When Eda sat down, Kayiri leaned back in his seat, folding his arms back over his chest. A laugh left his lips yet again-- he loved to laugh-- as she commented on how they always met when she was wandering the city bored. A glance was shot her way, along with a playful wink and comment. "Maybe I'm just a gift from the Gods to alleviate your boredom," a slightly flirtatious tone was in his voice, although it was most likely satirical. He had noticed the blushing, after all. How could he resist antagonizing his friend ever so slightly about it? An elbow nudged her arm, as he laughed once more.
Then, his attention shifted back to Raylin and her comment. Castes. Like, cast iron? Casting dice? He had never heard the word cast used by itself before. Odd, very odd indeed. The man furrowed his brow as he watched the woman. Was it a word for the social structure she mentioned slight further on? What was a dek? A Nursery? Was a Nursery a place where nurses were trained?
Kayiri had simply never been exposed to these words before. They were foreign to him. The Drykas did not have nurseries, or castes, or Dek, and therefore, they must not be important in the slightest-- especially to him. "Working is what makes society run, what allows us to live and thrive," Kayiri commented, dismissing his chain of thought on the words and their meanings. "Besides, brawling can not be as deadly as creatures that match the speed of our striders, with talons and beaks made of razor-sharp glass. Cliffs can never compare to the dangers of the flash floods and sudden storms of the Sea. Cliffs only claim the lives of those that are foolish enough to fall off of them, while storms claim the lives of any whom are there when Zulrav becomes enraged. They strike without warning, and without regard for strength of arms or wisdom of the mind." Ignorant and racist. Yep, living in a society on the other side of the world from another *definitely* did that.