AppearanceRace: Kelvic
Gender: Female
Age: 7
Human Age: Appears 17
Birthday: 29, Spring, 507.
Birthplace: Taldera
Appearance: Abelia rather small for a Kelvic, barely standing at 5'2 and weighs 115 lbs. She possesses very delicate features as a human; pale skin and oval face, and round lips, however, her eyes resemble that of her animal. Their unusual blue-gold gradient color reflect that of her animal (leopard) as does the intense shape of her eyes, that are almost feline-like. Her hair is that of a normal humans, fiery orange wave usually pulled back in a braid down to her mid back. Her delicate features and small size give her an almost childlike innocent look which is conceals her more aggressive nature and is often used to her advantage. In animal form she stands at about 2 ft tall and 5'8 ft long and weighs 140lbs. She's tawny, covered with rosettes made up of circles of black spots.
Character ConceptAbelia appears to be quite and mild mannered upon first interaction as this is usually a conscious choice and facade. She usually remains quiet around people she does not know, not for fear of interaction but simply because she is observing and analyzing those around her. She is very insightful, sharp-eyed, and intuitive when it comes to reading people and their emotions and often uses this to gauge a person's trustworthiness. Once she's opened up to a stranger it appears as if she's done a 180 in personality. She is lively enthusiastic quick on her feet and highly empathetic, and in tune with the emotional world around her. She seeks to see the possibilities and potential in any situation. She is easy to talk to and often uses her intuitive feeling to interact with people on a personal level, this could be for the benefit of the other person in an attempt to better themselves; this also makes her very good with words and talking herself in or out of any situation. However, her intuitiveness and emotionally driven nature has its pit falls. She often finds herself bogged down by the energy of people around her, and does not handle intense emotional stress very well. She is also prone to being manipulative in given situations when she doesn't respect the other person, however this is very rare as she makes a point of giving people the respect they deserve. She is an introverted extrovert, gaining her energy from those around her and heavily effected by those around her; however she constantly needs time alone or with very few people to recenter herself. She enjoys being around others in engaging circumstances. She is very protective over the people she loves, sometimes to the point of jealousy. She values empathy, enthusiasm, and structure (something she lacks). She has low tolerance for lack of empathy, understanding and ruthlessness. She hates war and violence outside of self defense.
Character HistoryBorn in Taldera in the spring of 507, Abelia was out of her element from day one. Due to the uncertainty of kelvic offspring, she, a leopard kelvic, had been born in the tundra to two Harp Seal kelvics. Her parents, concerned about her survival in such an unfitting environment sent her off at the age of one to Sea of Grass. They tied her grandmother's long bow on her back along with a few arrows and sent her off to fend for herself in her Leopard form.
Confused and abandoned she had been traveling only two days, spending most of her time sleeping in the crevice of a tree she'd managed to climb into for shelter.
Alone, scared, and inadequately versed in hunting she refused to come down until her stomach could no longer take it. She searched of food near the river still too small to properly hunt.
While she searched she was accidentally shot by a stray arrow coming from a near by Drykas tribe in the bushes. In that moment she believed she that would be the end of her, yet when she least expected it she was approached by a young Drykas boy,
Rook over the years", appearing to be around seven or eight. Taking pity on the poor cub he took her into his tribe as a pet, originally unaware of her Kelvic nature. As she grew up and revealed herself as a Kelvic she was quickly taken into the tribe and raised as one of their own. She became close to
Rook over the years" over the years, initially wanting to bond with him at a young age, however due to Rook's past with the loss of his bonded strider he initially refused. However, Rook and Abelia grew close as best friends and competitive rivals over the years, and now lives with him as they plan to venture out and explore new areas.