by Stitch on October 5th, 2010, 4:35 am
If he knew she was teasing, he didn't let on. In fact, when she gave him the rather sarcastic compliment, his chest actually puffed up a bit. He gave her a rather nice grin, actually blushing, rubbing at the back of his head. "Well, Stitch says naps are good to keep up a warrior's strength, and sweeping is good for arm muscles. School is good for the mind, and every warrior has to have a smart mind. He lets me do most of the hard chores around the Home too; because like the sweeping, it will help keep my strength up." He held out an arm and bent it, flexing the muscle, then pointing at the small bulge that appeared. The young boy grinned at the muscle, which he obviously found impressive, then turned to gauge Callisto's reaction. Instead, he was met with a rather generous look of cleavage, to which his mouth quickly dropped open at. It was definitely the largest eyeful he had ever gotten, and he was quite impressed with it. Was she flirting with him? He couldn't move his eyes away in order to glance into hers, and see if this was all for real. He was lucky that he even heard her words, that was how much of a daze her breasts had put the young, puberty-stricken boy in.
Oh dear, he wasn't actually supposed to be looking.
Coughing, he snapped his eyes up, glancing into her own and then quickly to the side. He coughed again, even more red rising to his cheeks, the child having to force his gaze back to hers to even remotely appear courageous. He wasn't going to let this girl talk this way, especially not to him! In a defiant, yet slightly shaky voice, he quickly formed some snappish words. "Don't talk around that, not around here, miss. Something tragic happened to his eyes, you know." The words would be slightly cryptic, if she wasn't aware of Stitch's situation. Had the lady Jilitse filled the beautiful Callisto in on how Stitch was, and how he was currently handling life? He crossed his arms, trying to keep up his little act of being the tough guy. She eventually returned to the topic of wrestling though, and his ears perked up as he refocused his attentions on her. He assumed a bit of a confused look as she spoke of dueling, and how primitive he was for using the rather rough "wrestling" term. His eyes quickly lit up as he saw her weapons though, and heard her speak of not using them.
Quickly holding up his hands, he protested, shaking his head eagerly. "No, no. I am actually more talented with a sword than I am my fists, so weapons would be much better!" He seemed completely oblivious to most of her taunts, which could either frustrate the woman, or amuse her even further. He motioned for her to follow him down the side of the Welcome Home, through a small alleyway that led to a beautiful, fenced-in backyard. It was a bit of an odd thing to see, especially under the protective roof of the castle. Damien opened a little door in the side of the wooden fence, leading her into a yard with actual grass, toys, and a little swingset. Picking up a wooden sword on the grass, Damien turned to face her, assuming a pose that had him holding the sword straight up, tip pointing at an angle toward the sky. It was centered to his body, and he was now looking quite focused. Maybe the boy did have some training? The sword was small though, shaped like a katana, but about a foot shorter.
As he looked her over, he was starting to regret his decision not to do some hand-to-hand sparring. He had gotten excited, and forgotten she wasn't hardly wearing anything now. And he wasn't sure, but she might have been flirting with him a bit earlier, even if she had threatened him soon after! "You can use your weapons, or not. Whatever you are best with. It doesn't matter anyway. I will try and go easy though, so you can learn." He gave another one of those cocky winks, and a slight puff of his chest. He was a bit confident, eh?
Callisto, meanwhile, would soon notice that something was off. The boy was watching her, yes, but there was someone else. In a way, it felt like someone else had eyes on her. Not in a creeper kind of way, but just pure curiousity. But there wasn't anyone besides her and the boy around?