by Jilitse on November 12th, 2010, 2:34 am
9th of Fall, 510 AV
Jilitse, worn and torn from her previous encounter with those that wished to steal her treasure, decided that it was best to grant Stitch the space that he had requested. The Nuit wasn't entirely receptive of the man's anger, but she decided that it was best to leave humans alone for the mean time. Attachment and camaraderie could lead to serious relationships that the Nuit was cold and impersonal about most of the time. Not that Jilitse was incapable of love, but she was not exactly a sponge for emotions. Brief outbursts of anger and illogical emotions do not register with her. She needed to bide her time to reflect on things, to understand herself better.
Li Mauta was a place she had often wanted to visit, but never really done so. She had heard of the Nuit who once sat in the Council of Syliras, who had been around a long, long time. Benoit Grivin was probably the only being in Syliras who could help Jilitse understand what living with humans meant. It was time to meet him.
It wasn't so hard to meet with the great smokestack that towered in the distance. She decided to knock on the door and ask for an audience, "If I may intrude upon your hospitality, I am currently looking for a place to work and stay."
If Benoit Grivin grants her audience, she would greet the Nuit and introduce herself. "My name is Jilitse, I am a Nuit who has been in Syliras since last Summer. I have heard that Li Mauta was run by a Nuit, and have decided that it would be in my best interest to become your apprentice."
Uncalled for, but she decided to unburden herself more than necessary, "I used to stay at the orphanage, but I have decided to leave. I had a falling out with the owner, and it would be better if I stay away from him and the children for now." Her face was straight, her voice flat, but even another Nuit such as Benoit would probably get hints from the underlying message Jilitse brought forth. There had been small rumors about the Welcome Home burning, whispers about the blind man and a Nuit. Jilitse was hoping that Benoit would understand where she came from.
I. Vox Populi, Vox DeiII. The Night the Watchtowers CriedI am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common woman with common thoughts and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough.