10th Summer, 506 AV Somewhere in Sylira He woke to the sound footfalls. Flora broke beneath the heel of heavy boots, clumsy in their approach. The rhythm was patterned, human, the step-crunch betraying an ill conceived attempt at stealth. Bandits. Rhuryc was set against the trunk of an old oak, nestled against the bark with his body sprawled out ahead of him. His arms were tucked with one under the other, hidden beneath the folds of the over-sized leather coat over his torso. He listened to them draw closer. There voices. Two, three. A hand clutched the hilt of the already exposed bastard sword at his hip, the other wrapping around the bent, broken shield that lay beside him. Yet he feigned rest. His eyes remained close and the boy kept to his other senses. The sounds of the wood were different when humans walked their paths. Sticks snapped, leaves rustled, and the fauna vanished. Clarity was so rarely given in such pure a form. They were upon him in moments. The first made for a quick, easy kill, the end of spear thrust forward in a graceful coup de grace. A brazen crack erupted into the stiff, morning air as shield met steel in a violent clash. The sword followed and Rhuryc was on his feet. A quick step brought him forward, his blade casting about behind as it slicing the wooden haft of its opponent into two, separate pieces. A cry of alarm rang out into the trees and two more men appeared from the foliage, armed and ready with blades and axes, violence shining in their eyes for the one that dared defied there will. Blood flew when Rhuryc continued his advance, his original aggressor without proper defense. His blade went high and swung about, the edge biting flesh without hesitation. Death echoed in the air. The other two came together, flanking on both ends, blades gnashing against one another in a furious scraping of steel. But Rhuryc was not one to wait. With a twist he faced the opponent from the left. The soiled floor beneath him rung with thunderous steps as he blazed ahead, sword branished in a rapid advance. An axe flung from the side and was deflected by the blunt force of a shield, the impact sending shivers up the defending arm. The pain was ignored. Retaliation was swift in coming, Rhuryc's blade came down once more and seared into the extended arm, ripping the skin down to the bone in a sickening shock. A wail of pain came next along with the sound of another approach. The last of the trio closed from behind. Rhuryc whirled around, the two connecting in a raw brawl. They went spiraling down to the ground, the bandit in control as he straddled the boy. An arm came down in a vicious strike just as Rhuryc's shield was sent into an exposed side. The offensive ruined the assault and the boy kicked up, his leg sent to the bandits groin. Stunned, the man was helpless as Rhuryc shifted his grasp and shoved the edge of his sword into a neck. Rhuryc cursed and kicked again. The body of his recent kill was pushed aside and the boy stood to the wailing of the remaining assailant. A grievous wound, one that would fester no doubt. It would be a mercy to end him. Free to consider, the boy examined his would-be murderer, his keen, hardened gaze loosing its lust for blood. She was no older than he. Dirty, untended, she was missing half an ear and her clothes did not fit. She handled pain like a child, crying out in hopes that the sound would end her suffering. In all rights Rhuryc should have killed her. Yet his hand stayed. He wiped his blade on the cloak of the dead man beneath him and sheathed the bastard weapon. Two deaths was enough for the morning. Eventually the yelps quieted to hushed sobs. Rhuryc busied himself by recollecting his pack; that of which he fished out a lack-luster supply of bandages and a small jar that held a sickly green looking paste. When Rhuryc approached the girl she shied away at first, fear alight in her eyes at the intentions of the unharmed foe. Panic faded to confusion as Rhuryc knelt to a single knee and motioned for her to hold her arm aloft. Tentatively, she raised the maimed limb and Rhuryc dabbed a cloth over the blood, cleaning the cut with clumsy hands. When the girl tried to withdraw he was met by a stern grasp and a scowl. "Stop resisting. Either you let me clean and bind the wound or you'll die of a fever come nightfall tomorrow." Rhuryc's voice was gruff and stern, strong, but weary. His tone held enough rage for ten men. "You may still die yet, but at least this way you will have a chance." She held strong. She winced and teared up when Rhuryc pushed harder, cleaning into the opening and doing what he could. Next came the paste. He applied the substance by hand, globing it over the wound in heaps before smothering it about. No doubt it burned. The girl grimaced and screamed, but she did not resist. When it was done Rhuryc applied the bandages, wrapping them over the arm once, twice, and third time before they were no more. Stupid. He only had one more roll before they were all gone. "There. You're free to go. I'm sorry for your companions, but they left me little choice in the exchange." He spoke as he rose, his voice still taunt with a hushed fury. "I don't have enough supplies to feed both of us, but if you come with me I can at least look to your wound. I leave the decision to you." Rhuryc's boots shifted over the woodland floor as he turned and began his walk, his direction one of sheer mystery. Not even he knew where he was going. In silence, the girl watched. Dazed, confused, and struck with pain, she hoisted himself up from the ground and followed, her shoulders haunched in misery. |