First of Spring, 515 AV
Entry Fourteen
Today I believe we lost Wanda.
When I awoke, I was damn near lost myself, crushed beneath a crumbling wall of rock that turned to dust the moment before it killed me. For that moment, I believed Ionu was watching over me, until I saw the state of the world around my abode. Dust, dust... Everywhere. And children playing in it, too. At first I was sure it was an illusion, but there was no punchline to it. Just dust, and death, all around.
Then just chimes later, Phobius, gods bless the boy, managed to find me. Unfortunately, he brought Reysin with him as well. Luckily, the snake wasn't quite as much of a shyke as he could have been, but still. Ionu drags us together like there's actually a reason. But Yisanareysin is a different story. Wanda...
Poor Wanda.
We might have doomed her; Reysin, Phobius, and I. I didn't speak favorably of her actions... The same actions that led to the crumbling of two city blocks. Hai, nearly led to the crumbling of me. Three speakers approached us, when we tried to help Wanda. A woman of the ocean, a man with flowers for a beard that was called 'Severus' by the ocean woman, and an older gentleman, one with a strong accent and an outfit made of rainbows of layers. They gave us a choice, and then took Wanda with them. To... Well, I'm not sure. Nowhere good, surely.
And then there was the coin. The coin that was given to me by the speaker; Severus. I supposedly chose the fate of dear Wanda, but I can’t say I blame myself. I did what I could, I suppose. And now I’ve got a coin. A coin that isn’t really… a coin. Not anymore, at least. When I got home, I looked for it in my pockets, but it wasn’t there. Instead, there was a locket. One not unlike my mother’s locket, that I never truly take off. This one, however, seems different. I hold it in my hands now. It reminds me of an eye, in a way. ”There is a face for every occasion”, it says. Peculiar. It is a gift from the Speakers, but in the same way, seems like a gift from Ionu themself. Either way, it is a comforting weight, and unlike my own locket, Maya and Thief can wear it, too.
The only thing, is I can’t seem to open it. I don’t want to damage it, but the clasp seems stuck beyond reproach. I plan to investigate this more later.