Jokor grabbed the kater, having grown up on the streets he didn't notice the metal it was made from nor knew the value of it, But he did notice the brutal potential it would have to wound, or more to his liking to kill, who stood in his way. Hearing the loud angry yelling of the smith and the loud footsteps. He grabbed the katar making sure he didn't grab one of the three blades.
And then looked around for a hiding place or a way out. His eye fell on the window, the glass was fairly thin and he would probably break the glass if jumped towards it. He got what he came for after all and a few extra golden coins wouldn't be worth whatever the isur would do to him if he got caught!
He quickly took a few steps backwards and ran towards the window jumping shoulder first towards it and breaking through. He rolled a bit along the ground for a short distance and quickly got back on his feet the katar still in his hands.
He started running, not daring to look back towards the now a bit ruined shop.
Happy with the spoils he got, Now he didn't have to cower like a damned dog when someone pulled out a knife.