Svartal Skyglow's Winter Wonderland
Business Type: Art/Goods
Items Sold:Small, customised ice cubes 10 GM/lbs
Regular small ice cubes 2 GM/lbs
Bucket full of ice 2gallons 34 GM
Small uncoloured Ice sculpture (up to 15 lbs) 30 GM
Medium Uncoloured Ice sculpture (between 16 & 30 lbs) 50 GM
Large Uncoloured Ice sculpture (between 31 & 70 lbs) 100 GM
Larger than large uncoloured ice sculpture (71+ lbs) +10 GM/10 lbs
Coloured ice sculptures Size price as above +25% GM
Touch up charges are available for those that want them, usually cost around 3GM per visit but will cost more for a longer distance or outside Syliras and less for regular customers.
Base Income: Artist (sculptor) 4 gm/day
Skill Bonus: Novice negotiator 1 GM/day? I think
Sale's Bonus: To be Decided by Storyteller
Total Income: 5 + bonus GM/ day
Assets:Simple Store 600 GM
Elaborate Customer Bath 1000 GM
Downstairs Simple Storage room 250 GM
Stone walls for Storage 1600 GM
Elaborate Office 1500 GM
Elaborate Master Bedroom 2500 GM
Stone walls for Ground Floor 2000 GM
Top floor living space Stone Walls 1600 GM
Debt: I believe 8287 GM and 5 SM will be owed to whoever accepts the loan