While the others stood around talking, Hirem reached forward and attempted to open the door. It was made of sturdy wood that had a slightly blurred look to it as if perhaps once it had been carved with detailed work which had all rotted away. There were crusted sea life growing on the wood, further obscuring it. The handle to the door perhaps had been something once ornate but now it was rusted into an indeterminable shape and also encrusted with sea life. There were definitely pieces of it missing. When Hirem reached forward to open the door, part of the doorway collapsed, leaving more like a half door found in some farmhouses. The debris fell inward and while it was difficult, Hirem could pull the door open enough for people to walk in. The handle never did release from what was left of the rusted frame.
The interior was fully revealed and if anyone chose to walk forward, the orbs within the courtyard would light. The lamps were set in a circle around what looked like a central pit that dropped down out of sight. The interior had no roof and the walls were partially crumbled in places. There were open aired corridors that were probably closed off leading off into other parts of the ruins. The stones were damp from the retreating tide, but the pit itself had water down beneath in it that was at the level of the receding sea in the distance.
Once, the place must have been grand. However, now most of it lay in rubble and ruin, with only some of the arches that must have once made up the roof rising above them giving them a ghost of an idea how large the structure must have been.
There was a raised dais off to the left that seemed to lead to a small stage which exited through a half ruined door in the center of the dais. To the right there were two other cooridors, one north and one south. The southern cooridior coonected to the right door that lead back out into the courtyard. A smaller room could be seen off to the right of that doorway which was still standing.
In the distance, due to the lack of walls, they could see more of the structure. It seemed to circle around itself with multiple chambers. And while it was early quiet, the whole facility was not without life. Crabs crawled everywhere. Most of the surfaces were covered with vegetation and undersea life that would not survive prolonged periods outside of the water. Even the pit with its circle of globes on pedestals was teaming with fish who had gotten caught in the deeper water with the receding tide.
The room past the Dais seemed to be the one that was domed, the roof intact. Even the door looked easy to get through... with the wood already gone and just the frame standing. And while that room with its dome too had a very lack of definition to its structure, one could almost hear the echo of its glorious past.
The party could stick together to explore. They could break up and cover more ground... or someone could see if the pit held anything of interest. The possibilities were endless and the day seemed to have a lot of potential.