[Flashback] Honor is Relative

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Stretching northward along the coastline of the Suvan Sea, the Cobalt Mountains are the home of the Bronze Wood, numerous ruins, and creatures both strange and fantastical.

[Flashback] Honor is Relative

Postby Rhuryc on October 1st, 2010, 2:55 pm

10th Summer, 506 AV
Somewhere in Sylira

He woke to the sound footfalls. Flora broke beneath the heel of heavy boots, clumsy in their approach. The rhythm was patterned, human, the step-crunch betraying an ill conceived attempt at stealth. Bandits. Rhuryc was set against the trunk of an old oak, nestled against the bark with his body sprawled out ahead of him. His arms were tucked with one under the other, hidden beneath the folds of the over-sized leather coat over his torso. He listened to them draw closer. There voices. Two, three. A hand clutched the hilt of the already exposed bastard sword at his hip, the other wrapping around the bent, broken shield that lay beside him. Yet he feigned rest. His eyes remained close and the boy kept to his other senses. The sounds of the wood were different when humans walked their paths. Sticks snapped, leaves rustled, and the fauna vanished. Clarity was so rarely given in such pure a form.

They were upon him in moments. The first made for a quick, easy kill, the end of spear thrust forward in a graceful coup de grace. A brazen crack erupted into the stiff, morning air as shield met steel in a violent clash. The sword followed and Rhuryc was on his feet. A quick step brought him forward, his blade casting about behind as it slicing the wooden haft of its opponent into two, separate pieces. A cry of alarm rang out into the trees and two more men appeared from the foliage, armed and ready with blades and axes, violence shining in their eyes for the one that dared defied there will.

Blood flew when Rhuryc continued his advance, his original aggressor without proper defense. His blade went high and swung about, the edge biting flesh without hesitation. Death echoed in the air. The other two came together, flanking on both ends, blades gnashing against one another in a furious scraping of steel. But Rhuryc was not one to wait. With a twist he faced the opponent from the left. The soiled floor beneath him rung with thunderous steps as he blazed ahead, sword branished in a rapid advance. An axe flung from the side and was deflected by the blunt force of a shield, the impact sending shivers up the defending arm. The pain was ignored. Retaliation was swift in coming, Rhuryc's blade came down once more and seared into the extended arm, ripping the skin down to the bone in a sickening shock. A wail of pain came next along with the sound of another approach. The last of the trio closed from behind. Rhuryc whirled around, the two connecting in a raw brawl. They went spiraling down to the ground, the bandit in control as he straddled the boy. An arm came down in a vicious strike just as Rhuryc's shield was sent into an exposed side. The offensive ruined the assault and the boy kicked up, his leg sent to the bandits groin. Stunned, the man was helpless as Rhuryc shifted his grasp and shoved the edge of his sword into a neck.

Rhuryc cursed and kicked again. The body of his recent kill was pushed aside and the boy stood to the wailing of the remaining assailant. A grievous wound, one that would fester no doubt. It would be a mercy to end him. Free to consider, the boy examined his would-be murderer, his keen, hardened gaze loosing its lust for blood. She was no older than he. Dirty, untended, she was missing half an ear and her clothes did not fit. She handled pain like a child, crying out in hopes that the sound would end her suffering. In all rights Rhuryc should have killed her. Yet his hand stayed. He wiped his blade on the cloak of the dead man beneath him and sheathed the bastard weapon. Two deaths was enough for the morning.

Eventually the yelps quieted to hushed sobs. Rhuryc busied himself by recollecting his pack; that of which he fished out a lack-luster supply of bandages and a small jar that held a sickly green looking paste. When Rhuryc approached the girl she shied away at first, fear alight in her eyes at the intentions of the unharmed foe. Panic faded to confusion as Rhuryc knelt to a single knee and motioned for her to hold her arm aloft. Tentatively, she raised the maimed limb and Rhuryc dabbed a cloth over the blood, cleaning the cut with clumsy hands. When the girl tried to withdraw he was met by a stern grasp and a scowl.

"Stop resisting. Either you let me clean and bind the wound or you'll die of a fever come nightfall tomorrow." Rhuryc's voice was gruff and stern, strong, but weary. His tone held enough rage for ten men. "You may still die yet, but at least this way you will have a chance."

She held strong. She winced and teared up when Rhuryc pushed harder, cleaning into the opening and doing what he could. Next came the paste. He applied the substance by hand, globing it over the wound in heaps before smothering it about. No doubt it burned. The girl grimaced and screamed, but she did not resist. When it was done Rhuryc applied the bandages, wrapping them over the arm once, twice, and third time before they were no more. Stupid. He only had one more roll before they were all gone.

"There. You're free to go. I'm sorry for your companions, but they left me little choice in the exchange." He spoke as he rose, his voice still taunt with a hushed fury. "I don't have enough supplies to feed both of us, but if you come with me I can at least look to your wound. I leave the decision to you." Rhuryc's boots shifted over the woodland floor as he turned and began his walk, his direction one of sheer mystery. Not even he knew where he was going. In silence, the girl watched. Dazed, confused, and struck with pain, she hoisted himself up from the ground and followed, her shoulders haunched in misery.
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[Flashback] Honor is Relative

Postby Rhuryc on May 9th, 2011, 9:07 am

"I didn't want to kill you." The girl said. She was certainly less pale now. The bells that passed were in her favor. The wound was not festering and she seemed almost energetic. She was the one that found this particular clearing next to a small, running stream. The pair of them sat alongside the water, Rhuryc with his sword out and resting on his lap while he stroked the edge with a whet stone. The constant shlick of the material as it scraped against the blade echoed about the woods, but there were few creatures that were curious enough to investigate. Or hungry enough. They had traveled nonstop, though their destination was nothing spectacular. Or even known. They were somewhere. And that was fine by Rhuryc, though his companion had grown worrisome over the lack of direction. The girl's skill in navigating the wilderness was helpful at least. Once she deemed that she was in no immediate danger she had started to speak, pointing out various tracks and trails they could follow to avoid any unwanted attention.

There was an uncomfortable silence after her words. "They'd hurt me if I'd said no. You know? I'm just supposed to track things. Not. Not hurt people." She frowned and Rhuryc glanced up from his sword, narrowed eyes examining the expression of shame and regret. How could he tell if she was lying? He couldn't. Trust. What a word. He found it difficult to trust much of anyone, especially someone that had only just that morning held his death in her mind. How much easier would it have been to just slit her throat. The silence continued. Uncomfortable, the girl almost squirmed under that hard, steady gaze, and eventually she lost the will to even so much as meet it. When she looked away Rhuryc returned to sharpening his weapon.

"I didn't want to kill them." Rhuryc's voice was soft. Low. He did not seem to enjoy much in the realm of conversation. "But the left me few choices." Those eyes. Was she hurt? Disturbed? Interested, maybe. They were talking now, at least. Rhuryc had done little more than acknowledge his companions requests and questions with grunts or nods. Perhaps she was just surprised to hear his voice. "You seem fine. I doubt the wound will kill you now, why stay around here?" Another lapse. The girl appeared hesitant to respond, but before long she managed a few words. Her voice grew stronger as she spoke.

"It's dangerous." She paused, her eyes flickering about. "Out here. To be alone. I don't want to go back by myself." Shyly, her vision found Rhuryc once again. Strange. Now that she was calm, the girl seemed different. Confident? She was prettier than he originally noticed. Beneath the grime and dirt there was a woman, an usually hard one, but female nonetheless. Although matted her dark, brown hair fit the wilderness. It fell almost naturally about her shoulders and outlined a heart shaped face beneath. There were features there that men could find pleasing. Rhuryc included, though when he found himself staring he made it an effort to look away. Instead, he focused on the blade, never privy to the sudden grin that overtook the girl's countenance. The exchange was almost charming.

"Rhuryc." He said, pausing his sharpening for just a moment.

"Kali." She responded in kind.

They walked. For a long time they walked. On occasion Rhuryc would dig into his pack and share the few rations he had with his companion. For the majority of their trek he said little. There was little to say. Trust was still short in the coming, but somehow that managed a general accord between them that kept things civil. Kali, for the most part, seemed to have a location in mind. Whether that was more of her friends or some insidious death trap he did not know, but Rhuryc did not find himself caring one way or the other. Maybe he wanted to die. At least then he would know where he was going. For the time being he had a guide. Kali showed an acute expertise in reading the wilderness. As they moved she explained a few of the details, what tracks looked like what, how to spot predators, but most of it was beyond the young man. The key trick to avoiding the notice of the wilderness was to smell as if you belonged. And blend in. While she handed the part just fine, Rhuryc stuck out worse than a pink sky. To contrast, though, he was much better with a blade.

When night fell there was little reprieve. Out in the open - and without suitable camp supplies, they were exposed. Again, not an issue to the man. Following Kali, they fumbled there way to another small clearing, this one bereft of any water, but without the clutter and fuss of the forest floor. There was only one bedroll and one blanket. Rhuryc set his pack down and his body soon followed, sore and tired from a day's worth of travel. Kali followed. A few rations were exchanged and Rhuryc set out the roll, removed the blanket, and placed his pack at the head for some sort of pillow. The sword came from from its sheath as well, positioned just beside the small, makeshift bed in case the morning's activities repeated themselves. Not too mention arrival of any of the wilderness' lass savory inhabitants. Before he laid down Rhuryc dared a glance at the girl. She seemed curious. Expectant. The had shared the day together without much violence, yet sharing seemed. Bah. He could stand to sleep with one eye open. Laying back, Rhuryc shifted over on the roll and flopped over onto his side, making enough room for the girl and offering her part of the blanket.

Kali was almost chipper in her response. That or relieved. With a careful poise the girl slipped herself beneath the blanket and did what she could to keep herself from pressing against Rhuryc. Though to little avail. Somehow that was nice. Sleep did not come easy. For him, at least, Kali was out within moments of laying down. She had no problem sleeping beside strange men, then. Now if only he could learn that trick.
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[Flashback] Honor is Relative

Postby Rhuryc on May 19th, 2011, 12:14 pm

They were quieter this time.

Rhuryc did not realize they were upon him until the hands clasped around his body. Two sets at once, someone grabbed his legs and another his arms. Green eyes snapped upon in a sudden onset of panic. The surroundings were unfamiliar. Where was he? That did not matter. The world around him was moving and his consciousness was flimsy at best. He flailed. Wildly, Rhruyc kicked at something. His body hit the ground. He ripped his arms away from the firm hold on his wrists and he grabbed for his sword only to find it missing. What?! Kali. That bitch. Unleashing a horrendous cry for blood the boy sprang up and turned to his attackers, one having withdrawn while the other stood. He did not give them a chance to consider their actions.

The first, a wily man with a blade shield at his side, went pale as Rhuryc shoved his body into him, fists slamming into an exposed stomach once and a second time in rapid succession. The man balked. Enraged, Rhuryc stepped forward and grabbed the bandit's shoulder, his other hand swinging around with a fierce jab to the side of the face. Blood flew. He pushed forward and kicked at a leg. The bastard fell in a heap. Swiftly, Rhuryc turned to face the second aggressor just a as a blade came slashing across his chest. The strike burned, yet the impact was nowhere close enough to kill. Too bad. Rhuryc responded in kind. He lowered his upper body and flung his arms out, diving forward and enveloping the man in a tackle that sent both of them down. Steel clattered against the forest flora. Too angry to think correctly, Rhuryc ignored the fallen weapon and sent a strike at his opponent's face. One. Another. The sicken crunch of breaking cartilage accompanied the last assault and the man beneath hims tarted to weep. Bah!

Crack! The world went dark. Rhuryc hit the ground and rolled to the side, pain searing through his skull. He called out, fierce, berserk, and forced himself to roll over, his blurred and haphazard vision watching the ground swirl about his body. No. He had to stand. He took a knee and pushed himself. Someone was laughing. A deep, hardened chuckle. His gaze focused and he found himself staring at a small gathered. Four, five men, minus the two that lay squirming. Damn it all. They were all armed, some of them armored. The man that stood at the head was bigger than the rest, hairy, full bearded and sporting a massive greatsword on his back. And there was Kali. Beside him she stood with Rhuryc's sword and his shield. Son of a bitch. He was going to flay the skin off of her body if he got the chance. With a stumble he lanced forward and grabbed the stray sword from before, the unfamiliar hilt awkward in his grasp. He twisted around, eyes narrowed and focused, watching for any movement from his aggressors.

"Hah! Ahaha." The bold, large man at the head of the column spoke. His voice was deep. "Spirited boy. And mean, to. I thought those two were good fighters, but I s'pose I'm wrong, aren't I?" The other fellows behind him laughed. Rhuryc stood firm. "You going to kill us all, are you? Not with that headache I don't think. Not the best feeling rocks. 'Specially when they find your head. Hah!" Another bellow. This was becoming tedious.

"You going to talk me to death or are you balls too small to come at me?" The laughing of the crowd ceased. All except for the big one. He almost snorted.

"Hah. HAH! Brave lad. Go on then, Kali, give him his things back. Let's see how well our young hero holds up." The girl exchanged a glance with the large man. Was that concern? He returned the gesture with a smirk and Kali tossed the sword and shield over. In haste, the boy disarmed himself and recollected both items,. That felt right. That felt good, even. Almost immediately Rhuryc assumed a new poise. The shield came up to his torso and he held the sword low at his side, blade positioned with the edge hovering just above the ground. The barrel chested bandit laughed again. He found humor in everything it seemed. The greatsword came next. Steel scraped against leather in an echoing shriek, that of which was only dwarfed by the man's next, furious step. Rhuryc felt as if he had challenged a giant to a duel.

"A squire then? No. No squire would be out here alone, and I doubt they train them so well as you, boy." Barrel snickered. That was his new name, Rhuryc decided.

"You talk any more and maybe I'll just kill myself." Barrel laughed. Rhuryc charged.

He swung. Barrel stepped aside, his body dipping as he spun away from the first onset of the sword. That was unexpected. The man was fast. The great sword followed. It came over a shoulder in a fierce strike that would split any man asunder. Rhuryc copied his opponent. He ducked. His body turned into the assault and he stepped to Barrel's side, his torso remaining forward as he sent his shield sailing into the man's chest with it faced flat ahead. It connected. Barrel was forced to step back. His back leg came down hard and he steadied himself. Shit. The hilt of the great sword dug into Rhuryc's back. The boy bit off of a groan and sent himself forward. He spun around and bore down on the other whom had already turned to face him. Quick bastard. Rhuryc was off again. His sword sailed through the air, steel meeting steel in a ferocious clang. Shield again. The metal slab found Barrel's side. The man grunted and his eyes narrowed. How the hell was he so tough?

Barrel pulled back. His knee rose and Rhuryc was too slow to respond as the flat of the join slammed into a stomach. That hurt. His teeth grinded against one another in an attempt to force the pain down. There was the sword. Desperate, Rhuryc threw his shield in between himself and the weapon, his arm shaking from the sheer power from the collision. He stepped again. Rhuryc's blade followed, sweep up from below and slicing up across Barrel's chest. The weapon caught him. Red flew from now exposed flesh. That wouldn't be enough. Damn it. Rhuryc felt the himself drop. The hilt of his opponent's sword found his face. Ouch. He dropped his own weapon and went down, the pain too much at once. In those few seconds he knew his death was certain. Yet, somehow, it never came. There was no way. Was this man really just going to knock him unconscious? Not again. Rhuryc pushed himself up only to find himself back on the ground. The world went black.
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[Flashback] Honor is Relative

Postby Rhuryc on May 24th, 2011, 12:48 pm

Why in all the void were people always knocking him unconscious! Blast it.

When Rhuryc came to he was lying down. That much figured. Thrice balls. He remembered everything leading up to the solid crack against his skull. The bandits, Kali betraying him - though really, what had he expected? - and even the short fight with Barrel. Gah! And what a barrel he was. Never mind that. His eyes flicked open to a bright light and a sore head. And hunger. And thirst. None of that boded well. Worse yet was the tent he inhabited. Damp and covered in what looked like leathers he figured himself in the center of some tanner's hut, ready to be killed, cooked, and eaten like some grand catch. Though such was not to be. As he stirred a face came to hover over his head. The familiar heart-shaped face of his one-time companion. Very suddenly he did not find her so appealing. Kali was calm. Her eyes focused on his for a moment, the strange, brown and green mixture ripe and tense. Rhuryc wanted to reach out and strangle her. Only reason stopped him. He was a prisoner now, yes? So be it.

"Tykus likes you." She said. Who? Barrel, probably. "Count yourself fortunate. Otherwise he would have cut you in half." Her voice was soft and far different from how it had been in the wilderness. "And he knows you spared me. I think that's why he did not leave you to die."

"You lied then." Rhuryc managed through dry lips. His voice was hoarse and his head throbbed when he spoke. "About being forced. To try and kill me. Ugh." He closed his eyes and raised a hand to his forehead, fingers rubbing at his temple. "I guess I'm a fool." Something touched his head. Wetness of some kind. He opened his eyes to see Kali holding a cloth to his forehead, pressing the chilled material into his skin. It helped more than he could have imagined. Was that concern in her eyes?

"Yes. I lied. I thought you'd kill me if I didn't. And yes." Her vision found his once again. "You are a fool, but a living fool."

They said nothing else. For half a bell Kali cared for Rhuryc, going so far as to even bring him food and wine. How long had he been out? He devoured the contents of the meal and, once he was finished, stood for what seemed to be the first time in forever. His legs wobbled. Flailing, he spent a moment adjusting himself to the weight of his own being to the sound of a girl's laughter. It was then that he realized he had no shirt. Ah. At least he was still in his pants. Whew. He spun about and gave Kali a sheepish grin before he scrambled for his clothing, eyes scanning the interior of the tent for his gear. It was all there. Off in the corner beside the roll and blanket he slept on, Rhuryc shimmied over and donned the articles, feeling right again once he slipped back into his coat. Neither his sword nor shield were there. That much did not surprise him.

"You'll get it back once you speak to Tykus." Her voice was playful now, almost teasing. "Your sword." Rhuryc nodded in response and watched the girl as she stood. She led him from the tent and out into the wood. They were in a large clearing of some sort, one next to a strangely familiar cave. No way. Bemused, Rhuryc examined the his surroundings in detail. This was where he and Tristan had once been taken prisoner. Hah! That made sense. They had left the camp untouched, supplies and all left for any scavenger that happened upon it. He wondered if the cages were still there. Although thoughts of his uncle were painful, the irony was not lost on the boy. The setting was almost the same. A few carts sat in a ring about the cave opening, several tents dotting the interior with a large fire at the heart. There was stuff everywhere. Various bits of goods, none of it was all too concerning.

The difference was the people. These "bandits" were far less intimidating. They stood or sat about in small groups, talking jovially amongst themselves. A few horses set off to the side in their own little corral, left to graze and prance at their will. It was almost homely. That and no one was trying to kill him. What a nice feeling. Kali lead him through the sparsely populated camp, past the two fellows Rhuryc roughed up from before and through another bustle of activity as if to remind the boy that he was very much out numbered. Only a few chimes passed before they stopped at a set of recently erected graves. Among them were older mounds, packed dirt placed some time ago, with Barrel standing at the head of two fresh blades planted into the ground. He recognized the weapons. They belonged to the men he killed when he first injured Kali. That boded well. The monster of a man that stood before Rhuryc was the same as before. Only now he carried an additional blade at his side. Naravane.

"Here he is." Kali spoke in a soft tone.

Barrel, or Tykus rather, glanced up from his vigil and looked over his shoulder at the pair. He smirked. His body followed with a heavy turn, a cold, heavy gaze shifting to rest on the form of Rhuryc. Was that violence? No. There was more to that look. Barrel's countenance was thoughtful. Expectant. The two shared a moment of observation.

"Thank you, Kalindra. Leave us." The girl opened her mouth to protest but she was quickly silenced by little more than a flicker of the eyes. Annoyed, she spun about and stomped away. Strange, Rhuryc only just then felt alone. "I bet you want this back." The heavy man continued. He still wore that great sword, but his hand rested now on the hilt of Naravane. "I can see it in your eyes. Fine blade for such a young lad. I knew a man that possessed something like it, faded writing and all."

Rhuryc found himself at a loss. "You knew Tristan?" Disturbed, his voice almost shook with the words.

"Hah! So you are Ily's boy. That makes you what, eighteen years then? You do look like her. So very much like her." The mood was suddenly somber. Barrel frowned. Was that even possible? "You fight well being so young. Surprise you haven't been swept up by the Knights, then again, I doubt very much your father or Trist would allow that, hm?"

"Neither have anything to say about it."

Barrel quirked a brow to the side. He shifted uncomfortably before a sense of understanding hit his features. The man shook his head and went about unbuckling the bastard sword from his hip. He tossed the weapon through the air and Rhuryc caught the sheath, his knuckles whitening with the grip. He never knew how much that sword meant to him.

"You'll stay with us for now, boy. You owe us for these two anyway. Once you've done your part you're free to go. Until then. Hah! I just realized, I never introduced myself. The name's Tykus." Barrel let lose one of his outrageous guffaws as he finished, eying the young man with a curious expression. "And you, my boy, are the son of my since departed sister."
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[Flashback] Honor is Relative

Postby Rhuryc on June 29th, 2011, 3:32 pm

"Wake up, fool."

Rhruyc grunted. Something hit him on the head. Owe. His eyes snapped open and he found himself staring up at the half naked form of one Kaliandra. Her tent was the only one he could find with an open flap, and since that first night the two of them had never managed to get much sleep. Despite the sentence of captivity Rhuryc could not say that his incarceration was so terrible. There was a cool sense of belonging among these people. Though true, a few of them still shunned his presence for the death of their companions, most understood that the murders were committed in little less than self defense. Even the two fellows he roughed up had come around, though not without a few terms themselves. Rhuryc found that a large number of his duties consisted of dealing with latrines. If not for some of the soap Kali let him borrow he would have smelt very much like a sewer. Not that most of the folk there were any better.

"Why do you insist on hitting me?" Rhuryc grumbled and sat up, his torso balancing on the weight of a single elbow. The girl smirked and went about dressing herself, the process of which was particularly uninvolved. She enjoyed taunting him.

"Does it matter? Not like there's anything up there to worry about." She stuck her tongue out in jest. "Breakfast, my lord fool. Get up or you'll miss it again."

She was out of the tent before him. Rhuryc made a simple matter of dressing. He threw his tunic on and laced up his boots, his belt applied last along with Naravane. He never let the blade far from his sight. A crisp, fresh air accompanied his departure from the tent. Already the camp was swift at work. The various inhabitants were seeing to their makeshift establishment, one that was both wrong and welcoming at the same time. There was no denying that these people were bandits. They stole what they needed and killed those that got in their way, but there was a sense of honor about them. So much as he understood it. They never forced him to go along with their "scouting parties" and they did not push him toward any sort of opinion. He was a guest more-so than a prisoner. And there was a kinship here. The people were warm, funny, full of stories and passions just like any other. Were they not out in the wilderness they could have been a close knit few within the walls of Syliras.

Per the standard ritual Rhuryc found his seat beside Kali at one of the cooking fires. This one they shared with Tykus and a few of his men. Always they gave the couple humorous quips, teasing accusations, nothing short of a little fun. They ate in good company. They shared stories, told clever anecdotes, each musing and confiding in one another with a sense of kinship. Rhuryc very much enjoyed their meals. When it was all finished he went about and collected the now empty bowls - another one of his tasks involved cleaning - to deposit them for later scrapping.

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[Flashback] Honor is Relative

Postby Archon on July 12th, 2011, 3:23 pm

Illumination of Development

  • +4 Weapon - Sword
  • +4 Weapon - Shield
  • +4 Brawling
  • +3 Observation
  • +3 Persuasion
  • +2 Survival

Lores: Sleeping with one eye open, Big and burly doesn't equal slow, Honor is relative

Care to see more? :
Combat Skills experience for your various bits of fighting in the thread, Observation experience for paying attention and noticing various things, Persuasion experience for your work on getting Kali to "trust" you and dealing with Tykus, and Survival experience for the time spent in the wilderness.

Notes: A very interesting thread that was great fun to read. :) I certainly wouldn't have minded reading more of it. :)
My posting and other AS work will be slow for the time being. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I'll try to get back up and running at full speed soon.
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