Balian's Plotnote

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This forum is an OOC forum for PCS and Organizations to work out plans in hardcopy. Each PC or Organization gets a single thread where their players can help work out plans for their PC. Quests, mini-sagas, and Trips can all be organized here as well working out timelines and points of travel and things PCs need to do along the way. Each PC however gets only one Plotnote for their individual PC. Groups get one as well. There is no limit on individuals posting saga or trip plotnote threads. Please denote [PC Plotnotes] or [Group Plotnotes] or [Quest/Trip/Saga Plotnotes] when titling your threads.

Balian's Plotnote

Postby Balian Martell on July 13th, 2014, 5:00 am

Knightly Skills
- Weapon: Bastard Sword 8/30 Summer goal: competent
- Riding: Horse: 15/30 Summer goal: competent
- Weapon: Longbow 22/30 Summer goal: Competent
- Weapon: Daggers 0/30 Summer goal: Novice

Ranger Skills
- Tracking 15/30 Summer goal: competent
- Hunting 11/30 Summer goal: competent
- Wilderness Survival 5/30 Summer goal: competent
- Land Navigation 1/30
- Falconry 0/30
- Bird keeping 0/30
- Running 1/30
- Acrobatics 1/30
- Animal Husbandry 0/30

Balian has almost no knowledge of magic, only that it exists. He has no interest in it, nor does he plan to learn any. This may of course change in the future. That being said, The following are magics that I see Balian being interested in and be beneficial to his character.
- Morphing
- Maladiction
- Reinmancy 0/25


Having limited knowledge of the gods Balians interest in religion extends so far as what is required by the Order. He pays his respects and follows the tenants of the Patron Gods of the knights, but more out of duty than any sort of devotion. The gods that he does now off, while noble, simply do not speak to him. Any god that manages to do so would find a loyal follower.

Short Term Goals

- Train his knightly skills enough so to earn respect amongst the order and not be completely useless
- Develop his wilderness skills
- Travel to Riverfall
- Explore Riverfall and the surrounding area

Long Term Goals

- Take the knighting Quest
- Extend his area of exploration
- Become a full Ranger, whether of the Knights of Syliras or not.

Planned Threads

Feel Free to PM me if you want to participate in any of these or if you have any ideas of your own.

- Supplies
Seeing as how his equipment is being recalled by the order before his trip to Riverfall, Balian is determined to replace it with items more to his style.

- Flashback: Lessons Learned
Going back to a time before joining the order, Balian and his father Gottfried take a quick hunting trip through the fields near the outpost.

- Sword Play
While on the road to Riverfall, Balian practices his sword handling skill with his Knight.

- Bullseye
While not on active duty acting as escort, Balian sets off for the day on a hunt to see what he can bring back to the caravan.
Last edited by Balian Martell on June 2nd, 2017, 9:44 am, edited 18 times in total.
To hunt, you need to know your prey just as well as you know yourself
Balians Wilderness Journal
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Balian Martell
The young hunter
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Balian's Plotnote

Postby Balian Martell on October 8th, 2014, 7:14 pm

Patron Knight: (WIP)

Name: Borr Ulrin


Weapon: Battle Axe - 42
Weapon: Hand Axe - 36
Weapon: SHort Bow - 39
Riding: Horse - 43
Wilderness Survival - 45
Teaching - 37
Tracking - 34

Borr Ulrin is a burly man..He takes great pride in his beard, which extends to his neck and is kept braided along the sides. With strong muscles and a wide girth, he strikes an imposing figure often times being likened to a great bear. He is however quite jovial; fond of drink and quick with a joke, he takes joy in feasting and merrymaking. He can often be found smoking his favorite pipeweed; dark ba’tae, or if it cannot be found he has been known to settle for Cyphirian or Syrliran Tabacco.

His Jolly demeanor should not be misinterpreted however; he is a fearsome fighter, using his battleaxe to great effect, and he takes both his position as a knight and the duty to those placed underneath him seriously. His training methods have been known to be somewhat unorthodox, the squires placed underneath him sometimes swearing that his exercises are more for his own amusement than their benefit, but he has yet to see a squire fail the knighting quest and he has remained good friends with them all.
To hunt, you need to know your prey just as well as you know yourself
Balians Wilderness Journal
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Balian Martell
The young hunter
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Animal Companions

Postby Balian Martell on December 10th, 2014, 10:19 pm

I want an animal companion!

Either a hunting dog/wolf, or a bird of pray.

Here I a thought: why not both!
To hunt, you need to know your prey just as well as you know yourself
Balians Wilderness Journal
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Balian Martell
The young hunter
Posts: 193
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