The particular watering hole they approached was a frequently visited place in the Sea of Grass, not only by the local wildlife, but by travelers as well, both Drykas and other. The edge of the watering hole held several tracks within it’s muddied surface, as holes filled slightly with water from the rippling waves of water licking the shoreline were plentiful. So much, in fact, that between the numbers and the water that licked the shore, it made determining which tracks were most recent a little difficult, much less the type of animal that left them. Along the northern side of the watering hole, one tell tale sign was spotted, as dried blood coated the tall grasses and lingering pieces of severed flesh clung to parts of the ground with a small path of parted grass suggesting whatever was killed was dragged away. The cleanly severed pieces of flesh, along with certain gouges made along the firmer, more dry earth further away from the shore held suggestions of a Glassbeak attack for those he had encountered the predatory bird before. In the end, it lent weight to the fact that even getting a quick drink of water in the wilds could proved deadly if one didn’t keep aware of their surroundings. Further up from the shore, trampled grass and small divots in the ground offered several tracks for the group to follow. Only Sama’el was vaguely able to differentiate the several tracks thanks to prior training he received before coming to the grasslands. Of the tracks he was able to recognize, two were deer, one was an elk, three were of a canine of some persuasion, and one was something that he thought could have been an Antelope, but just could have easily been an elk, due to passing time and other animals causing the track to fade somewhat. The most recent of the tracks was one of the deer, which appeared to have passed by the watering hole not more than one bell ago as the track itself still contained signs of water dragged up from the shore. |