[Verified by Radiant] Thauriel

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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Thauriel on June 24th, 2014, 2:17 pm




Last Name: Unknown
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Birthday: 16 of Spring 498
Birthplace: Sunberth

Standing at the height of one many years younger, her grown body gives away her age. With thick, soft and dark brown hair flows to only stop below her very small breasts. With a smooth yet hard face, a scowl is often seen on her mouth that rarely smiles. Small and with muscles of that would be seen on a small child. Would she smile and laugh more, she would be the sweetest thing to be seen for miles.
However, she doesn't; her voice is not something soft or kind like her mother's, more so bland and void of any emotion. Her skin is pale, soft like a newborn's. Not considered to be beautiful but nor to be ugly, she looks sweet despite her personality. Eyes that are of the brightest hazel is not that unique as her family is seen to have them to; they give away the horror she shields from others. Pale and empty as her smiles she would rarely give to people. Her eyes are as hardened as her soul.

Character Concept
Thauriel's personality is cold and snarky; when being spoke to she doesn't care much for what the speaker is saying nor how they feel when she backlashes. Seeing her family brutally killed before her has hardened her heart. She cares not for the titles of others and does not seek to cause trouble that may kill her. Her words are often laced heavily with sarcasm. Thauriel speaks only if she has to and only towards women; having a distaste for men. As a foe, she can be deadly, with growing up on many different streets she can fight only minimally with a dagger or small sword but can back a punch. As a friend, she has a strong set of principles and beliefs that if one is to be friends then they should look out and care for one another; Even though she has not yet come across one she has cared for in the last eleven years.

Character History

At a young age, Thauriel was witnessed to the actions done by those in Sunberth; her family that consisted of only her father, a hard looking man with a scowl permanently on his face; her mother, a kind woman with eyes that matched Thauriel's and smile crinkles at her eyes; and her newborn sister. Aliya; one who, though her heart beat for a few months, was as beautiful as the first dew on the morning window. On the eve of her sixth birthday, her father had come home with his eyes widened with fear. He had shouted at his family to hide when the door burst open and Thauriel saw her father get stabbed. The masked band of rogues entered the house in search of aluaes. From her spot in the dark corner, she saw the men take her mother and brutally do unspeakable actions with the young woman before ending the life. Thauriel hid behind her hands, eyes closed as her small and fragile body shook like a leaf. Then she heard the cry of her young sister.
She dared to look through her fingers as one of the men took the baby, dropping it roughly onto her head. Thauriel hid behind her hands as she covered her eyes once again as the sound of a stomp sounded and Aliya ceased her crying. The five year old was hidden from the men due to the cloak of darkness and heard them as they left, disgruntled over the very few valuables theyouldn't see. When they left, the young child sobbed for her family before coming to the realisation she was on her own. After gathering what she could, the child left the house with naught but the clothes on her back and her bag that was filled with what little food. Around her neck lay her mother's early birthday gift that was a empty locket.
Thauriel grew up hardened, cold and detached from those she once called friends in her childhood. She moved with big groups to other cities where she did whatever necessary to survive.
Learning from a bad experience where she had blindly trusted someone and ended up having many of her possessions stolen, Thauriel has learned to defend herself and was quick to understand that there is no one you can trust.


Fluent Language: Common.


Lore of Sunberth Street Layout
Lore of The Daggerhand

Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Wrestling 20SP 20 Novice
Running 30SP 30 Competent
Medicine 15RP 15 Novice


1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Cloak or Coat
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Metal)
-Brush (Metal)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
100 Gold Mizas

Heirloom: Her mother's locket that was given to her on the eve of her sixth birthday

Location: Syliras

House: The Herald's Arms


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Last edited by Thauriel on June 25th, 2014, 1:10 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Not all that glitters is gold
Posts: 4
Words: 3708
Joined roleplay: June 24th, 2014, 12:52 pm
Race: Human
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