[Unverified] Bat

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Postby Bat on June 5th, 2014, 12:18 am

born on the 19th of summer, 504 a.v
8 years of age

Bat is a fairly typical Zith, if a bit scrawny. She is dark gray in color, as many Zith are, although if the light hits her in just the right way then she can appear to be a very, very dark brown. If one looks closely, a life of slavery is well written upon her flesh; the whipscars upon her back speak of her familiarity with punishment, but her yellow eyes still glitter with a small degree of belligerency that has never quite been beaten out of her. Her black hair is often tangled and messy, although when taken care of properly it has a luster that refuses to fade no matter what it's been through. She usually only wears a loincloth, a rough-sewn halter that keeps her breasts in place and a locked iron brace on her wings that prevents her from opening them.

No one ever said that wealth equals intelligence. Bat was born into slavery to a master who had somehow gotten it into his head that breeding Zith was a spectacular idea. Her mother had been wild once, and she seemed to care more about regaining her freedom than caring for her newborn children. Still, she was a crafty creature, and kept her desires secret for the first years of Bat's life, enough time gift her daughter with a cursory understanding of Zith speech, even if not Zith culture. Bat was four years old when her mother got out of her cage and slew their master before being slain herself. Bat, of course, knew nothing of the commotion happening around her, and so she and her brother were inclined to fight back when rough hands took them from their cages. Her brother did not survive the turmoil, but Bat's handlers managed to lock her wings in a brace, muzzle her and shove her into a smaller cage before it was deemed necessary to kill her. She was Zith, after all, and Zith slaves were worth fortunes.

Bat spent the next years of her life bouncing from slaver to slaver, but never to a master. The instinctual nature of her race never vanished fully, no matter how long her owners tried to be rid of it. Her life became a long string of beatings and recuperation, as she was too valuable to waste so easily, but the more the was punished the more she fought back. By the time she'd reached adolescence, her owners had become so desperate that they were willing to sell her for a measly fifty mizas just to be rid of her, and she found herself in a new cage, in a strange building that moved on the water bound for a place she knew nothing of: Sahova.

skill nametotalxpsprb
unarmed combat200200

When to fight and when to wait
Using shackles to strangle

common, fluent
Zithanese, basic


1 pair of shackles
1 loincloth
1 halter blouse
1 wing brace
1 muzzle

As a slave, Bat owns nothing else and has no money to speak of.
Posts: 23
Words: 18773
Joined roleplay: June 4th, 2014, 5:59 pm
Race: Zith
Character sheet

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