So I've been looking around a bit, and seeing as so many people have their own wonderfully lovely scrapbooks, I decided I might as well make my own. This can't be that hard, can it?
Sidenote- Yes, it can be that hard. I had a different scrapbook a few months ago but recently deleted it, only to find a thousand things I could put in a scrapbook I didn't have.
Anyways, this is where I shall post any random tidbits of information about Alia, any new character ideas, thread ideas, and any box codes I decide to make for other PCs. (I'm not the greatest and I'm not good with consistency, so I'm not making a box code business quite yet.)
Now, don't expect any daily updates or whatnot from me, I'm a terrible journal keeper, blog keeper, diary-writer, whatever you want to call it. I have a billion journals I've meant to update daily to no avail. When I was younger I even had a blog in which I updated diligently for the first two weeks before forgetting the password to my account and letting it grow old for two and a half years.
Enough about my failure at timekeeping. Feel free to reply, have fun, post whatnot, just don't explode your angry self all over the walls of my scrapbook, otherwise there will be a lot of cleaning up to do.
Sidenote- Yes, it can be that hard. I had a different scrapbook a few months ago but recently deleted it, only to find a thousand things I could put in a scrapbook I didn't have.
Anyways, this is where I shall post any random tidbits of information about Alia, any new character ideas, thread ideas, and any box codes I decide to make for other PCs. (I'm not the greatest and I'm not good with consistency, so I'm not making a box code business quite yet.)
Now, don't expect any daily updates or whatnot from me, I'm a terrible journal keeper, blog keeper, diary-writer, whatever you want to call it. I have a billion journals I've meant to update daily to no avail. When I was younger I even had a blog in which I updated diligently for the first two weeks before forgetting the password to my account and letting it grow old for two and a half years.
Enough about my failure at timekeeping. Feel free to reply, have fun, post whatnot, just don't explode your angry self all over the walls of my scrapbook, otherwise there will be a lot of cleaning up to do.