident
Likes To Thread About: Indepth story archs
Dislikes To Thread About: Anything that does not, in some way, add to, further, or create a / the story
Character Goals This Season: Just to get established in Talboa
Needs Training/Moderator Assistance: I would like to explore her blooding, either in a flashback given her age OR as particular circumstances permit. This will almost definately require moderation. I would also like to get her set up with a permanent position in the Medicine House, which will at least require permission, if not moderation.
Willing to Guest Moderate?: Sure.
Additional Comments: PM me for threads if you have ideas!!

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[Taloba] Character Registry - Summer 514 A.V.

Postby Ketzia on July 16th, 2014, 4:31 am


PC Name: Ketzia
Age & Sex: 21 Female
Purpose of Being In Taloba: Resident
Likes To Thread About: Skills and stories.
Dislikes To Thread About: Meaningless threads that have no IC reason for happening.
Character Goals This Season: Reach competent for tattooing and weapon use. Maybe learn archery.
Needs Training/Moderator Assistance: Not sure if I would need a mod, I'm sure there are PCs that would be willing to help raise or teach skills too. Maybe next season when I intend to try and raise tattooing to the next skill bracket.
Willing to Guest Moderate?: Once I get my skills up, otherwise I wouldn't logically be able to help IC.
Additional Comments: My character might be a bit prickly but I'm not, if you want to rp with me don't hesitate to message me! :)
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