Solo [The Azure Market] Looking the Part

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

[The Azure Market] Looking the Part

Postby Raien Ironarm Pitrius on July 5th, 2014, 5:16 am

1st of Summer, 5 1 4 AV

Glancing down, eyes locked somewhat untrustingly on the decently-sized, sun-stained, piece of parchment in his hand. Raien found himself hardly hopeful, confused as he looked at the map, trying desperately to regain his bearings, for what must have been the twentieth or thirtieth time.

Walking forward, hitting dead ends, and nearly running into the many cliff walls surrounding the plaza, simply because he wasn't looking where he was going. Raien began to wonder, not for the first time, and most likely not for the last. Whether or not the map dealer had simply sold him the doodle of some uneducated and obviously sadistic child. Well, perhaps it would have been the dealer who was sadistic…

Still, it hardly mattered; he couldn't tell one corner from the next either way, he could’ve sworn he’d passed the building off to his right at least two times prior. And frankly, he was getting tired, running out of patience relatively quickly.

“Damn” He thought rubbing his eyes. “I start tomorrow; I can’t show up on my first day in this. Hell if the old man doesn’t kill me, with my luck I’ll probably be stabbed anyway…” He shivered at that thought; he’d been stabbed before, not many times, but enough to make him not want to rehash the experience. “Yea, I’ll keep looking till I find some kind of armor. Even if I have to ask one of the loc-“ Raien suddenly stopped walking, and looked up, a dumbfounded visage spread across his face. “Damn that’s it, the locales! How in Yahal’s glory didn’t I think of it before?”

Newfound plan in mind, Raien rushed over quickly to the nearest street stroller he saw. In his excitement nearly knocking the thin brunet woman over as they both rushed to stop, her realizing some lunatic was about to pill into her and had no intention of stopping. And him realizing he was going to knock her down…

Indeed, in retrospect he could’ve contained his excitement just a wee bit better. The look on the startled woman’s face, obviously showing she was rather frightened… Hell, she was really frightened. “But wh-“ Raien’s eyes were drifting down to his belt before his thought was even complete in his own mind. “Random foreign sword wielding man, runs right up to her… Of course she’s a little worried.”

Still, by the time he’d realized what was going on, he was afraid he was going to have to clamp his hand over her mouth, if only to keep her from freaking out. Still, to her credit she simply asked, albeit a bit worriedly. What exactly do you think you’re doing?” Aggravation was also plain in her voice, edged with just a little bit of anger. Raien raised an eyebrow, maybe he’d misinterpreted the look in her eye, she certainly didn’t act very afraid, and weren’t Lhavitians supposed to be well-tempered?

Raien had hardly put any thought into his expression, and was really only directing it at the situation, not the woman. He definitely didn’t mean any disrespect. Still, picking up on it rather quickly, the now noticeably calmer woman looked at him, an equally as puzzled look coming over her somewhat delicate features. “Do you even speak common? I asked you a question, you can’t just go about waving people down on the street and expect them t-“

Raien cut her off, fearing that if he let her continue he risked entertaining a full blown rant. “Maim, I speak very little, but that’s beside the point, I meant no disrespect, I was... Exited that’s all..” Even he knew how odd and idiotic that sounded, excited about what? Tackling random citizens? Still nevertheless he continued. “I just need a little help, I’m afraid I might be misplaced.” Misplaced? Was that the right word, damn common was far too different from his native tongue, far too wordy.

The woman simply looked at him for a moment; it was her turn to raise an eyebrow. “Exited and misplaced? Yes, I do believe you look like the type to allow one to follow the other. Still, I have little time I’m afraid, perhaps I might help one whom was a little more formal, perhaps someone who walks up to people politely instead off… Well, whatever that little display was.” The woman moved to brush aside a speechless Raien, obviously done with the conversation.

“Wait! I just need you to point me somewhere.” Raien called out to her, trying to think of some way to salvage the current situation. “I could pay you.” That last part came out before he really knew what he was saying, brought out by shock and misplaced desperation, “pay her”, for what? Why the hell did he say that, he could’ve just asked someone else? Still, the damage was done, the woman slowed a bit, before stopping entirely, letting out a long sigh as she turned to face him once more. “Two copper kina” She said, as she began her walk back over to him, shaking her head.

Before he could agree or disagree, even before he could think of how he could get out of this situation, she there was beside him, looking at the marked spot on his map. “The Azure Market?” She asked “Why that’s right over there, to the right, you were just about to pass by it actually." A knowing look slowly overcame her face. "You’re really not from around here are you?” He really didn’t know what to say, obviously rather overwhelmed. “Nevermind I don’t really care, like I said I’m quite busy today, in fact I think I might be late for my next appointment, just give me the kina so I can go.”

Raien knew the damage was done, he’d given his word, part of it anyway.. She’d done what he’d asked, and even while he didn’t agree on the price, it really wasn’t that much was it? Regardless he felt as if he had some form of commitment to pay it, at least now that she had showed him where the market was. Jaw clenched, and without a word, Raien dug from out of his coinpurse and handed over the Lhavitian currency.

The girl gave him one last puzzled look. And couldn't help but throwing one more insult. “You’re an odd one aren't you? Anyway thanks, a little extra coin always comes in handy. Even if its from "odd" places or people.” And with that she was gone.

Leaving a speechless Raien simply standing there, looking around to make sure no one had seen that whole dreadfully embarrassing ordeal, he had very much played the part of the foolish tourist, even if he had been in Lhavit for nearly half a year. Hell, maybe he wasn’t acting, he couldn’t even find the market.

Still, deciding if anyone did see it, standing out in the open would only further damage his reputation. Raien set off towards where she had pointed, not so overwhelmed as before, and most certainly relived that he could actually get something done today. “It was only two kina anyway right?”
Last edited by Raien Ironarm Pitrius on July 6th, 2014, 6:48 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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[The Azure Market] Looking the Part

Postby Raien Ironarm Pitrius on July 6th, 2014, 12:47 am

Walking through the market, Raien found he quickly forget about the incident with the woman entirely. Overwhelmed by what he now saw. Countless shops of varying purpose lined the well-walked paths meandering through the streets, some had signs hanging from above the door, some had posts with their name clearly emblazoned on the wood sticking into the ground right out front, and yet others forwent static advertisement all together, instead having men and children of varying ages announcing to the world all anyone would ever need to know, about the shop behind them.

And yet there were other dealers still, some legitimate, some practicing obvious quackery, some in somewhere in between. All indiscriminately set up in the erratically sized tents, stalls, and stick supported tarps, seemingly thrown together at every corner. It was far more than he expected but far less than he imagined. And it was amazing.

Shaking his head, pushing away the shell-shocked awe from his immediate train of thought. Looking back down at his map. “Useless.” He thought, closing his eyes for a moment, it only marked out where things were from a general overhead perspective. There was absolutely no detail whatsoever concerning anything past simple squares dictating locations. Hell, with this thing it was hard to even find those. He highly doubted a more detailed map would be any better, not if it was from the same maker.

Looking around, Raien figured it wouldn’t hurt to see if he could pin down a map of this place, if one existed, an accurate one anyway it’d probably be here, and hopefully a more local map would indeed prove accurate, at the very least maybe he could manage to get some directions.

Approaching the nearest stall that actually had any paper near it, as likely a place as any to have a map of the place. Raien took note of, and faced the old man sitting in the small worn out chair, positioned behind the equally as dilapidated desk, that spanned the tarp-covered stall. Excuse me, do you have a map?” The old man shuffled a few of the papers he was attending to, laying his quill down, it’s nib leaking ink on to the table, still he hardly seemed concerned with it, or any damage it was doing.

“A map?” He asked more to himself, his hand rubbing the white stubble on his chin. “Kalea perhaps? Don’t suppose you’d want one of Sylira. I think I have one of Lhavit.” He offered, happy to have a customer, but still obviously concerned with whatever he was doing previously.

Raien shook his head. He wouldn’t be buying either of those, the ones he had were already bad enough, but at least he was used to the layout of them… Sort of anyway. “I need one of the market, it’s a bigger place that I thought. I’m in a hurry; hardly have the time to explore every corner.”

The stall-keeper looked at him for a moment, before reaching for one of the scroll-filled baskets under the table. “Perhaps” he said. But after several minutes of watching him shuffle through, unroll, and roll back up various pieces of parchments, Raien began to doubt.

Finally the old man let out a sigh, obviously disappointed, whether it was because he had wasted so much time, or because he knew he wouldn't be getting paid for said time Raien wasn't sure. “Afraid I don’t, wouldn’t suppose you’d be in the market for any of these.” He said gesturing to a few of the miscellaneous maps still strewn out across the table. Raien was already shaking his head once again.

“No, like I said I don’t have much time. Do you think you could tell me where the nearest leather worker is? Preferably someone who knows how to put together some armor?” Raien asked, the old man’s ears straining to dissect his foreign accent. It took him a moment to reply, sifting through his friends Raien figured, trying to find out whom to point him to no doubt. He could only hope the man entertained skilled company.

“Keep walking; turn right, right up there.” He said pointing to another stall, this one seemingly peddling all kinds of “medicine”.

“Keep going till you see the barber shop. Should be a sign hanging out front, then right beside it, you’ll see a small stall. Isurian fellow named Barbarus runs it, nice enough man. He’ll have what you’re looking for.” The vendor waited, obviously pausing to see if Raien needed anything else. He didn’t. Thanking the man, he ducked out from under the tarp. Figuring, map or not, at least he now knew where to go.

The man did say right past the Barber Shop right? Who made a living cutting hair anyway?
Last edited by Raien Ironarm Pitrius on July 6th, 2014, 5:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[The Azure Market] Looking the Part

Postby Raien Ironarm Pitrius on July 6th, 2014, 5:51 am

Taking note of what he assumed was the barber shop the old man had spoken of; Raien paused, halting his walk. Looking around for this “Barbarus’s” stall. The name didn't really sound all that Isurian, still neither did Raien. He’d see though, hopefully the man at least spoke their tongue, it might not go over well if he had to barter in common, much less explain what he wanted him to make. Turning his head slightly to the right, he found what he was looking for.

The stall could be described as “unorganized” at best, a total wreck at worst. Tufts of fur, of which Raien couldn't even guess the sources, were scattered everywhere, all along the long table, littering the ground, and in the various baskets lining the outside edge of the tarp’s boundaries. Some had even spilled out on to the street, mountain breezes probably made for a real mess, Raien guessed.

Aside from the fur, there were scraps of leather hanging all along the supporting poles and sticks. And finally varying tools were placed erratically in no particular place, and seemingly without order. “Truly the workplace of an Isur” Raien thought, a messy one no doubt, but an Isur nonetheless.

As he drew even closer, Raien noticed another distinct characteristic of the stall. An almost wet, thick-smelling odor… Oil possibly? And something else possibly, he sniffed again, trying to place the eerily familiar smell. “Definitely an animal, maybe a cat, or a do-" Before he could even finish his thought he was on the ground, face suddenly wet. “Yes, Barbarus definitely had a dog…”

“Killer! Be off the man!” Called a distinctly Sultrosian voice. No, not Sultrosian, there was something else, a dilution, a border post child? It was hard to tell, even harder to discern the clan, Raien wasn’t all that used to seeing through the almost foreign, accented layer of Isur who were indeed raised “within” the culture, but weren't from Sultros herself. Still, it sounded like... Vizerian? He was certain of one thing however, the man was speaking Isur. And he was certainly glad of it.

He didn't have to make many more guesses before he could place the voice though, nearly right after he had called to the dog. Out from behind one of the many pelts hanging on the stall’s side, stepped a blue armed man, standing at right around 4’8 after he ducked from under the stall’s “roof”, short for even an Isur, Raien noted.

“Killer! Not everyone loves your kind… I said get over here!” He stopped for a moment, possibly remembering something, before adding. “If you scare away one more customer… Izurdin help me.” Raien pushed the dog aside, rubbing its head as he rose to his knees, directing his full attention to scratching behind this “Killer’s” ear once he steadied himself, the mountain dog’s foot thumping furiously against the stone path, tongue flapping, and eyes full of content. Raien wasn't one of those people.

“Truly, it’s no inconvenience. I love dogs." Raien said smiling. "Even the easily excitable ones.” Addressing the man, Raien looked up just enough to lock eyes with the man and smile, but still bent over, continuing his stoking of the dog as he spoke.

“You speak my language as if you were an Isur yourself.” Barbarus said, giving Raien a curious but interested look. “Wait... Are you?” The Isur questioned, glancing even more curiously at the black-tented arm currently scratching behind his dog’s ear.

Raien gave killer one last scratch, before raising himself to his full height. Essentially towering over the short man as he drew in close. “Indeed Brother, I am of Sultros, though perhaps not in the way one might expect.” Raien said, offering his left hand, as was tradition with his people. More than aware, that the man could easily rip his arm from his shoulder without a second thought, if he did so choose. And that he could do absolutely nothing to stop him. Raien was smiling the whole time, Barbarus clasped his hand almost immediately, offering a firm shake, at least for one such as Raien, hardly squeezing for him though, Raien knew.

“That won’t be a problem will it?” Raien had more than a few bad experiences with his kin when it came to the nature of his lineage, some of whom, were inclined to view those of Mixed-Blood as “Sub-Isur” so to speak. Still, if Barbarus held any such thoughts, he did well to hide them, matching Raien’s own smile fully, if not more so.

“Hardly friend, I've known more than a few “mutts” growing up.” The short man paused for a moment. Seemingly catching himself on something as he spoke. “I hope you don’t take any offense to that term, I meant no disrespect I assure you.”

Raien looked at the man, thinking it over internally. No, he didn't suppose he did. Perhaps he would have in his youth; indeed he was almost sure it would have sent him spiraling into a rant. Now however, it was not so. He was many years removed from Sultros, and consequently the harsh feelings and memories of his youth. “No, no, I don’t suppose that I do. Not now at least. Not anymore.” He said with a noticeably weaker, but still genuine smile.

Still, Barbarus’s face grew visibly relieved. “Wonderful, I must ask though. What brings you here, I’m assuming you want to buy something? I have some leather bucklers back in the stall. I imagine they’d go well with even that sword there.” He offered gesturing to the burly blade at Raien’s side. Yes, perhaps a buckler would work well with a bastard sword; it didn't take up either hand, and was rather light.

Still, Raien waved both the man’s offer and the thought aside, it wasn't what he was here for. “Actually, I was more interested in armor, perhaps a hood as well. I’m starting at a job tomorrow, and I’d rather not show up unprepared.” Raien said, allowing his hand to slide casually from the other man’s loosening grasp, and fall calmly to his side.

“Armor you say? Yes... I have a set of leathers that I could readjust to suit you.” Barbarus said, looking him up and down, obviously making note of possible measurements. "I am assuming you didn't want anything heavier? You did come to me after all.”

“No, you are indeed right. I’d prefer something light… I've never worn anything other than normal clothes extensively, much less fought in it. I imagine leather will protect me well enough, and not be too uncomfortable... At least I hope.” Raien said, before adding on. “Could I see them? The leathers that is?” It wouldn't be prudent to purchase something before even looking at it, especially from some random leather worker he’d never met before. Not that he thought less of Barbarus, that would have been particularly hypocritical considering his previous train of thought. No, he just had to be sure. Of course he was also rather anxious, to see and feel whatever he’d be wearing each day for the foreseeable future.

“Of course, just go over there to the front of my stall friend.” The leatherworker replied, gesturing over to the tuft-covered table. “I’ll double back behind, and bring out what I have.”
Last edited by Raien Ironarm Pitrius on July 26th, 2014, 6:26 am, edited 4 times in total.
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[The Azure Market] Looking the Part

Postby Raien Ironarm Pitrius on July 6th, 2014, 7:46 am

Barbarus hefted the cuirass out from under the table effortlessly, Isurian muscles still twisting under the strainless weight. “Now, where's those leggings gotten themselves to.” The Isur asked himself absent mindedly, ducking underneath the table, and dragging out a small wooden chest. “Here we are.” Batbarus said, opening the trunk. And taking a moment to ruffle through, before eventually pulling out the leather leggings, dark-brown material unfurling stiffly as he lifted them to shoulder height, and laying them on the table quickly.

“Fraid, they’re a little dusty, but otherwise they should treat you kindly. Made them not a month ago. Cuirass here was crafted two back.” Barbarus assured him, dusting off the leggings and patting the cuirass. Raien didn’t doubt the quality of the pieces, he “was” raised an Isur after all, and could recognize good craftsmanship, even if he couldn't craft himself.

“Oh and.... Can’t forget-” The leatherworker said bending over once more, only to rise a moment later and bring up a pair of leather boots. “Separately priced of course, but necessary if you’re wanting a full set.”

The man was now gazing more at his work than Raien, pride and love in his eyes. Though after a moment he looked up, registering something as he skimmed over the collar of the cuirass. “You said something about wanting a hood?”

“Indeed I did, something to keep me warm when needed, something strong, preferably comfortable as well.” Raien said moving his hand to rest directly over the cuirass. “May I?” He asked, bringing his hand to feel out the contours of the collar when its crafter didn’t protest. “Could you sew a hood in even? I imagine it wouldn't be too hard for a crafter such as yourself.”

The other man shook his head slowly, obviously considering the request carefully. “If you’re wanting strength, leather’s definitely the way to go, it’ll also assure that it matches the armor as well. As for warmth..." The Vendor trailed off into thought for a moment, obviously going through his mental lists of materials. "To be honest I’d have to suggest Okomo fur. It’s going to cost extra. And I don’t think I’ll have everything ready by tomorrow. Hardly enough here.” He said gesturing to one or two white puffs, sitting on the table.

Raien shook his head. The fur was too bright, couldn't be sticking out like a sore thumb should stealth be required. “Wool's too white… Don’t you have anything similar, but a little darker?” Raien asked, he didn’t like denying the suggestion, he hated sounding picky, still he was the one paying for all this. He didn’t have too much money to toss around, but if he was going to spend this much, he’d be spending it on both quality, protection, and his personal tastes.

“I could dye it black… But” Raien cut him off. “It’s going to cost extra?” Barbarus looked at his customer quickly, worried he might be upset, he wouldn’t be the first to be unnerved by climbing cost, still he couldn’t do anything about it, he had to eat too. But when he looked up, the vendor found that Raien was smiling, hardly angry at all. The expression quickly relaxing him, and causing a smile to creep unnoticed over his own face as well.

“Indeed, they don’t kill them you know, seems absurd to me, but they do love the goat…things. Still, wool's fine quality, good for all sorts of crafts, including your hood. So, I don’t complain." Barbarus looked at Raien, his smile diminishing for a moment. "So… if you're wanting to make the purchase, I’ll need to do some measurements.”

Raien was hesitant to say what was bothering him, but it was nagging his sensibilities, he couldn’t just dismiss his previous line of thinking. Finally, he sighed and said. “You know, I appreciate everything you’ve done, helped me with. But, looking at the armor, it’s just rather thin? Expertly crafted, but still thin. Is there no way to make it thicker?" Raien thought for a moment, trying to be at least somewhat helpful, and not wanting to have to abandon the entire purchase.

"More leather added around the vitals maybe?” He had a nervous look on his face as he asked; he wasn’t trying to insult the man. He knew better than most anyone that Isur were sometimes touchy about their crafts. And judging by the way Barbarus looked at the armor, he could turn out to be especially so. Raien wanted to avoid that, it really was exquisite armor, and even looked like it would deflect most blows, but he knew better than anyone that a strike could land surprisingly hard, be it naturally or “supernaturally”.

Barbarus replied, somewhat hesitantly, but not overtly angry, as far as Raien could tell anyway. “More leather might make it “thicker” yes, and would certainly add more protection, still with the amount it would take..." Barbarus paused momentarily, obviously thinking something over, his eyes speaking of mental calculations behind their brown surface. "No... I don’t think even you could move efficiently in it. That was one of your concerns wasn't itt?” Raien shook his head, but refrained from telling Barbarus he wasn't interested after all for a moment, was it him, or did the Isur look like he was trying to decide on something? The man was now staring intently at his armor, instead of at Raien's face like before. What could he be about to say?

And surely, albeit it slowly. The Isur leatherworker looked up from his suit, a not so convincing look on his face. “I’ve never done it large-scale, and normally wouldn’t even offer to. But since your kin… And because you seem genuinely interested. I think I could weave some metal into the overall design for you." When Raien gave him a questioning look, Barbarus gestured forward with his hand, palm upturned, as if offering something. "it’d definitely make it more protective. And since I already have a base.” He said tapping the armor. “It shouldn't take that long to do.”

Raien was intrigued, it would probably cost more, of that he was sure. But if it meant he could get exactly what he wanted, he wasn't too bothered. His first paycheck would more than make up for it. Still, he wasn’t entirely convinced; Barbarus himself had said not two minutes ago, that adding something to the armor might make it bulky, and too heavy to move in efficiently, something he definitely didn’t want to do. “And the Weight?”

Barbarus was quick to wave away his concern with his Isurian arm, shaking his head as he spoke. “It wouldn't take much; hardly be different from wearing it as it is." The man was now running the same blue hand across the "thicker" leather of the armor. Halting to tap the material to highlight his next point.

"I'll remove some of the harder leather just in case though, the extra thick stuff won't even be necessary with the metal. Armor will be the same, just safer.” He still seemed worried, Raien noted. But there was also another emotion, he was growing obviously more… What was that? Was he exited?

“Alright Barbarus, if you can sew the leather hood we talked about in, with the dyed Okomo fur to keep the warmth. And, add the metal to the armor. To be honest... I’m sold.” The Isur smiled at that, not even noticing he hadn't given Raien his name. Exactly the reaction the Half-Isur was trying to draw out. He did realize of course, that he had essentially given away the high ground when it came to bartering. Still, this man had been more than honest and good with him, why shouldn’t he return the favor? Besides it wasn't as if, he ever enjoyed haggling to begin with...

“Excellent, it’ll take a few days. Come back, say, the sixth. I’ll need the week to get everything I need and of course, to craft the adjustments and hood.” Barbarus said with a small self-satisfied smile. The Battle-Magus returned the gesture. Of course Raien knew he needed it before then; still, he doubted he’d get anything better, anywhere else, any quicker. Something was nagging at him though.

“Didn’t you say something about measurements Barbarus?” This question brought a surprised look to the man’s face. Spurring him to reply, quickly, and almost embarrassed.

“Yes, yes, of course! I’ll need them to make all the corrections, nothing extensive; you’d have to pay extra for that.” He said stooping over and once again shuffling in the still open chest lying at his feet. Withdrawing several strange pieces of marked cloth, as he spoke. “Just come around back, this won’t take a minute.”
Last edited by Raien Ironarm Pitrius on July 8th, 2014, 7:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[The Azure Market] Looking the Part

Postby Raien Ironarm Pitrius on July 7th, 2014, 3:40 am

6th of Summer, 5 1 4 AV

Raien slowly ran his black-tented hand over the leather suit, laid out on the oak table before him. Beautiful, utilitarian, but selectively embellished all the same. The cuirass’s collar folded out seamlessly, gray leather forming expertly into a tough, visually appealing cattle-skin hood, the seams of the neck, head, and back all hidden under embroidered scroll-like patterns, entirely unnecessary of course, but much appreciated all the same.

The promised alterations had also been made, Raien noticed that the leggings were visibly shorter, obviously adjusted down from human standards to his general height. And while, it was in all reality slightly off, his eyes alone would never notice.

As he gazed at the leggings, distracted sight wise, his hand still moved down the chest plate, seeing instead through touch. Raien’s attention was drawn back suddenly by what he felt; the armor was harder in certain places, metal he realized. Barbarus had wrapped steel links and plates in leather, placing them consistently and strategically around the stomach and chest, encasing the vital organs in a light but sturdy layer of steel. The hard leather he had seen on the original piece was of course all but gone, still he suspected it hardly mattered. Further inspection revealed that the leggings also held such alterations, albeit only in certain areas. Most likely not to hinder movement, Raien figured.

Finally he reached for the inside of the hood, wishing to feel out and touch what he had previously only observed. Okomo Fur, as gray as the hood itself, and as warm as could be. Yes… The Isurian leather smith had done produced everything he’d wished for and more, not to mention what he asked. While before he’d been hesitant to even purchase armor, out of fear of inexperience, now he was exceedingly eager to adorn himself with it. And truly it would be an adornment, albeit it more usefully than any purely cosmetic peace.

And finally, as he finished his careful examination, Raien replaced everything back in their original places, sitting them down, evenly spaced, on the long narrow table. He was just about to turn back to address the silent crafter, whom was waiting patiently, but still obviously eagerly as his customer inspected his wares, but with the coming of an afterthought, Raien turned his glance away once more. And instead reached for the large high-cut leather boots sitting next to the armor, the same one’s Barbarus seemingly expected him to purchase along with everything else. He hadn’t asked for any alterations, not when it came to these, nor would he be paying for any, as far as he was concerned.

He hadn’t ever looked at them in detail he realized, not even on the first day, and he'd never touched, let alone picked them up. He’d know what he was to be buying, indeed he realized he had decided, he would indulge the Vendor who’d been so good to him, so easy to work with. He'd purchase the boots, as long as the price wasn't absurdly high, he might possibly even allow for a little inflation.

Still, lifting them up, Raien found that they were slightly heavier than one would expect. Nothing too substantial though, probably just an indicator of quality materials and craftsmanship. And indeed, their look, texture, thickness, and even smell did most definitely warrant such thoughts.

All the while, Raien never noticed the somewhat apprehensive look Barbarus was giving him from behind the table, as he placed the heavyset footwear back in their place, before turning to face his “fellow” Isur. Whom by now, had managed to hide his previous expression from view, albeit barely. Raien began to speak, the metallic language rolling easily off his tongue, a modestly pleased tune to it.

“I’ll admit my friend; you’ve managed to exceed my expectations. Everything I’ve asked of you is here and more.” Raien finally addressed Barbarus, a pleased, but still somewhat hesitant look on his face. He was already attempting to estimate the costs in his head. But finally gave up, only Barbarus could price the items, and while he trusted the man, at least somewhat. He knew none of this could be overly cheap.

“Still, this craftsmanship… It can’t possibly come without a cost.” He was smiling, trying to mask his underlying concern. All the while unsure he was successful.

“No. I’m afraid it does not. You see the Okomo fur… I did say it was particularly costly, the leather as well does add substantial expense. Though that, you had requested yourself….” The man lacked his usual hearty attitude, at least it was somewhat diminished. His demeanor didn’t do well to dissuade Raien’s own apprehension.

“Barbarus… I have a general idea of what armor such as this should cost. Even when it’s as stunning as this. I like you, but I won’t pay a bloated price. I hope you take no offence.” Raien was being truthful, he was already quite fond of both the armor and it’s crafter. He hated to make any form of accusation concerning either one. Still, his words brought a startled look to the Isur's face nonetheless. Though as began to offer a reply, Raien began to wonder if it was because of what he expected at all.

“It seems as if I’ve not done well to hide my nervousness. Still, have no fear my friend, the armor itself will only run you thirty-five Kina.” Thirty-five Kina? Perhaps a little expensive yes. But certainly not grounds for any form of concern, not as far as Raien saw it. Could it be that Barbarus affixed a much lower value to his goods, than their makeup truly warranted? In all honesty, Raien knew he would have paid at least ten Kina more had push come to shove, and had Barbarus refused to lower the price. It could have been that even then he wouldn’t have argued the price at all; he did oh so hate to barter

“Then why the nervo-“ Raien’s question was cut off as Barbarus waved it away and shook his head, for a moment he wondered if there was some personal reason behind his mood, and that he had overstepped his bounds entirely. Still, as the Brown-Eyed Isur reached over the table almost immediately after the motion, Raien began to grow curious. What exactly was going on here?

“I’m afraid I may not have been entirely honest with you and that I may have overstepped my bounds slightly, when it came to your order.” The man sighed once again, his hand reaching curiously over and into the one of the leather boots.

“You see, I made a trip to Aska Terras’s shop a few days back.” As the man finished his words, Raien nearly jumped at the unexpected sound of something falling into place loudly, the noise ringing in his ears, as seemingly muffled as it was.

His attention had been drawn away from the leatherworker’s hand as he had begun to speak, and now as Raien glanced back at the boot it was gone from it entirely, now instead back at the man’s side. The boot itself however, was no longer the same in the slightest. A thin, but obviously deadly blade now sticking plainly out from the toe, for all the world to see. Raien simply looked at it not deigning to speak, but not upset at all. Just… Interested, baffled in fact, that such an ingenious contraption could exist. And pondering just how much it could possibly cost.

“Of course, I’d hoped you’d be pleased… But now…” He paused “ Now I do see that I was mistaken. Still, don’t worry my friend; I will remove it from your sight and from the bill at once!” The man had completely misinterpreted his silence and expression, and was now moving to grab the footwear and no doubt remove them from the table. The feigned carelessness in his voice executed poorly, and drenched with disappointment. And no small amount of shame at someone dismissing his work. Raien, almost without thinking, reached to grab the Leathersmith’s hands, halting them as they grasped the calf of the boots.

“My “friend” they’re stunning ,truly. Regardless of the cost, I would have them. I suspect they’ll become indispensable to me.” Barbarus obviously didn’t know what to say. Instead he simply thanked him, removing his hands from the boots, as Raien allowed his own to once more slip down, right back to his sides.

“Once again, I must ask though… How much does such a marvel cost?” He knew the new statement was somewhat contradictory to the previous one. Still, he had overstated slightly as it was, as to not offend his new friend.

And of course, if he was to pay, he’d need to know how many of the small jeweled coins to dig out of the coin purse hanging at his side. Luckily, Barbarus seemed to take no offense, obviously still wrapped up in Raien's previous words, answering his question almost absent mindedly.

“I can give them to you for no less than thirty Kina. I’m barely making a profit at that.” Barbarus stopped for a moment, before presumably deciding he should elaborate. “The smith you see, she insisted on being compensated fully, even though I had provided the boots already. Though to here credit, she had the mechanisms made and installed in even less time than I had to make the armor.” He explained before adding. “I hardly trust anyone around here with such work, probably would've been late anyway.” The man gestured around to the general area, smiling, no doubt seeing the abundant irony more than present in his statement.

Still, his grin soon faded, possibly as he realized that he was essentially asking for the price of another suit of armor, for only one small article of clothing. Even as unique an article as they were, that was pushing it. Though, a businessman at heart and apparently trusting in Raien’s words, he made no further offer of removing the boots from the deal. He didn’t have to; Raien was already unhooking a small leather bag from his belt.

Item Cost Total
Studded Leather Armor 25 Kina 25 Kina
Attached Hood (Embroidery, Leather, Unusual Fur-Lined) 1.5 Kina 26.5 Kina
Azure Market Inflation (As Per Lore) 8.5 Kina 35 Kina
Leather Boots:
Bladed Boots 20 Kina 20 Kina
Azure Market Inflation (As Per Lore) 10 Kina 30 Kina
Boots + Armor 65 Kina 65 Kina
Last edited by Raien Ironarm Pitrius on July 8th, 2014, 8:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Raien Ironarm Pitrius
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[The Azure Market] Looking the Part

Postby Brandon Blackwing on July 8th, 2014, 5:56 pm

XP Award!

Name: Raien Ironarm Pitrius

XP Award:
  • Land Navigation +1
  • Observation +5
  • Negotiation +1
  • Socialization +5
  • Rhetoric +1

  • Lost? Ask For Directions!
  • Lhavit: The Azure Market
  • Barbarus and Killer: Isurian Merchant And Dog Duo
  • Using Isur Heritage to Gain Barabarus’s Kindness
  • Studded Leather Armor: Leather Armor With A Thin Layer Of Steel
  • Barabarus’s Wares: Quality, As To Be Expected From An Isur

I did not even know there was an Azure Market Inflation… anyways, please deduct your expenses from your ledger, don’t forget the 2kina you gave to the woman in your first post. :)

The thread itself was quite the read, a well-written shopping thread. I liked it, Raien. Good work!
Also… I do indeed a fair bit of grading, but that’s why I am a grader ;) It’s all for you guys. I am not alone though, don’t forget Tricks and Catastrophe!

Please edit or delete your request in the request thread.
Comments, questions or concerns regarding your grade? Pm me.

Credit goes to Ollic
Fighting Style and Techniques

Credit for this awesome sig goes to Estrellir Konrath
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