1st of Summer, 5 1 4 AV
Glancing down, eyes locked somewhat untrustingly on the decently-sized, sun-stained, piece of parchment in his hand. Raien found himself hardly hopeful, confused as he looked at the map, trying desperately to regain his bearings, for what must have been the twentieth or thirtieth time.
Walking forward, hitting dead ends, and nearly running into the many cliff walls surrounding the plaza, simply because he wasn't looking where he was going. Raien began to wonder, not for the first time, and most likely not for the last. Whether or not the map dealer had simply sold him the doodle of some uneducated and obviously sadistic child. Well, perhaps it would have been the dealer who was sadistic…
Still, it hardly mattered; he couldn't tell one corner from the next either way, he could’ve sworn he’d passed the building off to his right at least two times prior. And frankly, he was getting tired, running out of patience relatively quickly.
“Damn” He thought rubbing his eyes. “I start tomorrow; I can’t show up on my first day in this. Hell if the old man doesn’t kill me, with my luck I’ll probably be stabbed anyway…” He shivered at that thought; he’d been stabbed before, not many times, but enough to make him not want to rehash the experience. “Yea, I’ll keep looking till I find some kind of armor. Even if I have to ask one of the loc-“ Raien suddenly stopped walking, and looked up, a dumbfounded visage spread across his face. “Damn that’s it, the locales! How in Yahal’s glory didn’t I think of it before?”
Newfound plan in mind, Raien rushed over quickly to the nearest street stroller he saw. In his excitement nearly knocking the thin brunet woman over as they both rushed to stop, her realizing some lunatic was about to pill into her and had no intention of stopping. And him realizing he was going to knock her down…
Indeed, in retrospect he could’ve contained his excitement just a wee bit better. The look on the startled woman’s face, obviously showing she was rather frightened… Hell, she was really frightened. “But wh-“ Raien’s eyes were drifting down to his belt before his thought was even complete in his own mind. “Random foreign sword wielding man, runs right up to her… Of course she’s a little worried.”
Still, by the time he’d realized what was going on, he was afraid he was going to have to clamp his hand over her mouth, if only to keep her from freaking out. Still, to her credit she simply asked, albeit a bit worriedly. “What exactly do you think you’re doing?” Aggravation was also plain in her voice, edged with just a little bit of anger. Raien raised an eyebrow, maybe he’d misinterpreted the look in her eye, she certainly didn’t act very afraid, and weren’t Lhavitians supposed to be well-tempered?
Raien had hardly put any thought into his expression, and was really only directing it at the situation, not the woman. He definitely didn’t mean any disrespect. Still, picking up on it rather quickly, the now noticeably calmer woman looked at him, an equally as puzzled look coming over her somewhat delicate features. “Do you even speak common? I asked you a question, you can’t just go about waving people down on the street and expect them t-“
Raien cut her off, fearing that if he let her continue he risked entertaining a full blown rant. “Maim, I speak very little, but that’s beside the point, I meant no disrespect, I was... Exited that’s all..” Even he knew how odd and idiotic that sounded, excited about what? Tackling random citizens? Still nevertheless he continued. “I just need a little help, I’m afraid I might be misplaced.” Misplaced? Was that the right word, damn common was far too different from his native tongue, far too wordy.
The woman simply looked at him for a moment; it was her turn to raise an eyebrow. “Exited and misplaced? Yes, I do believe you look like the type to allow one to follow the other. Still, I have little time I’m afraid, perhaps I might help one whom was a little more formal, perhaps someone who walks up to people politely instead off… Well, whatever that little display was.” The woman moved to brush aside a speechless Raien, obviously done with the conversation.
“Wait! I just need you to point me somewhere.” Raien called out to her, trying to think of some way to salvage the current situation. “I could pay you.” That last part came out before he really knew what he was saying, brought out by shock and misplaced desperation, “pay her”, for what? Why the hell did he say that, he could’ve just asked someone else? Still, the damage was done, the woman slowed a bit, before stopping entirely, letting out a long sigh as she turned to face him once more. “Two copper kina” She said, as she began her walk back over to him, shaking her head.
Before he could agree or disagree, even before he could think of how he could get out of this situation, she there was beside him, looking at the marked spot on his map. “The Azure Market?” She asked “Why that’s right over there, to the right, you were just about to pass by it actually." A knowing look slowly overcame her face. "You’re really not from around here are you?” He really didn’t know what to say, obviously rather overwhelmed. “Nevermind I don’t really care, like I said I’m quite busy today, in fact I think I might be late for my next appointment, just give me the kina so I can go.”
Raien knew the damage was done, he’d given his word, part of it anyway.. She’d done what he’d asked, and even while he didn’t agree on the price, it really wasn’t that much was it? Regardless he felt as if he had some form of commitment to pay it, at least now that she had showed him where the market was. Jaw clenched, and without a word, Raien dug from out of his coinpurse and handed over the Lhavitian currency.
The girl gave him one last puzzled look. And couldn't help but throwing one more insult. “You’re an odd one aren't you? Anyway thanks, a little extra coin always comes in handy. Even if its from "odd" places or people.” And with that she was gone.
Leaving a speechless Raien simply standing there, looking around to make sure no one had seen that whole dreadfully embarrassing ordeal, he had very much played the part of the foolish tourist, even if he had been in Lhavit for nearly half a year. Hell, maybe he wasn’t acting, he couldn’t even find the market.
Still, deciding if anyone did see it, standing out in the open would only further damage his reputation. Raien set off towards where she had pointed, not so overwhelmed as before, and most certainly relived that he could actually get something done today. “It was only two kina anyway right?”
Glancing down, eyes locked somewhat untrustingly on the decently-sized, sun-stained, piece of parchment in his hand. Raien found himself hardly hopeful, confused as he looked at the map, trying desperately to regain his bearings, for what must have been the twentieth or thirtieth time.
Walking forward, hitting dead ends, and nearly running into the many cliff walls surrounding the plaza, simply because he wasn't looking where he was going. Raien began to wonder, not for the first time, and most likely not for the last. Whether or not the map dealer had simply sold him the doodle of some uneducated and obviously sadistic child. Well, perhaps it would have been the dealer who was sadistic…
Still, it hardly mattered; he couldn't tell one corner from the next either way, he could’ve sworn he’d passed the building off to his right at least two times prior. And frankly, he was getting tired, running out of patience relatively quickly.
“Damn” He thought rubbing his eyes. “I start tomorrow; I can’t show up on my first day in this. Hell if the old man doesn’t kill me, with my luck I’ll probably be stabbed anyway…” He shivered at that thought; he’d been stabbed before, not many times, but enough to make him not want to rehash the experience. “Yea, I’ll keep looking till I find some kind of armor. Even if I have to ask one of the loc-“ Raien suddenly stopped walking, and looked up, a dumbfounded visage spread across his face. “Damn that’s it, the locales! How in Yahal’s glory didn’t I think of it before?”
Newfound plan in mind, Raien rushed over quickly to the nearest street stroller he saw. In his excitement nearly knocking the thin brunet woman over as they both rushed to stop, her realizing some lunatic was about to pill into her and had no intention of stopping. And him realizing he was going to knock her down…
Indeed, in retrospect he could’ve contained his excitement just a wee bit better. The look on the startled woman’s face, obviously showing she was rather frightened… Hell, she was really frightened. “But wh-“ Raien’s eyes were drifting down to his belt before his thought was even complete in his own mind. “Random foreign sword wielding man, runs right up to her… Of course she’s a little worried.”
Still, by the time he’d realized what was going on, he was afraid he was going to have to clamp his hand over her mouth, if only to keep her from freaking out. Still, to her credit she simply asked, albeit a bit worriedly. “What exactly do you think you’re doing?” Aggravation was also plain in her voice, edged with just a little bit of anger. Raien raised an eyebrow, maybe he’d misinterpreted the look in her eye, she certainly didn’t act very afraid, and weren’t Lhavitians supposed to be well-tempered?
Raien had hardly put any thought into his expression, and was really only directing it at the situation, not the woman. He definitely didn’t mean any disrespect. Still, picking up on it rather quickly, the now noticeably calmer woman looked at him, an equally as puzzled look coming over her somewhat delicate features. “Do you even speak common? I asked you a question, you can’t just go about waving people down on the street and expect them t-“
Raien cut her off, fearing that if he let her continue he risked entertaining a full blown rant. “Maim, I speak very little, but that’s beside the point, I meant no disrespect, I was... Exited that’s all..” Even he knew how odd and idiotic that sounded, excited about what? Tackling random citizens? Still nevertheless he continued. “I just need a little help, I’m afraid I might be misplaced.” Misplaced? Was that the right word, damn common was far too different from his native tongue, far too wordy.
The woman simply looked at him for a moment; it was her turn to raise an eyebrow. “Exited and misplaced? Yes, I do believe you look like the type to allow one to follow the other. Still, I have little time I’m afraid, perhaps I might help one whom was a little more formal, perhaps someone who walks up to people politely instead off… Well, whatever that little display was.” The woman moved to brush aside a speechless Raien, obviously done with the conversation.
“Wait! I just need you to point me somewhere.” Raien called out to her, trying to think of some way to salvage the current situation. “I could pay you.” That last part came out before he really knew what he was saying, brought out by shock and misplaced desperation, “pay her”, for what? Why the hell did he say that, he could’ve just asked someone else? Still, the damage was done, the woman slowed a bit, before stopping entirely, letting out a long sigh as she turned to face him once more. “Two copper kina” She said, as she began her walk back over to him, shaking her head.
Before he could agree or disagree, even before he could think of how he could get out of this situation, she there was beside him, looking at the marked spot on his map. “The Azure Market?” She asked “Why that’s right over there, to the right, you were just about to pass by it actually." A knowing look slowly overcame her face. "You’re really not from around here are you?” He really didn’t know what to say, obviously rather overwhelmed. “Nevermind I don’t really care, like I said I’m quite busy today, in fact I think I might be late for my next appointment, just give me the kina so I can go.”
Raien knew the damage was done, he’d given his word, part of it anyway.. She’d done what he’d asked, and even while he didn’t agree on the price, it really wasn’t that much was it? Regardless he felt as if he had some form of commitment to pay it, at least now that she had showed him where the market was. Jaw clenched, and without a word, Raien dug from out of his coinpurse and handed over the Lhavitian currency.
The girl gave him one last puzzled look. And couldn't help but throwing one more insult. “You’re an odd one aren't you? Anyway thanks, a little extra coin always comes in handy. Even if its from "odd" places or people.” And with that she was gone.
Leaving a speechless Raien simply standing there, looking around to make sure no one had seen that whole dreadfully embarrassing ordeal, he had very much played the part of the foolish tourist, even if he had been in Lhavit for nearly half a year. Hell, maybe he wasn’t acting, he couldn’t even find the market.
Still, deciding if anyone did see it, standing out in the open would only further damage his reputation. Raien set off towards where she had pointed, not so overwhelmed as before, and most certainly relived that he could actually get something done today. “It was only two kina anyway right?”