Timestamp: 17th of Summer, 514 AV Fortune favors the bold, but truth be told, that saying is more often incorrect than correct. Something Seyral found out, time and time again, the hard way. Headstrong and stubborn like a mule, and the type to jump from one bad habit into another rather than rectify his mistakes; A lost cause, is a term most people who know him, would staple on his persona. Although he has met many different types of people, especially the years since the incident with his 'best friend', the ones who he can call more than an acquaintance or comrade in crime, have yet to be found. On this particular day, the mule found himself between a rock and a hard place yet again; Wandering about Sunberth during the early hours, in his cold goal to find some poor drunken traveller who had the misfortune to cross him after a fun night out and, consequently, be robbed blind. Although he searched around the right spots, the streets and alleys around the safest taverns and bars especially, since those were the best places to encounter his favorite type of 'prey'. Today was one where the prey escaped the predator as not a single person was found wandering about carelessly during the break of dawn. So, Seyral resorted to his back-up plan, which wasn't the smartest or well thought out plan in the world; Stealing from sailors and privateers offering their wares at the Seaside Market. These hardy folk weren't the easiest prey or target to triffle with, not that Seyral was scared, simply a lot more careful than when picking on the meek and weak. After grumbling for a while and going back and forth between actually going forth with his plan or not, his empty and growling stomach broke through the knotted feeling in his gut. The salted scent in the air pierced his nose, as he arrived at the docks with a mission in mind; Survive another day with a full stomach. With that vision before him, he walked up to the Seaside Market and pretended to browse wares, only to decide against purchasing the item at the last moment; This way he had time to check out every stall's wares and protection. He almost went through every stall when he noticed a large man who was wearing pompously fancy clothes and a feathered hat that made him look like a fool, even more than normal, with his bulldog face. First thing that crossed Seyal's mind was that the man would never be able to chase after him, not with that body. Even better, he couldn't spot any guards linked to this stall anywhere. Obviously, he decided to check out the man's wares and have some small talk to see what kind of man he really was. 'Nice gems, where do they come from?' "Riverfall's mines" "How much for that Ruby over there?" The man opened the case and took out the Ruby, to which Seyral responded by instantly and without hesitance, grabbing the man's wrist and prying the ruby from his sausagelike fingers. "Cheers!" "...Pleasure's all mine!" Dumbfounded by the man's response and sick grin, Seyral found himself backing away instinctively and looking franticly around for any sign of an ambush...Which basicly, was all around him. Every single hired goon guarding the nearby stalls, turned to face Seyral and the big man as he blew on a whistle. "A bonus for anyone who gets me this man alive!" He then whispered so only Seyral could hear him: "I needed a new slave on my ship...Cheers!" Seyral's eyes were lit with rage and, truthfully, fear as he grabbed his Gladius' hilt and swung it in a broad horizontal arc to try and cut off the snake's head and hope the body would die too...Surprisingly, the man effortlessly blocked it with his steel cane, apparently he wasn't a big simpleton as presumed. Rather than stay and fight the head, Seyral placed hsi bet on escaping the coiling body around him and run for it. Which was alot harder done than said. There were at least half a dozen guards closing in on him from all sides. He had gotten himself real deep in the shyke, and it wasn't the first time; As one of his last resorts, he grabbed one of the small stalls nearby and forced it to collapse behind him in order to keep at least a few goons at bay while he rammed the one guard blocking his way to the city, away from the harbor. The goon wasn't an easy one to beat and Seyral had anything but time to spare, so he assaulted the guard brutally and savagely, pushing him back in the direction of Sunberth's innars any way he could. While the guard was on the defensive and being pushed back, he wasn't budging either. Not until he was finally pushed back enough to let Seyral grab one of the stools near him as he slammed his blade against the guard's axe and pressed on, trapping it between his chest and the blade; While he slammed the stool against the guard's temple with brute force, knocking him down. Not wasting any time, he jumped over the sprawled body and ran for dear life towards Sunberth's city. Running and running until he could run no more, and even then it wasn't enough to outrun the hired guns; Who seemed to be in much better shape than him, which isn't hard to understand considering their profession and Seyral being underfed and having his current way of life. Considering it was still early during the day, he opted for one of the last measures anyone wants to take, hide in Stumble Alley. Without any other optons to really choose from, he quickly dove into the Alley and hid behind a few crates before the goons caught up with his location, he could overhear them shout in frustration as they lost track of him; Waiting there until the brutes left the area to continue their search, he realized moving back into the city streets was taking too much risk; So he looked over his shoulder and saw a window, barricaded with a few rotten planks; Decision made, he kicked in the wooden planks and crawled into the dark building. |