16th of Summer 514 AV Sarai sat in a corner of the Grotto, her feet were up on the edge of the chair she was claiming and her knees brought to her chest. The cloak she wore, albeit a bit tattered and weathered looking, was wrapped around her in such a way only her toes and the mass of thick curled hair poked out from its depths. Her sheer small size would almost make her look like a child hidden in the darkest corner of the Inn with a large mug of kelp beer sitting untouched before her. She had heard about this thing they call kelp beer and while she wasn’t really a vegetable girl, much preferring meat, she was curious to try it and see how it tasted. Small hands slipped out from the depths of her black cloak, each taking purchase on opposite sides of the mug and pulling it closer to her until the edge of the mug found the lip of the table. Her nose wrinkled as she leaned in to smell the kelp beer, really it didn’t smell all that appetizing but she was trying new things now that she was living on her own and the beer was on that list of new things. Finally Sarai pulled it over the edge of the table and brought it to her lips, rather than actually sipping at it though she flicked her tongue out to dip into the mug and then pull back between her lips. The taste of the kelp beer made her shake her head back and forth really quickly and her tongue scrape against her teeth as she reacted rather obnoxiously to the taste. Putting the mug back on the table her entire face wrinkled in disgust at the beer, perhaps it was just the fact that it was kelp beer or maybe it was just beer in general that she didn’t like – she didn’t know but she did know she certainly didn’t like the taste of the drink on her table. She’d stick to water thank you very much. Wrapping her arms around her legs she lifted her eyes to the Inn that was bustling quietly with different patrons just doing their things. Her upturned face was dusted with a few smudges of dirt while her unmanageable hair framed her face and fell over her shoulders like heavily waved straw. Her eyes were the only thing about her in that moment that looked bright and aware, the dark green depths accented by a bright gold that rivaled the sun. Sarai tilted her head and focused on a few patron’s not far from her trying to over hear their conversation just for something to do. |